Until I Get You Read Online Claire Contreras

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, College, Contemporary, Dark, New Adult, Sports Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 169
Estimated words: 162138 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 811(@200wpm)___ 649(@250wpm)___ 540(@300wpm)

After the party, I’d brought her and Marissa home, walked them to the door, and managed to leave. I went straight home to take care of the situation in my pants. I couldn’t even remember the last time I’d gone home to jerk off. I was certain that Lyla James was just as affected by me as I was by her. After last night, no amount of scowling or glares from her would convince me otherwise, not after tonight. We lay silent for a while, and I took a moment to look around her room.

“This isn’t what I expected,” I said against her hair.

She smelled like gardenias. I’d always associated the scent with the flowers my father sent my mother on her birthday each year. Now, it would forever remind me of Lyla.

“Kissing me wasn’t what you expected?” She pulled back to look at me.

Her eyes were so expressive right now. So fucking incredible. I kissed her again softly, quickly, so I didn’t lose my train of thought.

“Your room.” I nudged the tip of her nose with mine.

I wanted to tell her that kissing her felt inexplicable. Like magic. But I didn’t want to push it. Not yet.

“What did you expect?” She laughed lightly. I closed my eyes to relish it, wishing I could bottle it up.

“I don’t know. Black walls. Spiders. Weird shit.”

She pulled back again, mouth agape, and slapped my chest. “Rude.”

“I’m just saying.” I couldn’t help but laugh as we settled back onto the bed with her head on my chest.

“It was originally dark green, almost black, but Marissa painted it this color while I was away.”

“Away where?”

“Away may not be the correct term,” she said. “I roomed with my teammates the first year and a half here, then moved back home for a year, and finally moved here.”

“Is that why I’d never seen you around?”

“Maybe,” she said. “That and I took mostly online classes. I didn’t even see Prescott for a while, so I couldn’t have seen you either.”

My hands had been leisurely moving up and down her arm until she said his name. The feeling I had in the center of my chest when I was with her was unnatural, but it didn’t scare me. The fact that it didn’t scare me should have scared me, but it didn’t. Lyla made me want to break my rules about kissing and monogamous relationships. Hell, maybe even sleepovers. Okay, maybe I was a little scared. This was the last thing I should be doing with the number of things on my plate–the upcoming draft, and the final games we had to win, for starters. I really didn’t have time to explore this right now. I also knew I couldn’t afford not to.

I scanned her room again and focused on two pictures that stood out amongst the rest — one was her and a woman that I assumed was her mother; the other was her in a jersey and a guy wearing a baseball uniform. High school, I assumed. They were both sweaty and smiling wide at the camera — that smile of hers that had never been directed at me. I didn’t know who he was, and it didn’t matter. I still hated him. I wanted that fucking smile.

The bed shifted, as she sat up and straddled me. My dick was now about-to-explode-out-of-my joggers hard. I wondered if she could feel it underneath her baggy Foo Fighters shirt and sweatpants. She rocked against it and bit her lip, and holy shit, that answered my question. I grabbed her hips to stop her from doing it again. There were at least three layers of clothing between her pussy and my dick, more clothes than I’d ever had between myself and a woman on a bed. Right now, those layers were the only thing keeping me from impaling her. I took a mental snapshot of her on top of me. She didn’t have any makeup on, and her hair was in one of those messy buns that looked messier than it did cute. Her clothes were too big and hid her incredible figure, but none of that mattered.

She could have been a green alien and she still would have been the hottest woman to ever have been on top of me. She gyrated her hips again and leaned down to bite my bottom lip. My dick jumped; I knew she felt it when she moaned into my mouth. My heart was beating so fast, I was sure I’d die either from the embarrassment of coming in my pants or from the heart attack she was sure to give me.

“Lyla.” My hands went to her waist to stop her movement.

“What?” She set her hands on my chest and pushed herself back up as she ground her hips again, her eyes full of mischief.


