Total pages in book: 158
Estimated words: 154037 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 770(@200wpm)___ 616(@250wpm)___ 513(@300wpm)
Estimated words: 154037 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 770(@200wpm)___ 616(@250wpm)___ 513(@300wpm)
His nod was reticent, and I slanted him a grin, trying to inject some lightness into the mood. “Your job is done here, brother. Why don’t you go and find yourself a little fun? Grab a beer or two and find someone sweet to put a smile on your face. No need for you to be moping around. Tonight should be a fucking celebration.”
He grunted though he smirked. “You act like you need to twist my arm.”
I clapped him on the back. “That’s what I thought.”
He gave a low chuckle before he sobered. “Be safe out there. Text me and let me know when it’s done.”
“I will.”
I strode to the cab and climbed inside. It was a newer truck we had painted to look exactly like one of the soda distributors’ trucks. The cover was perfect for traveling at night. I even had a part-time job with the company to make this shit halfway legit, delivering to some of the businesses around town, though this truck was always hidden until I had a job.
I buckled, then I picked up my phone to make sure I had the correct address inputted.
My guts tangled when I saw the texts waiting for me. My insides an instant riot when her face slammed into my mind. The way she’d had me so spun up last night I hadn’t been able to sleep, thoughts consumed with that fucked-up image she had put in my head.
But any teasing and tempting she’d been doin’ last night had been eradicated. Gone with her concern and affection.
Please be careful out there. We need you here.
I need you here.
For one second, I gave myself over to wishing I was different. To wishing I could have done it all differently and it hadn’t come to this. To wishing I could be something better for Raven.
To wishing that I could have stopped it. Saved her. Saved them both.
I’d failed.
And Raven?
I wanted so much more for her than this.
The next morning, I stood beneath the hot spray of my shower, the water close to scalding. My head was slumped between my shoulders, and I supported myself with both hands against the wall, trying to breathe through the turmoil that ravaged.
The careening of thoughts and the disorder of senses.
The fall pounded against my head, shoulders, and back, the water gliding over my body and swirling at my feet a blood-tinged pink.
Washing away the evidence of what I’d done, but there was no chance of it erasing what had been written on me.
This revenge both sickening and sweet.
The thing I’d wanted for so long but still didn’t come close to making me feel complete. The grief no less. No reconciliation for her broken body that had been left like garbage on the floor.
Because of me. Because of me.
Rage and regret coiled deep down in my soul, an ugly red glow that clouded all sight.
Last night when I’d broken into his house, the fucker had laughed in my face when I’d given him the chance to repent. His grin smug when he’d spat at my boots and told me he’d enjoyed it.
So, I gave him no mercy—the same as they’d given her.
One monster down. Six feet underground.
Two more to go.
Gasping for breath, I forced myself to wash, to stand, to remember exactly why I was doing what I was doing. I had to get my shit together.
It wasn’t like this was the first life I’d taken.
It was just the first I’d sought out since I’d ridden with Iron Owls MC. Back when we’d fully devolved into corruption. A stupid piece of me had thought that part of my life was over, but the truth was, it was what had caused this tragedy in the first place.
I rinsed, turned off the faucet, and stepped out, grabbing the towel hanging on the hook and drying myself off.
I roamed out into my bedroom.
Sunlight poured in through the floor-to-ceiling windows that sat behind the massive bed that was covered in black. The entire place was cool as fuck. Everything I’d ever imagined my dream home would be.
Was struck with the truth that I didn’t deserve it.
That I shouldn’t be here when she’d never made it through.
Still roughing the towel through my hair, I wandered up to where I’d tossed my phone to my nightstand when I’d come in an hour ago.
The morning more than half over.
How did it go last night? Are you back? Been worried about you.
I fought the swelling wave of guilt that nearly inundated me as I looked at the text. Like I might look down and there’d still be blood covering my hands and splattered on my clothes. But even though soap and water had washed it away, that didn’t mean I wasn’t stained.
Delivered safe and secure, like I’d have it any other way. She fucking cried and hugged me before I left her there, telling me how thankful she was for what we’ve done. Heroes, all of us.