Unwrapped – Brides of the Kindred Read Online Evangeline Anderson

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 127
Estimated words: 121146 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 606(@200wpm)___ 485(@250wpm)___ 404(@300wpm)

“Oh my Goddess, have we really?” a second voice replied in an excited, breathy whisper.

“Yes, my child, but you and your worshippers must come quietly,” the voice answered. “We must not rouse the whole dormitory.”

By this time Celia was awake enough to identify the voices. The first one belonged to La’ver’na and the second was most definitely Sess’ely.

There were shuffling sounds like people getting out of bed and then the muted tap-tap-tapping of many hooves on the wooden floor.

Going to be one with the Mother Tree? Celia frowned and shook her head, trying to clear the sleep-cobwebs from her mind. This seemed like a bad thing for some reason but at first she didn’t know why.

“Come quietly now,” she heard La’ver’na murmuring. “We must not wake anyone on our way to Fifth Branch.”

Fifth Branch?

Suddenly Celia was completely awake. She remembered their own trip to Fifth Branch and the horrible huge room they had seen there—the walls filled with people entombed inside the Mother Tree, being slowly digested forever.

“Madre de Dios!” she whispered to herself in horror. Then she leaned over Fierce and began to shake him by the shoulder.

“Huh? Wha—?” he muttered sleepily.

“Shhh!” Celia clapped a hand over his mouth and leaned down to whisper in his ear. “Wake up! Something bad is happening—but be quiet!” she added.

The Dark Twin sat bolt upright, his eyes glowing in the dark.

“What the fuck?” he growled softly.

But Celia was already leaning over Hold and waking him the same way.

“Wake up but be quiet,” she whispered in his ear. “Hurry, Hold!”

The Light Twin sat up as well, blinking owlishly.

“What’s wrong, my lady?” he murmured, his eyes also glowing.

“It’s Sess’ely and her brothers, er—her worshippers,” Celia whispered to them. “La’ver’na has just taken them all up to Fifth Branch to become ‘one with the Mother Tree!’”

“Fifth Branch? Fuck!” Fierce’s eyes grew wide.

“Goddess help them all.” Hold sounded grim. “We know what happens up there.”

“Yes, we do and we’ve got to stop it!” Celia exclaimed.

“Stop it? How?” Fierce demanded in a low voice. “They took our weapons and they outnumber us. Plus, Sess’ely and her ‘worshippers’ are all committing incest on the regular. I say they’re fucked.”

“That’s not fair!” Celia argued. “La’ver’na forced them into that twisted relationship they’re in! And now she’s going to kill them because of it!”

“It does seem unfair,” Hold agreed. “We should try and help them, Brother.”

Fierce threw up his hands.

“All right—I still say it’s a fucking bad idea but guess I’m outnumbered.”

“Yes, you are,” Celia said firmly. “You two Claimed me tonight which means we’re in a relationship now. Which further means we need to all be on the same page.”

“Fine—we’ll go see if we can keep them from being eaten by the fucking tree,” the Dark Twin growled. “Though how we’re going to manage without our weapons, I don’t fucking know.”

“We’re trained warriors, Brother,” Hold pointed out. “I’m sure we can think of something.”

“Hurry up!” Celia was nearly dancing with impatience. “We have to get to them before La’ver’na feeds them to the Mother Tree!”

But sneaking out of the dormitory was easier said than done. Because at that moment, they heard the tap-tap-tap of hooves approaching.

“That must be Ger’tha!” Celia hissed. “Quick—both of you suck my nipples!”

They laid back down in the bed in a hurry and Hold started licking her left nipple while Fierce sucked her right deep into his hot mouth.

“Oh….ohhhh!” Celia moaned. Looping her arms around their necks, she ran her fingers through their hair. “Oh yes, suck me!” she moaned even louder. “Take my pleasure drops!”

The curtain at the front of their bed was twitched to one side and she saw Ger’tha standing there, wearing what looked like a long, woolly bathrobe.

“Whatever is going on?” the unicorn woman demanded.

“Oh, uh—just giving…giving my worshippers my pleasure drops,” Celia panted. She didn’t have to fake her sexual excitement—both the Light and Dark Twin were sucking her tender peaks into their hot mouths, making her writhe between them.

“Well, I’m glad your pleasure drops finally came in, but you need to be a little quieter about it,” Ger’tha lectured. “You woke me from a sound sleep and you’ll wake the rest of the dormitory too if you’re not quieter.”

“Sorry,” Celia whispered. “I…I’ll try to keep it down.”

“See that you do—I’m going back to bed.” And with a final disapproving look, the Guardian of Recruits shut the curtain and tap-tapped away.

As soon as the sound of her hooves on the wooden floor faded, Hold stopped, releasing the nipple he’d been sucking and sat up in bed again. Fierce, however, seemed extremely into what he was doing. Not only was he still sucking Celia’s nipple deep and hard, his big, warm hand was moving over her thigh to cup her suddenly wet pussy. Before she could stop him, he was pressing two thick fingers deep inside her, making her gasp and arch her back.


