Trust The Devil Read Online Joanna Blake (The Devil’s Riders #3)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, Erotic, MC, Romance Tags Authors: Series: The Devil's Riders Series by Joanna Blake

Total pages in book: 64
Estimated words: 62696 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 313(@200wpm)___ 251(@250wpm)___ 209(@300wpm)


She was the quiet, mousy waitress that worked with Kaylie almost every shift. In fact, she seemed to practically live at the damn place.

Almost every time he came into Mae's he found his eyes drawn to her irresistibly. He tried to look away but he always ended up with his eyes following her as she worked.

The damnedest part was, he couldn't figure out why.

It's not that Sally wasn't pretty. She was definitely a cutie, in an extremely wholesome way. Her lips were soft and sweet and her nose was adorably upturned. She was very pretty, even if she was hunched over half the time.

But Donnie liked his women uber feminine and flouncy. He liked women with a capital ‘W.’ A girl who knew her own power over men and liked to use it.

Sally looked more like she was trying to disappear.

This girl was practically fading into the background. Her long bangs covered her eyes. She wore no makeup. Her hair was always in a ponytail.

And she somehow seemed to know when she was being watched and scurried away. So he had to work harder to watch her, and he did.

Never mind the fact that he couldn't get a glimpse of her body. Lord knows, he had tried. But with her loose fitting uniform and fuzzy old cardigan, it was impossible to tell what sort of figure she had hidden under there.

He frowned, staring at the oversized sweater. She was always wearing that thing. Even in July. She kept her apron tied loosely as well. The woman could be a swimsuit model or a wraith for all he knew.

And yet he watched her.

Even stranger was how much he enjoyed it.

Maybe it had to do with how gracefully she moved around the diner. Or those big hazel eyes of hers. A couple of times he'd caught her eye and felt a pure jolt of energy sizzling between them. But she always looked away too fast for him to be sure.

She glanced his way and blanched, growing even paler if that was possible. He shifted his eyes away momentarily and then watched as she scurried into the back. He stood and stretched.

"Gonna hit the head."

Dev just nodded, distracted by watching his old lady fill up the salt and pepper shakers. Donnie rolled his eyes. Man, Dev was whipped.

He would never let himself get trapped under a woman’s thumb that way.

Devlin was the head of the club and was strong willed as hell. But when it came to his woman, he was putty. It was funny to watch, sure. But Donnie promised himself he would never let a woman make him feel that way.

He was his own man dammit. Besides, his mother and his sister kept him in check. He didn’t need anything more than his brothers and family.

But now he was the odd man out.

Jack was just as bad. Ever since he'd known him Jack had been silent and grim. A couple of months ago that had all changed abruptly. Jack was frequently seen smiling.

Donnie even heard him laugh once or twice.

Jack's transformation was even funnier than Dev's.


He shook his head and pushed open the swinging door to the back. They'd been teasing him that he was next. No way man. Donnie wasn't the settling down type.

He was walking down the hallway toward the bathroom when he heard it.


Not just singing.

Beautiful singing.

It sounded like an angel was in the supply closet. It was a sweet country song that he was sure he'd heard on the radio before. He frowned, realizing he couldn't quite place it. Something about Sundays and maydays.

He followed the sound to the stock room. He pushed the door open a crack to see Sally standing on a step stool. She lifted her arms high, stacking boxes of napkins.

He could hear her voice even better now. He was practically frozen in place by the shock of it. She should be singing professionally, not waiting tables in a tiny place like this.


He stood there listening to her sing, completely enraptured. She was an amazing singer but it was more than just that. There was a sweet sadness in her voice that pierced him to the core. He stood there mesmerized as she sung softly to herself and leaned forward to stack boxes of paper napkins on the shelf.

The other bonus was that he finally had a really good view of her legs.

They were good legs.

Really good.

He must have made a sound of appreciation because she turned suddenly and gasped. Shit, he hadn't meant to scare her. Her eyes widened as she tottered back and forth on the stool. Donnie realized she was about to fall a split second before she did.

He caught her against him and fell backwards against a stack of boxes, knocking them over. His arms were around her so she came with him, landing squarely on top of him.


