Twist the Knife – Lost Kings MC Read Online Autumn Jones Lake

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, Forbidden, MC Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 135
Estimated words: 132321 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 662(@200wpm)___ 529(@250wpm)___ 441(@300wpm)

“It’s nice to meet you,” she says.

“Hi,” Jezzie says in a small voice. What is she, suddenly shy? She glances at Dex. “Club brother.”

I elbow her.

“My brother promised me food and race cars.” Jezzie lets out a dramatic sigh, as if she has the worst brother in the world. “Yet, I see neither.”

According to Dex, Emily’s used to dealing with her own little sister’s antics. Her face breaks into a big sisterly smile. “Food I can help you with. It’s around the corner,” Emily says.

“Thanks, Em,” I say. As soon as they’re out of earshot, I shove my hands in my pocket and rock back on my heels. “Whatcha been doing?” I ask in the most obnoxious way possible.

He blows out an irritated breath.

“Rooster told me to hurry up and get my ass here because you were ready to give some guy a beatdown.”

Dex rolls his eyes. “Rooster should mind his business.”

“I don’t know,” I sing in a high-pitched voice designed for maximum annoyingness. “You and Emily looked pretty intense. Someone try to rub up on your girl?”

“We’re always intense.” Dex turns toward the track. “Let’s go get some food. If you’re gonna be busting my balls, at least let me eat a burger while you’re doing it.”

We haven’t cleared the bleachers yet when Dex asks, “So you’re finally bringing your sister around to meet us?”

“Yes, I thought this would be better than having her at the clubhouse.” We’re on the asphalt that runs in front of the bleachers. Jezzie’s forgotten all about food. She’s talking to Griff and Remy, but she’s twirling a lock of her colorful hair around her finger, eyes locked on Remy like he’s the most fascinating thing she’s seen all day. Emily’s nowhere in sight. “That might’ve been a miscalculation.”

“I don’t think you have anything to worry about with Griff.”


I spend a few minutes bullshitting with Dex while keeping my eye on Jezzie smiling and laughing at whatever dumb shit Remy’s saying. Griff keeps looking over his shoulder, like he wants to bounce.

She’s an adult. She’s allowed to have friends.

Just not this friend.

“This motherfucker,” I growl as Remy flashes one of his panty-dropping smiles at my sister. I shove Dex out of my way and storm over the blacktop.

“No. No. Nope.” I slam my arm between Remy and Jezzie and chest-bump him back a few inches. “Not happening.”

Griff moves next to his buddy. And I sense Dex come up on my side.

Remy blinks and stares at me and then my arm blocking him from my sister. “The fuck?”

“Jensen!” Jezzie all but stomps her foot on the ground. “Stop.” Her little hands fly into my chest with all the force of a dragonfly.

“Stay. Away. From. My. Little. Sister,” I warn Remy.

Griff bursts into laughter.

“She’s your sister?” Remy asks, slowly clicking the pieces of the puzzle into place. His gaze slides to Jezzie and then to me.

“So, this is awkward as fuck.” Griff jerks his thumb over his shoulder and laughs. “I’m gonna go be literally anywhere else.”

“Thanks a lot, bro,” Remy calls after him. “You’re a big help!”

I’m glad he’s finding this so funny. “You better settle the fuck down.”

Dex’s heavy hand lands on my shoulder and squeezes. “Remy was being polite to a guest. That’s all, riiight?” He draws out the last word to make it clear to Remy the only answer that will stop me from gutting him with my hunting knife is “yes.”

“I’ve seen his version of polite,” I say without taking my eyes off Remy. “Not this time. Not this girl.”

“Fuckmuppet.” Jezzie lets out an exasperated huff. “Let me go find a club so you all can beat each other over the heads.” She turns and stalks away toward the picnic tables where Emily’s sitting with her little sister Libby, and Shelby.

Thanks a lot Emily. You couldn’t walk my sister the extra five hundred feet?

Who am I kidding. I know better than anyone how hard it is to make Jezzie do anything.

“Jiggy, I didn’t know she was your sister,” Remy says. “She was with Emily, so I figured she was with Lost Kings. I was trying to be polite. Like Dex said. That’s all.” He holds up his hands.

Fuck, yeah. I shouldn’t be getting this worked up over it. Jezzie’s off at college, talking to whoever the hell she wants when I’m not around. It’s just…Remy. Fuck no.

“Trust me, I get it,” Remy adds. “Off-limits. Message received.”

My gaze strays to the track where Griff has Remy’s little sister in a clinch next to his car. Heh. Hello, instant karma, my old friend.

Remy walks off, and Dex jabs his finger into my chest. “The fuck, bro?”

I rub my chest and scowl at Dex. “You really giving me shit after you just did the same thing five minutes ago?”

“One, no I didn’t. Two, you weren’t even here for it, so shut your mouth. Three, it’s different. I don’t know the dude who was rubbin’ up on my girl and trying to look down her dress. And we’re not trying to patch him into our support club. We know Remy and he’s done a lot to help out our club.” He stops his insane countdown and lowers his voice. “Including helping us bury bodies.”


