Two Times the Trouble Read Online Stephanie Brother

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Crime, Erotic, Funny, Insta-Love Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 91
Estimated words: 86751 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 434(@200wpm)___ 347(@250wpm)___ 289(@300wpm)

The men are both standing at the sink wearing only towels wrapped around their waists, and it takes all my willpower not to tug those towels off. I’m already dressed, and I need to be at the hair salon in an hour; otherwise, I’d definitely be getting them naked again.

If I had anywhere else to be today besides my sister’s wedding, I’d call off sick so that I could spend all day in this room with Max and Miles. Now that I finally understand why people think sex is so great, I can’t get enough.

I brush my hair at a snail’s pace, so that I can be here next to them, watching them groom their beards, comb their hair, and apply aftershave. In a weird way, this feels more intimate than the other things we’ve been doing together, and I don’t want any of it to end.

Maybe I’m being entirely too obvious, because Max seems to read my thoughts. “Just so you know, this isn’t a wedding fling. What we have is too good to be temporary.”

I’m so glad he thinks so.

I probably don’t do a good job of hiding my emotions while I’m getting my hair done either, but luckily, Sadie’s much too preoccupied to notice.

This is her day, and though I’m eager to tell her about recent developments, my news will have to wait.

Luckily, a perfectly-timed text arrives from Marissa: “We’ve been trying not to bother you, but we’re dying of curiosity. How are things going???”

I bite my lip, trying to hide a smile as I look at the screen. Sadie is a few chairs away, other bridesmaids between us. No one will see my response, unless the stylist working on my updo gets nosy.

“Things are going really, really, really well.”

“That’s a lot of reallys. Ana wants to know if you’ve hooked up with one of your hot dates.”

I should wait until I see them in person to spill, but my fingers get antsy. “Maybe.”

There’s a pause, during which I imagine both of my roommates cheering and dancing around, before Marissa finally sends back a gif of fireworks, which is appropriate in a couple of different ways. Then she says, “We want all the details.”

“I’ll see you tomorrow, and I’ll share some of the details .”

After our hair is done, we go to a special suite where we all get ready for the wedding. It’s a flurry of activity as we snack, have our makeup applied, get dressed, and pose for the photographer.

When the time comes, I help Sadie into her wedding gown. Tears well in my sister’s eyes when she looks in the mirror, but she quickly blots them away.

“It’s here. It’s really happening,” she says.

“You look beautiful.”

We’re alone in the dressing area and behind a closed door, but Sadie lowers her voice, and when she speaks again, her lip is trembling. “I’m scared, Callie.”

“Why? Is it nerves?”

“Probably that, but also, what if things don’t work out? Mom was a bride once, in love, full of hopes and dreams, I’m sure. Then she had us, and our father left her.”

It surprises me to hear that Sadie harbors these doubts, because she’s never expressed concerns about her relationship before. I thought I was the jaded one.

If she’d have brought this up a few days ago, I might have had trouble reassuring her—there are no guarantees, and many men can’t be trusted—but today, I’m brimming with good will. I’m not exactly in love, but I’m full of hope myself, and maybe it’s just a matter of finding the right man—or men.

“Adam is a wonderful man, Sadie, and you’re his world. Everyone can see that. Maybe you’ll have ups and downs, like everyone does, but you’ll both work together to get through the hard times.”

“Do you really think it can be different … from how it was for Mom?”

“Of course. It’s going to be wonderful. You’ll have each other. You make each other happy.”

Her eyes sparkle, and she dabs them with the tissue again. “He really is amazing, isn’t he? Did you see the necklace he gave me yesterday?” She holds out the gold heart that hangs around her neck so I can read it. “It’s my ‘something new’ for today.”

All My Love – Always & Forever

“It’s beautiful.”

She blinks at me and smiles. “Thank you, Callie, for your help. I suppose a moment of panic before the wedding is normal.”

“Perfectly normal,” I say.

Adam is a good man, and maybe I’ve found two good men of my own. Of course, falling for two brothers isn’t conventional or ideal, but maybe there’s a chance for a future with them.

Things last night felt easy and natural—and incredible. The two of them worked together so perfectly to make me feel things I’ve never felt before. They shared me like it was all supposed to work that way. Like we belong together.


