Undone (Double D Ranch #1) Read Online Jeanne St. James

Categories Genre: BDSM, Erotic, M-M Romance Tags Authors: Series: Double D Ranch Series by Jeanne St. James

Total pages in book: 94
Estimated words: 91288 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 456(@200wpm)___ 365(@250wpm)___ 304(@300wpm)

“Or accidentally walked in on them,” Dayne added.

“Shut your face!” Dani yelled. “Just the thought of that is causing me emotional damage!”

“Join the damn club!” Dayne exclaimed. “But thanks to you being unexpected, I think they gave it a break afterward. At least you were good for something.”

“They were probably too tired between running the farm and wrangling three kids to keep up their bedroom antics,” Dylan murmured.

“Stop,” Dani groaned.

“We’re getting off track. What’s this cockamamie idea, brother?” Dayne asked.

He needed to ease them into it. “First, let’s discuss the farm name… We’ll change it from Double D Farm to Double D Ranch.”

Dani sighed. “See? Once again, I’m the forgotten one.”

“We’re not calling it Triple D Ranch. That doesn’t sound as catchy. Anyway, who cares what the hell it’s called? The point is to make this place profitable.”

Dayne’s brow dipped low. “Why ‘ranch?’ And didn’t we just outvote you two to one on the decision to sell?”

“Maybe you’ll reconsider your vote once I explain my idea.”

“We’re waiting,” Dayne said dryly.

Dylan pulled in a breath. It was now or never. “I want to turn this place into a ranch resort. I’m calling it that because ‘farm resort’ doesn’t make sense. We won’t be making money off livestock or breeding horses. We’ll make money off people looking for an escape, hence the resort part of the name. Dad constantly busted his ass and struggled to financially survive raising dairy cows and selling milk. We can make this property more profitable by turning it into a lucrative business.”

“An escape,” Dani echoed, then shook her head. “I’m confused. And it seems like you already have your plan mapped out before even clearing it with us.”

“It’s called a business proposal, so of course it’s mapped out.”

“I want to hear this so-called business proposal, sis.” Dayne turned to Dylan. “You’ve got my attention. What does this so-called lucrative business entail?”

“What sells?” Dylan asked them.

All he got from his siblings were confused looks.

“Come on!” He impatiently threw up his hands. “Sex! Sex sells! Pleasure. Pampering. Peace and quiet. Or even the opposite. Parties. Mixers. Whatever.”

Dani stared at him with wide hazel eyes and a gaping mouth. “What the hell are you talking about?”

It was time to let them know everything that had been swirling around in his head since their father died. Share the ideas that kept him up at night. The plans he’d been fleshing out for months. The business he’d been researching.

“Think about it. There are all-inclusive resorts on beautiful islands that cater to swingers. Around the world you can find plenty of BDSM clubs, strip clubs, sex clubs, sex shops and massage parlors. Why not do something along those lines, but different? Something unique. We can turn this farm into a resort for adults to relax or a place to play. Or both. A place to fulfill their desires with zero judgement. Guests can explore the ranch, as well as other guests. Want to go on a trail ride? Great. You want to ride the cock you spotted at the bonfire while making s’mores? That’s perfectly acceptable, too. Anything goes as long as the participants are consenting.”

“It doesn’t sound like you’re talking about some family-style dude ranch,” Dayne huffed.

“No. Plenty of those are readily available. Some even have adults-only weekends but not like what I’m thinking. We need to do something unique to corner a specific market. We’ll offer an escape no one else offers. A place where you’re free to do whatever with whomever and not be judged for your choices or your kinks. As long as they’re legal, of course.”

“You mean free to do whatever sexually,” Dayne summarized with a raised eyebrow.


“No holds barred?” His brother’s eyes now held a spark.

Dylan figured out of his two siblings, his twin would be the one to see some value in his idea. “As long as whoever you’re doing it with consents. That’s one rule that cannot and will not be broken.” They’d have zero tolerance for that. “I want all the guests to feel safe.”

Dani, still appearing shell-shocked, lifted a palm. “Hold on. You want to turn Dad’s farm into a sexual playground?”

“An all-inclusive, adults-only resort. Where the guests’ fantasies will be at their fingertips.” Dylan turned toward the lake and the spot he planned on putting up the main lodge. He swept his hands out saying, “Welcome to Double D Ranch, the adults-only ranch resort where your fantasies become reality. Unpack, unwind and get uninhibited.”

“Oh my God,” Dani whispered, pressing her fingers to her lips, “he already has a slogan.”

“Of course I do. I wouldn’t propose this idea to you two without it being thoroughly thought out first. Again, it’s a business proposal.”

Dani rolled her eyes at that.

“There’s that stick I thought went missing,” Dayne grumbled. “I figured it only disappeared farther up your ass.”


