Two Thousand Promises (Kings of Chaos #5) Read Online Jocelynn Drake

Categories Genre: Fantasy/Sci-fi, M-M Romance, Paranormal, Vampires Tags Authors: Series: Kings of Chaos Series by Jocelynn Drake

Total pages in book: 71
Estimated words: 65856 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 329(@200wpm)___ 263(@250wpm)___ 220(@300wpm)

Once the door was closed, Xiao Dan pulled Huli into his arms and pressed soft, slow kisses along his neck, creating a flock of goose bumps across his arms. He closed his eyes and breathed in the rich scent of Xiao Dan—sweet winter plums mixed with snow and a hint of sandalwood. All the things he associated with the love of his life. His only love.

He’d known from the second he’d jumped out of that bush to scare that large human that he was different, special. That Zhang Xiao Dan would be his and his alone.

Strong hands roamed down his back and up, molding him against Xiao Dan’s powerful body. Huli let out a whine as he grabbed the vampire’s shoulders and turned his head so that their lips could meet in a hungry kiss that sent all the blood in Huli’s brain rushing straight to his cock. He licked deep into Xiao Dan’s mouth, stroking his tongue with his own and feeling those sexy fangs. And this was just the beginning. He wanted to explore every bit of his lover.

“See, Gege? Your Huli is all healed,” Huli coaxed as his nimble fingers located the edge of Xiao Dan’s shirt and sneaked underneath in search of silken bare skin.

“Maybe,” Xiao Dan hummed. “I think the best place to do a thorough inspection is in the bath.”

“What?” Huli squawked. The bath? Not the bed? This didn’t make any sense. Had his sweet Xiao Dan turned evil? Why was he teasing Huli with tender kisses when he planned to shove him into the bath?

“Don’t you want to check me over in the bed?” Huli asked even as Xiao Dan pulled him into the large, white-tiled bathroom.

“No, I think the bath is best.” He released Huli’s hand and set about filling the enormous oval-shaped tub with hot water and wonderful smelling bath salts that made his skin soft and supple. He’d tried the shower once and hated it. The noise was tremendous and there was no way to lounge about for a good, long soak. No, baths were the best.

But Huli would much rather have sex. And that was done in the bed.

Yet, if it would make his silly vampire happy, Huli would take a bath for him. Without another word, he lifted his pajama top off, not even bothering to unfasten it. He tossed it aside and slipped his fingers into the waistband of his pants, but all motor functions stopped as he watched Xiao Dan also take off his shirt and neatly set it aside on the counter. Huli’s wide eyes ate up every centimeter of flawless pale skin stretched over hard muscles. Xiao Dan was a work of art that stole his breath away.

It was only as those amazing hands dropped to his dark jeans and worked on the button that Huli found his tongue. Sort of.


Xiao Dan looked up and flashed him a smile that was trying a little too hard to be innocent. “What? I thought the best way to make sure you’re healed is to join you in the bath. Is that okay with you?”

Humans did that?

Huli wasn’t even going to dignify that ridiculous question with an answer. He jerked off his pants and tossed them aside before slipping into the luxuriously hot water. He scooted to the far end and turned in time to see a naked Xiao Dan stepping into the tub and sinking into the water with a happy sigh. Huli’s eyes devoured the sight of him, memorizing every line and curve so he could call them up later at his leisure.

As soon as Xiao Dan was lounging on the curve of the tub, Huli lunged toward him on a wave of steaming water. At long last, there was so much skin to touch and rub against. He ran his feet down Xiao Dan’s hairy shins, marveling at the different texture compared to his smooth chest.

Xiao Dan stared at him with hooded eyes, a look of pure contentment on his face as his large hands skimmed up Huli’s body. The same hands that had ruffled his fur and scratched his chin were caressing him, touching him as if he were the last piece of jade in all the world.

“You know, I think you were right,” Xiao Dan murmured, his voice sounding even deeper in the tiled bathroom.

“Huli is always right,” he stated as he rested his head on Xiao Dan’s shoulder, only to raise it again. “But what was I right about this time?”

The vampire snorted and gave his ass a pinch. “You were right when you said you were fully healed.”

A wicked grin spread across the fox’s lips, and he bumped his nose on Xiao Dan’s. “Would you like to see exactly how healed I am?”

Those magnificent hands slipped over his ass so that he cupped a cheek in each palm. Xiao Dan squeezed, his fingers digging into muscle and tissue, while he lifted his hips. Water sloshed as their cocks rubbed together. Huli threw his head back and moaned, losing himself in that exquisite sensation.


