Under an Endless Moon (Moonlit Ridge #2) Read Online A.L. Jackson

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Forbidden, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: Moonlit Ridge Series by A.L. Jackson

Total pages in book: 158
Estimated words: 154037 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 770(@200wpm)___ 616(@250wpm)___ 513(@300wpm)

I looked at the giant pile of shit that we needed to carry.

“At your service.” I ambled that way with Nolan still in my arms, kid wrestling around like he was trying to take me to the ground while my focus remained on Raven. She had on an oversized white tee with a unicorn printed on the front. The neck was stretched out and it draped over one shoulder, and she had the loose hem of it tucked into her shorts.

That buzz intensified the closer I got to her. “You think we have enough stuff for one afternoon?” I asked, arching a cynical brow.

She gave me an innocent look. “Don’t judge me, Otto.”

Couldn’t judge her. Not ever. Not when I sure as hell didn’t have the right.

A week had passed since I’d stepped out of Sanctum’s bounds. Wasn’t sure if I’d even really processed it yet. What I’d done or the consequences it might bring. The only thing I could do was press on. Act like nothing had changed when I knew I’d taken a sharp turn toward destruction. When I knew there was no way I could stop until it was finished.

“No judgement here. Just making sure you didn’t need me to run into town to grab something else.” I let the razzing wind into the words.

Nolan wiggled around to get in my line of sight. “Don’t worry, Uncle Otto. I helped my auntie pack everything we needed, and we got so many lots of things there’s no way we’re gonna starve.”

“Well then, it sounds like a picnic.”

I set him on his feet and he went running back for the rest. “Come on, guys! Our whole family is here except for Uncle Cash because he’s a really big grump, but that’s okay because I like him a lot anyway, and now we gotta go to the lake and eat the best food ever,” he shouted as he flew that way, a torrent of words spilling out of him nonstop.

They were all grins as they headed over to load themselves up with supplies. River had the portable grill and a bunch of bags, and Theo and Kane weighed themselves down with the rest.

I trudged back to where I’d left my cooler next to my truck, heaved it up, and started toward the narrow trail that ran through the woods toward our favorite spot by the lake.

It was tucked in a little cove where there was an actual beach plus a big area where wild grasses grew. Massive trees hugged the meadow, offering shade and making it extra beautiful, but it was a hard enough hike through the woods to get to it that there were never a whole lot of other people around.

We all started up the incline. We had to get to the top of a small hill and then back down on the other side to make it to the secluded spot. In two-point-five seconds, Raven was huffing behind me. “Guys, why can’t we just go to the beach that has an actual parking lot and picnic spots in front of it?”

“Because then there’d be a ton of assholes around us,” River grumbled.

“A little walk never hurt anyone,” Theo hollered from way up ahead.

“Speak for yourself, Theo. What kind of masochist goes on a hike for fun?” she tossed out as she clomped along behind me.

Funny since she was the one who always suggested it.

I supposed it was because once she complained enough, she didn’t have to keep up with the tromping through the woods. Because just like I always did, I stopped, leaned down, and muttered, “Hop on, darlin’.”

She giggled, but she didn’t hesitate, since at this point it was basically protocol. She wrapped her legs around my waist and her arms around my neck, and I straightened, balancing her and the cooler.

“Hey, no fair, you always get a piggyback ride, Auntie!” Nolan cried from where he trotted behind his mother up ahead.

“That’s only because your uncle Otto is putting us all out of our misery and stopping us from having to listen to your aunt Raven complain.” River tossed an annoyed look over his shoulder at his sister.

I could feel Raven’s smile at the side of my neck, could taste her breath, that sweet moonflower scent, and her words were whispered, meant only for me. “I think it’s just because Otto likes me most.”

I grunted and heaved us up the hill, not even able to deny it.

“What the hell is wrong with you, man? Are you trying to burn these burgers to a crisp? There are enough goddamn rocks around here without you making my lunch another of them.”

Couldn’t help but give River shit as he manned the grill. The asshole clearly didn’t understand the intricacies of barbecuing.

He sent me a scowl as he flipped a charred to fuck burger. “Not gonna have my family gettin’ sick off a burger if it isn’t cooked long enough.”


