Two Times the Trouble Read Online Stephanie Brother

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Crime, Erotic, Funny, Insta-Love Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 91
Estimated words: 86751 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 434(@200wpm)___ 347(@250wpm)___ 289(@300wpm)

“Want to eat outside?” It’s Max who comes up behind me, taking me by surprise.

“Umm … sure.”

“Miles says it’s almost ready. Need a refill on your drink?”

“No, I’m good. And Max, thank you for the new battery.”

He flashes me that winning smile. “I have no idea what you’re talking about, Callie.”

We fill our plates in the kitchen and carry them out through the back door to an umbrella-covered table, where Max pulls out my chair. There’s a gentle breeze, and the sun is starting to drop toward the ocean.

“Why would you be interested in going to a resort for the wedding when you live with this beautiful view?”

Max appears surprised by the question. “Well … I mean … who doesn’t love weddings?”

“Max likes to be the hero,” Miles says. “If he comes across someone who needs something, he finds a way to help.”

That certainly tracks. He’s helped me in multiple ways in the short time I’ve known him, and though I hate the fact that I’ve needed help, I do appreciate it.

“That’s an exaggeration,” Max says.

“Every one of your Halloween costumes, from the time you were old enough to choose, included a cape,” Miles deadpans.

Max shrugs, unable to deny it.

“And you used to give away most of your Halloween candy to younger kids who didn’t have as much as you did.”

“That’s really sweet.” The image of a tiny version of Max running around in a cape, sharing his candy, makes me smile.

“When our sister was learning to apply makeup, Max used to let her practice on his face.”

“When did this turn into storytelling time?” Max still sounds amiable, but slightly less so.

“You have a sister? We’re supposed to be learning about each other, so storytelling seems appropriate.” I give both brothers a smile, and feel strangely gratified when Miles meets my eyes and his expression softens incrementally.

“We have one sister, Madeline, two years younger than us,” Max says.

“I have one sister too, but she’s two years older.” As we eat, I fill them in on Sadie and her fiancé, my mom and her obsession with Sadie’s wedding, and my roommates. I leave out the fact that Marissa and Ana came to yoga class just to get a look at Miles.

“No father in the picture?” Max asks.

“He was around until I was two. He was having an affair, and when my mom found out, he left and they got divorced.”

“Is he in your life at all?”

“He never came around after he left. My mom found out he died a few years ago.”

“I’m sorry,” Max says. Miles’s face has gone stern again, but in a way that feels empathetic rather than cold.

I shrug. “Doesn’t mean anything to me.” Spearing a piece of chicken with my fork, I turn toward Miles. “This stir fry is delicious. I love the sauce.”

He looks down at his plate, but not before I see the hint of smile return. “Thanks for your help making it.”

“The rice is perfect, too. Mine is always either soggy or so dry it’s crunchy.”

“You’ll have to have his spaghetti bolognese sometime,” Max says. “That’s my favorite.”

“Do you cook too, Max?”

The smile I’m learning to like far too much plays on his lips. “Only when someone needs to be heroically rescued with food.”

I learn more about their family while we finish our meal. Their parents are still together and live in the next state. Their sister, who’s a few years older than me, is already married.

“What about you two? Any serious relationships?”

In unison, the men shake their heads. “We’ve been too busy with our work,” Max explains.

“Tell me more about that. What do you do, Miles?”

Miles is in the middle of chewing, so Max answers for him. “We’re both software consultants. We worked for different companies originally, but a little over a year ago, we decided to start our own business.”

I nod, encouraging him to go on. “That’s great.”

“We have to travel a lot, but our schedules are flexible, and we can live wherever we want.”

“Sounds perfect.”

“What about you, Callie? Why do you work two jobs and so many hours?”

There’s a long answer and a short answer to this question, and I choose the one that I give most people. “I’m saving money for school expenses.”

Max is poised to ask a followup question, but I put a piece of broccoli in my mouth, and to my relief, he doesn’t press.



“Tell us more about your ex who’s going to be at the wedding. I assume you’re not on good terms with him.”

We’ve moved from the table to the adirondack chairs. Max brought out bowls of chocolate ice cream for each of us and is continuing his inquisition while we have dessert.

“His name is Rick, and no, the terms aren’t good.”

“Why was he invited to the wedding? Is he a family friend?”

Callie tries to look casual, but her jaw has tensed. “Apparently, he’s now dating the groom’s sister.”


