Under an Endless Moon (Moonlit Ridge #2) Read Online A.L. Jackson

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Forbidden, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: Moonlit Ridge Series by A.L. Jackson

Total pages in book: 158
Estimated words: 154037 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 770(@200wpm)___ 616(@250wpm)___ 513(@300wpm)

Loving that she felt free with me.


Bold and abandoned.

“Will it make you happy, jacking me off with that sweet little hand?”

“Very happy.”

And fuck, there was nothing I could do but sit up on my knees so she could get a better grip. I helped her, curling my hand around hers and guiding her, showing her she didn’t have to be timid. “Like it hard, darlin’. Don’t be shy.”

Her tongue swept out on a needy exhalation. “Good because I think I like it hard, too.”

A punch of surprise hit me.

Shit, she was definitely going to do me in.

She tightened her hold, adding a second hand, and the two of us started pumping me hard and fast. In a flash, I was grunting, pleasure stalking up and down my spine as she drove me straight toward ecstasy.

Because I’m pretty sure that’s what she was.


A realm where I could never land.

I thrust into her hands. A fiend who would never get enough.

A twisted fuck who wanted to bury himself so deep inside her that I’d mark myself there forever.

“Raven…fuck…I’m gonna come.”

Nearly cried when she pulled one of those hands away, only she was peeling her tank all the way up, exposing her belly and bare tits.

Sight of them nearly knocked me the fuck out.

Part of me wanted to fixate on the fact I was getting a real look at them for the first time. Her dusky pink nipples peaked and primed for me to suck into my mouth.

But I got sidetracked.

Fury ripping through me when I saw the scars that marred the flesh of her stomach and hips. Uncountable circular burn marks that made me feel like I was the one standing in the flames.

But it was the mangled one on her side that turned my guts to ash, the tattoo cutting through it where it was stamped on her side.

I will make it to the sunrise.

Raven’s head shook on the pillow. No doubt, she knew exactly where my focus had gone. “Don’t, Otto. Don’t look at me that way. Look at me. At who I am. As a whole. As a person. As the woman who wants this with you.”

“I’ve always seen you, Raven.”

I’d just always wanted to protect that. Protect everything she was from me.

She pulled her shirt up even higher, and she lifted her ass from the bed. Begging me to mark her. The woman fisted me even tighter with her one hand that was still covered with mine. She had me captured by that gaze as she murmured, “Tell me you feel it, too, Otto. Let go, the way you asked me to.”

And fuck, bliss gathered fast, her touch and her boldness, her aura taking me whole.

A sweet fuckin’ moonflower.

It hit me like a landslide. A storm of pleasure.

I moaned as I jerked and spasmed, and Raven was writhing all over again, her eyes going wide with desire when I dumped myself on her flesh.

And maybe I’d known it all along, but I knew right then that I’d met my match.

This fucking gorgeous woman who was going to be the end of me. Because I wasn’t sure I would ever be able to let her go.



“Stay right there.” Otto’s voice was a rough scrape as he pushed back. He tucked himself back into his briefs, before he swung off me and slipped off the side of the bed.

While I struggled to breathe.

To push the air in and out of my jutting lungs and calm the violent race of my heart.

I watched him stride across his room and into the attached bathroom.

So beautiful in all his intimidation. Tall and wide and tatted. His butt and thick thighs flexed with each step that he took, and it nearly had me begging all over again.

My body twitched and jerked in tiny spasms while my mind whirled to wrap itself around what had just happened. My brain was having a hard time comprehending the shift. Accepting that it was real and not another one of the fantasies I’d given myself over to for so many years.

I listened to him shuffle around in the bathroom—the clatter of a cupboard and the run of water—while the truth of it sank down over me like an embrace.

Otto Hudson had touched me.

He’d touched me.

And I’d touched him.

And I hadn’t been afraid.

I hadn’t been afraid.

Truthfully, I didn’t think I would be. Every part of myself had believed that I’d feel safe.

This was Otto we were talking about.

The one man who’d ever been able to keep my demons at bay.

The one who saw.

The one who understood.

But God, I’d be a liar if I said there hadn’t been a small part of me that had been terrified that I’d freak out if one day he finally did.

Terrified that the anxiety would take over the rational.

If that had happened? There’d have been no chance that he would ever touch me again. The man was a protector to the extreme. He’d cut off his own hands before he’d dream of hurting me.


