Until Midnight Read Online ChaShiree M, M.K. Moore

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Insta-Love Tags Authors: ,

Total pages in book: 17
Estimated words: 15776 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 79(@200wpm)___ 63(@250wpm)___ 53(@300wpm)

Molly calls everyone to the table and sure enough Connor is there.

I greet my parents, getting big hugs from them before turning back to the table. While I was getting my hugs, the table filled up.

Adjusting my glasses, I sit down in the only free chair. Of course, it’s right by Connor. Thanks, Mama. To say that I hate this man would be an understatement.

“How are you doing, Hilly Milly?” he asks, calling me by the nickname the football team gave me in high school. See, I’ve always been a bigger girl. I, personally, love the way I look, but pretty much everyone in school tried to make me feel like shit about it. The more I ignored them the more they did it, but I wasn’t about to appear weak just because my thighs touch and tits are huge.

“Don’t fucking call me that, Connor,” I seethe. I hate, hate, hate this man.

“Don’t be like that, Mills. When you’re my wife you’ll learn to speak with better manners,” he says squeezing my knee painfully under the table. I grab his wrist, bending it backward just like my brothers taught me to do.

“Don’t touch me, asshat.”

“I can’t wait to break you in, Mills. Just you wait.”

For the rest of the meal, I say nothing to him. After lunch, my dad calls me into his study. He likes to intimidate people, so there are no chairs across from his desk for people to sit in. Every time I come in here, I feel like a little girl about to be grounded because I didn’t finish my green beans. I stand there for a long time. He’s shuffling through papers, basically ignoring me. I know whatever he’s about to say, I’m going to hate it.

“You wanted to see me, Dad?” I finally ask after five minutes of shuffling my feet.

“Your mother and I are announcing your engagement on January 10th at the stockholder’s meeting.”

“To Connor?” I sputter, indignantly. My mind is racing. I have to get out of here. Where can I run to so that I don’t have to marry this man?

“Of course. Who else are we merging with, if not the Forsythe’s.”

“But I don’t want to marry him,” I say.

“You’ll do this for your family, Millicent May Huxley. We need this merger.”

“So you’re pimping me out to that walking STD?”

“Don’t be so dramatic and crass, Millie. You’ll learn to love him.”

“I don’t want to learn to love someone. I want to fall in love, and I want to be the only woman in my husband’s bed. I won’t get that with him,” I spit.

“Grow up, Millie. Men stray.”

“Bullshit,” I say, cursing in front of him for the first time. “You don’t. Mikey and Steve don’t. Do you hate me or something?”

“Of course not, princess. I love you, of course I do. Your mother does too.” I didn’t want to cry, but I can’t seem to help the tears that are coursing down my cheeks.

“They why are you punishing me? Connor will stray before the ink dries on our marriage license.”

“He’s assured me that he won’t.”

“You’re more gullible than I am if you believe that, dad.”

With that, I turn and leave the room. Molly is waiting by the front door with my purse and a handful of tissues.

Silently, I kiss her cheek again, take my stuff, and walk out to my car. As soon as I’m inside, I pull my phone out and call Gladis before I change my mind. If I have to marry that asshole, there is no way in hell I’m going into that a virgin, not that I’d ever sleep with him, but I’m not stupid. I wouldn’t stray from my marriage, even if I didn’t want it. Why can’t I tell my parents to fuck off like I know I need to?

“Hey, girlie. What’s up?”

“Go ahead and set me up,” I say, sniffling.

“What’s wrong? Are you sure?”

“I’ve never been surer of anything in my life.”

“It’s done. Give me a couple of hours.”

We hang up and I pray that I didn’t just make a huge mistake.

chapter two

Malcolm Porter

Dear God help me. “Are you listening to me, Malcolm?” My mom’s screeching voice makes me sit up like she is in the room with me. No matter how much money I amass and how successful I am, my mom can make me feel like a little kid.

“Yes, Mother. I hear you.”

“Well good, because your father and I are not getting any younger and we would like grandchildren. Preferably ones with good breeding on both sides.” Rolling my eyes, I look up and grab the bridge of my nose, annoyed and unable to do anything. “Now, there is a nice young lady…” And this is where I stop her.

“Stop. Do not say another word, Mother.” She gasps audibly at my tone, and I immediately feel regret, but I cannot let this become another bridal parade. “I love you and you know it. But, I am a grown man and I do not and will not abide by you sending throes of women, ones that have nothing to offer me, I might add in front of my face. I will find a wife. If I want one and when I want one. Do we have an understanding Mother?” silence greets me before she clears her throat.


