Two for Alex – Mmf BDSM Menage Box Set Read online Claire Thompson

Categories Genre: BDSM, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 134
Estimated words: 123533 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 618(@200wpm)___ 494(@250wpm)___ 412(@300wpm)

She began to cry again though it was softer, more of a release. He held her and stroked her head, trying to keep the red rage churning in his gut at bay. He needed to hear the whole story. He needed to know what was going on.

When she’d quieted again, he reached for the box of tissues on the cluttered coffee table and grabbed a tissue, which he handed to her. Alex wiped her eyes and blew her nose. She offered Liam another ghost of a smile.

He let her slide off his lap. “Tell me what happened,” he said quietly.

“I’m such an idiot. I can’t believe I did what I did. He was so handsome and he said such sexy things to me. He promised things. I was lonely. I missed you guys. Oh—” Her voice cracked.

“Hey,” Liam interjected soothingly, not wanting her to cry again. “It’s okay. Nobody’s judging you. I take it from what you’re saying that you went to see him? And things didn’t turn out quite how you hoped?”

“That’s the understatement of the fucking year,” Alex retorted. Liam felt the tight ball of anguish that had been building in his gut ease. There was the fiery spirit he remembered. He grinned and stroked her bare thigh.

“Tell me,” he urged again. “Tell me everything.”

She began to relate her story, haltingly at first and then speaking faster and faster, as if by getting out the words she could distance herself from the whole sordid affair. Liam listened, biting his tongue to keep from admonishing her for being so stupid. When she finally got to the part about grabbing her purse and running out of the house, he realized he was clenching his fists so hard his fingernails were digging painfully into his palms.

Alex’s cell phone rang from inside her purse. Alex retrieved it and her face went pale. “It’s him,” she whispered, holding out the phone with a trembling hand.

“Answer it,” Liam said. “And press speakerphone. We’ll see what he has to say for himself, the fucking prick.”

Alex obeyed. “Hello?”

“Slave,” the pompous man intoned. “You left my house without permission. You are not worthy of my attentions.”

The color rose in Alex’s cheeks. “Fuck you, Campos,” she snarled, though her hand was still shaking.

“How dare you, you worthless whore!” the pompous ass shouted. “You will have to be severely punished for this. You will return at once, do you understand me? And when you come back begging to submit to me, I will chain you in the attic for a month to teach you who is in control.”

Nearly sick with rage, Liam grabbed the phone from Alex. “Now you listen and listen good, you son of a bitch. We could have you up on charges of kidnapping and aggravated assault so fast it’ll make your fucking head spin. You ever call Alex again or come anywhere near her and you’ll find yourself behind bars, you fucking asshole.”

Liam ended the call before the prick could respond. His heart was beating too fast and Alex was staring at him with a stunned expression. “I’m sorry,” he began. “I lost my temper. I—”

“No, don’t apologize. You were great. My hero.” Alex began to laugh, a deep-throated chuckle. The laugh rose up the scale, edging toward hysteria and Liam saw she was shaking.

He pulled her into his arms and held her close. “Shh, it’s okay, baby. It’s okay. You’re safe now.” He rocked her gently, holding her until the hysterical laughter and trembling subsided. When he let her go, there were tears on her cheeks but she was smiling.

“Thanks for defending me. I know I was a real horse’s ass to go there and not even tell anyone where I was.”

Liam held up a hand. “Hey. It’s over. You probably aren’t the first woman to succumb to his lies and false promises. D/s is a very powerful thing. Don’t beat yourself up over this. I still think we should press charges, but we can talk that over later. I’m just so glad you’re safe and got yourself out of there. Daniel and I were going crazy with worry when we didn’t hear back from you.” He stroked her cheek, his gut twisting at the thought of what the bastard had put her through.

Alex flashed a real smile at him then, full of pure sunshine. Liam knew at that moment she was going to be fine.

“You look like you could use a shower. I’ll wait while you get cleaned up, okay?”

She flashed another radiant smile. “Okay, yes. I definitely need a shower.” She turned back before disappearing into the bathroom. “Thank you, Liam. For everything.”


Alex showered quickly, half afraid if she didn’t hurry Liam would be gone when she came out. She lathered herself in suds, desperate to wash any traces of Anthony from her body. She shuddered, recalling his long penis thrusting in and out of her mouth and later ejaculating on her face and breasts while she lay naked and chained at the foot of his bed.


