Under an Endless Moon (Moonlit Ridge #2) Read Online A.L. Jackson

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Forbidden, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: Moonlit Ridge Series by A.L. Jackson

Total pages in book: 158
Estimated words: 154037 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 770(@200wpm)___ 616(@250wpm)___ 513(@300wpm)

“I’m so incredibly happy for you. I knew he would see through his fears to what really mattered, and that’s you.”

Tears burned my eyes, and I swallowed it back and shot her a grin. “I am proud to announce that your girl here no longer has her V-card.”

I lifted my tea for a toast.

She giggled as she clinked her glass against mine. Her expression turned cunning. “Now that much was obvious. That man’s hands are written all over you.”

“Oh, you should really see what’s written on me.”

She choked a laugh, though she let her grin wind into something shameless. “He clearly did my bestie right. You looked so loved up crossing that street that you basically floated across it.”

“Pssh. Those are just my mad skills in these shoes.”

She chuckled a soft sound before she sobered, reached out, and squeezed my hand where it rested on the table. “This is truly amazing. I know what you’ve gone through to get here. I know the pain you suffered and the fear you’ve carried, and I’m so thankful that you found the one you can trust with it.”

A tear got free. “When he looks at me, Charleigh?” My head barely shook as I fought the crash of emotion. “When he looks at me, I simultaneously feel safe and brave. Vulnerable and powerful. I feel like I can really be me.”

“And who are you being yourself with?” Sienna’s voice was soft as she stood at the side of the table with two plates in hand.

Surprise lurched me back. I hadn’t even noticed she was there. I swept the tear away and smiled up at her. “Can you keep a secret?”

“Hello, what are friends for?”

“Otto loves me.”

It felt so good to say it.

Confusion spiraled around her as she set the plates in front of us. “Wait, this is supposed to be a secret? I thought you two were already a thing? The man looks like he wants to ravage you every time he looks at you.”

Charleigh’s laugh was knowing as she turned her gaze on me. “Told you.”

Charleigh and I laughed and giggled and whispered our way through lunch, a lightness taking us over as we enjoyed a meal together. It felt simple and right, the way we’d always been together.

Gratitude overflowed my chest.

We talked a little about River and the rest of Sanctum. About what they would think. Charleigh agreed that Otto needed to be the one who broke the news to River.

We skated over the topic of what had happened at Otto’s place the other morning, neither of us wanting to bring voice to something so heinous, though we could feel the weight of it hovering around us in the distance.

Charleigh grimaced when she looked at her phone to check the time. “Crap, I need to get back to the office before I’m late.”

“As if Dr. Reynolds could ever be angry with you.”

Charleigh had been working as a medical assistant at Dr. Reynolds’ office before she’d known his connection to Sovereign Sanctum. Before she knew his part in helping women and children make their way to safety. Before he’d saved her life.

Now, she was taking night courses to become an RN with hopes of moving forward with becoming a nurse practitioner, her goal to slide into Dr. Reynolds’ position once he retired. She wanted an active role in changing the lives of those who came to Sanctum for help.

She chuckled. “Well, I don’t want to push my luck.”

“I’m pretty sure he couldn’t function without you,” I said as I pushed out my chair and stood.

Charleigh stood, too, mischief in her voice when she leaned in and said, “I guess I am pretty great.”

I gasped and touched my heart. “Oh, my goodness, I can’t believe it. I’m finally rubbing off on my bestie. Look at you, not hesitating to claim how great you are.”

It was something Haddie had taught me. Something I’d taken with me from the tragedy.

Never be afraid of claiming who you are.

“I guess you are, aren’t you?”

We walked to the front counter and paid, and I hugged Sienna like mad and told her I couldn’t wait to hang out with her on Saturday.

Then Charleigh and I stepped out onto the sidewalk. The sun stood proud at the center of the sky.

Warm rays rained from above, though there was the hint of cool at the edges of the air.

Fall approaching.

I leaned forward and hugged Charleigh with all my might. “Thank you so much for everything you’ve done for me, Charleigh. The way you’ve changed so much inside of me and made me look at myself differently.”

Her scoff was soggy. “I’m pretty sure it’s the other way around.”

“That just means we both needed each other.”

She took one step back, her smile soft as she squeezed my hands between us before she turned and started up the sidewalk in the direction of the medical plaza. I watched her go, and she tipped her attention down as she typed something on her phone.


