Undone (Double D Ranch #1) Read Online Jeanne St. James

Categories Genre: BDSM, Erotic, M-M Romance Tags Authors: Series: Double D Ranch Series by Jeanne St. James

Total pages in book: 94
Estimated words: 91288 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 456(@200wpm)___ 365(@250wpm)___ 304(@300wpm)

That was bullshit. “Not even hers?”

With a shake of his head, Dylan flipped the lock and ordered, “Get cleaned up, then free up this room as soon as possible,” before walking out and shutting the door.

Since his question wasn’t actually answered, Ford decided he wouldn’t lie to Erin. If she asked—and he knew she would—he would tell her the truth about what happened. He wouldn’t be surprised if he had several texts from her already on his phone.

The quiet of the empty playroom surrounded him, only leaving him with his thoughts and his raging hard-on.

He could wait until it went down on its own, or…

He could solve the problem himself in a more enjoyable way.

After shaking out his arms to make sure they were usable, he lifted his torso carefully and once again twisted his neck so see the mess Dylan left behind.

He reached back and scooped up what he could in his palm. After bringing his hand in front of his face, he stared at Dylan’s cum, then rolled over and sat up.

With his empty hand, he gently pulled his balls up to inspect for damage.

With relief, he saw the coloring wasn’t too scary and it was quickly going back to normal. Now, to see if they still functioned as designed…

Keeping one hand cupped around his poor balls, he slid his other up and down his hard length, effectively spreading Dylan’s cum all over his cock.

Then he used that cum as a lubricant to do a little self-help.

He closed his eyes and let his imagination take over with Dylan straddling Ford’s hips and impaling himself on Ford’s cock.

Over and over...

And over.

Releasing his sack, he collared the root of his erection using his thumb and forefinger and continued to pump his fist.

“That’s it,” he whispered, forgetting where he was, forgetting what just happened. Hoping that one day soon his fantasy would be a reality.

Ford squeezed his cock tight while pumping it with his fist, driving himself right to that delicious edge. The one he rode the whole time Dylan was fucking him.

But this time, he lost his balance and slipped over the side.

Oh yeah, his balls were working just fine.

He opened his eyes to see the cum trail on his stomach. He smeared his hand through it, mixing what was left of Dylan’s cum with his own.

And smiled.

Erin found him in the barn with a curry comb in hand and a horse cross-tied in the breezeway.

When the gelding threw his head restlessly, Dylan stopped currying long enough to pat the dark bay’s flank and murmur, “Easy, boy. We’re almost through here.”

When the horse side-stepped, Dylan did the same so he wouldn’t get his toes crushed. “What’s bothering you?”

Erin finished heading through the open barn doors and into the breezeway. “Is it me?”

Dylan’s head whipped around, and he quickly masked the surprise on his face. “Not sure.” With a jerk of his head, he indicated she should move closer. “Let’s see.”

“Will he bite?”

“Only if you taste good,” Dylan teased softly, moving to the front of the horse and holding his halter to keep him still.

“What’s his name?”


“Does he act like one?”

“Too often,” Dylan answered dryly.

She stroked Rebel’s head, even though he kept throwing it like he was impatient. “What is he?”

“Thoroughbred. He must have sucked on the track since he ended up at the New Holland auction.”

“Where you swooped in like a hero to rescue him?”

“I can only hope I saved him from ending up in a bag.”

She brushed her fingers over his velvety-soft nose. “A bag?”

“Of dog food.”

Erin grimaced. “Has he thanked you yet?”

“Sure. By bucking my ass off when he decided an evergreen looked like Sasquatch.”

Erin rolled her lips under.

“You can laugh,” Dylan invited.

She covered her mouth with her hand. “I shouldn’t.”

“I missed your laugh,” Dylan murmured.

Erin dropped her hand, her amusement now gone.

But before she could address his comment, a chunky black cat came out of nowhere to weave around Erin’s ankles, head butt her shins and meow loudly for attention. “Another rescue?”

Dylan shook his head. “Not that one. She was one of my father’s barn cats.”

Erin squatted down and scratched her under the chin. “What’s her name?”


Erin glanced up with a frown. She knew it was a cat. “Yes, but what’s the cat’s name?”


It finally hit her… “The cat’s name is Cat?”

“Every barn cat’s name was Cat. Dad didn’t consider them pets, they were employed as rodent catchers.”

After running her hand down the feline’s arched back one last time, she stood. “Makes sense.”

“Sure, if you think so.”

“You don’t?”

Dylan shrugged.

“Then, give her a better name,” she suggested.

“She answers to it.”

“How many cats are here on the property?”

“Five and three of them are named Cat.”

Erin giggled. “That’s crazy. Is it like Thing 1, Thing 2 and Thing 3?”

“It’s Cat, Cat and Cat. No numbers needed. Like any typical cat, they only pay attention when they feel like it.”


