Under an Endless Moon (Moonlit Ridge #2) Read Online A.L. Jackson

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Forbidden, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: Moonlit Ridge Series by A.L. Jackson

Total pages in book: 158
Estimated words: 154037 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 770(@200wpm)___ 616(@250wpm)___ 513(@300wpm)

She knew it all the way down to her soul that River did it for her. That he’d gotten swept into this life because it was the only way he’d been able to care for a child. Knew the rest of the guys had gotten here because it was the easiest way when you started out on the streets.

Aligning yourself with those who would have your back.

That didn’t mean Raven trusted any of the guys outside of her family, and her feet dragged in dread along the sidewalk while Haddie lifted her chin and sashayed right up to the door, sending the bouncer at the front a megawatt smile.

Raven’s throat thickened. God, this was so dumb and reckless.

The jacked-up, heavily tattooed guy eyed Haddie up and down, gaze lascivious. “You lost?”

“Nope. I found my way just fine. I’m Otto’s sister, and this is River’s sister, and we just wanted to pop in to say hi.”

Surprise filled the man’s expression, and he cocked his head to the side. “Neither of ’em are here.”

Haddie shrugged a casual, flirty shoulder. “That’s fine. We’ll just wait for them.”

“You got ID?”

She leaned in close to his ear, and Raven could barely make out what she said. “Do I look like I need ID to you? Come now, we all know who you work for, and you wouldn’t want to make any of them mad, would you?”

She pouted like she was concerned for him.

A puff of hot air left him, and he grunted as he said, “Go on in.”

Haddie spun back toward Raven, barely able to contain the squeal she clearly wanted to release, but there was no hiding the gleeful triumph on her face, before she turned back around and started into the raucous vibe of the bar.

Raven gulped for confidence, and reluctantly, she followed Haddie into the fray.

Inside, the ceiling was low, and dingy yellow lights glowed from the pendants that hung above the booths that lined the walls. The music was loud and drowning the voices that lifted in an attempt to be heard over the blare.

A handful of pool tables and round tables took up the middle, and a long bar ran the back wall.

A ton of people were packed inside. Men clad in the same leather cuts that her brother and his crew wore. Most of the women were dressed in leather and lace, though they had more skin showing than not.

Raven didn’t know if she wanted to gape or drop her stare when she saw a girl propped on the edge of a booth table with a man wound between her thighs.

Were they…?

Haddie grabbed her hand and tucked Raven against her as she whispered in her ear, “Can you believe we got in here? This is amazing. I told you it was going to work.”

Raven was too nervous to think it was amazing.

Too worried to even think about enjoying herself as Haddie towed her to two open stools at the bar. Warily, she sat, trying to adjust her skirt so she wouldn’t give everyone there a peek at her panties.

“What will it be?” A bartender with a long white beard tossed two cocktail napkins to the bar in front of them.

“Two gin and tonics, please,” Haddie answered before Raven had the chance to ask for a water.

Haddie gave her another winning smile when the guy turned and started making their drinks, and she leaned in and shouted so Raven could hear, “Relax. It’s going to be totally fine. Stop being such a fun sucker and loosen up a bit, would you?”

Raven took a deep breath and decided she might as well try since she was there anyway, and she took a sip of the drink the bartender set in front of her, trying not to make a face at the bitter taste.

Haddie giggled as she slurped at her straw. “Delicious, am I right?”

“Wrong. Totally wrong.” Raven drank a little more, anyway, deciding to fully let her worries drift.

Haddie stood from her stool, and she started shimmying her hips. “Come dance with me.”

Raven slipped off her stool, and Haddie threaded her fingers through Raven’s and lifted their hands high above them.

Raven had discovered she really did like to dance. Both with Otto who always goofed around with her, tossing her around like a ragdoll, and Haddie who never seemed to be able to sit still.

Raven let go, and the two of them danced like they normally did behind closed doors when they were messing around at one of their houses.

It only took a few minutes for Raven to be giggling.

“Admit it,” Haddie said. “You’re having a blast.”

Raven stuck her tongue out at her. “Fine, I’m having a blast. You always have to be right, don’t you?”

“Only if it means my bestie is wearing a smile like that…all while looking like a total fucking knockout.”


