Twist the Knife – Lost Kings MC Read Online Autumn Jones Lake

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, Forbidden, MC Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 135
Estimated words: 132321 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 662(@200wpm)___ 529(@250wpm)___ 441(@300wpm)

He steps up next to me and slips his arm around my shoulders in a possessive way that makes it obvious we’re together.

Apparently, he’s not worried about his club finding out.

“Ladies, how many races did you win tonight?” he asks.

Ella ripples with laughter. “None. This car’s a dog. Eraser wants to strip it for parts.”

“I thought you never lose?” Jigsaw teases.

“I blame the car.” She pats the side panel.

While Ella, Shelby, and the others talk about the car, I pull Jigsaw aside.

“You’re not worried Juliet will tell Dex about us?”

His jovial expression slides into a serious, but affectionate one. “No, I’m not worried about it.” He tips his head back and stares at the night sky for a few beats. “I think I’m going to tell them myself.”

A surge of excitement and anxiety tangles in my chest. We’ve admitted to ourselves that what we have is no longer just a fling. But if he’s ready to tell his club, it’s not just real—it’s everything.



Last church, we spent most of the time rehashing the shit that went down in Deadbranch. Then Dex told everyone he wanted to bring Emily and Libby up to the clubhouse.

Didn’t seem like the right time to make my announcement.

But today, I’m doing it.

Personal shit usually goes last, although my news kind of blurs the line between business and personal.

Club business is light this week. A lot of logistical stuff about who’s working where. This week, I don’t volunteer for any shifts at Crystal Ball when Dex says he needs some bodies. If Dex is desperate for help, either Z or Rock will tag me in. But I’m not volunteering any time soon.

“All right.” Rock’s gaze sweeps up and down the table. “Anything else?”

Nut up. Let’s do this. Teller’s gonna kill me. I dart a quick glance his way. He lifts one blond eyebrow in a what the fuck’s up sorta way.

“Ahhh...” I lift my hand in the air to get Rock’s attention before he declares church is officially over. “I have a request.”

Rock inclines his head my way. I quickly glance down the other end of the table at Z, my president. He frowns slightly and leans forward.

“I got you,” Rooster says low enough for only me to hear. Under the table, he taps his fist against my leg.

“What do you need, Jigsaw?” Rock asks.

“I’d, uh...” I sit up and clear my throat. Jesus fuck, this shouldn’t be that hard. “I’d like to bring Margot up here next Friday for the bonfire.”

One corner of Rock’s mouth twitches, but otherwise his face remains stone cold.

“Cedarwood’s daughter?” Teller asks slowly. “That Margot?”

As if we know any other women named Margot. “That’s the one.”

Across the table, Dex ducks his head and snickers.

I slouch lower, intent on kicking him, but Wrath’s scary gaze narrows on me. I freeze with my foot in mid-kick.

“So, you were told not to fuck with a club asset and you decided to, what? Date her?” Wrath’s tone lands somewhere between amused and murderous.

Huh. I expected Teller to get more annoyed about my news, since Cedarwood’s Funeral Home is action he brought into the club.

“Date’s a little…” Fuck it. “Yeah, I’m seeing her. Often. We’re together.”

“Duuude, are you that desperate for pussy?” Ravage moans. “She touches dead people all day.”

Stash lifts out of his chair with a full body shiver and a disgusted groan.

I narrow my eyes at Ravage and Stash. “I’m not askin’ for any opinions.”

“You sure as fuck didn’t ask for permission, either,” Grinder says.

Great, now my sergeant-at-arms is pissed. I slide my gaze between Wrath and Grinder. I’d survive a beating from one of them, but probably not both of them at the same time.

Suddenly all the co-mingling the upstate and downstate charters have been doing since Z took over our club seems like a bad idea.

Rock chuckles and I turn his way again. “This is on me, I guess.” He dips his chin. “I asked you to keep an eye on her, didn’t I? Keep her out of Teller’s way?”

At least one of our presidents is amused. I shrug. “You mentioned something about me being charming.”

“Her expectations must be in hell.” Hustler smirks at me. “Perfect for you.”

“Jesus Christ.” Teller shakes his head as if he’s finally checked into the conversation. “You fuckin’ serious, Jigsaw?”

“I can see it.” Murphy chuckles. “They probably make a cute couple.” The way he says cute sounds more like he means deranged.

Dex shoots a quick glare at his VP. “She’s actually a nice woman.” Dex smirks at me. “Has your quirky humor too.”

Pleased someone else noticed, I dip my chin in thanks.

“You know about this, Rooster?” Z asks.

“Ahh, not until recently,” Rooster answers slowly, walking a fine line between not lying to our president and not throwing me under the bus. “I knew he’d been gone a lot lately. Didn’t realize who he was with at first.”


