Trouble Read online Free Books by Devon McCormack

Categories Genre: Gay, GLBT, M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 116
Estimated words: 111089 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 555(@200wpm)___ 444(@250wpm)___ 370(@300wpm)

His gaze shifted up and down, looking over my shirt. I could tell he noticed, and I was glad, especially as he bit down on his bottom lip.

“That might be my favorite shirt, Mr. Nipples.” He winked.

I snickered. “How’s Taryn’s kid?”

She’d had the baby the week before and had been out of school—to the delight of plenty of Wyachet High gossips, as they awaited her return. At our last build, Kyle had told me about staying with her at the hospital the night she went into labor, reminding me that he was as good a friend as I imagined him to be.

Kyle perked up. “Little guy’s doing great. Thanks for asking.”

“Did she end up going with Timmy?”

“Nah. And I tried to push for Kyle Jr., but she went with Matthew. Very respectable name, I thought. She’s gonna have her hands full, but she’s got really supportive parents, eager to help out wherever they can. Ben’s already been planning the kid’s wardrobe for the next three decades, so I doubt he’ll ever want for new clothes.”

I laughed. “I’m glad to hear that.”

A loud holler came from nearby.

We turned to DJ, who embraced us with open arms. “Ah, my two best buddies!” he exclaimed, and I could tell he’d already had too much to drink. Although, I couldn’t blame him when I was eager to get some wine in me.

As we got to chatting with our mutual friends, Kyle and I wound up parting ways, each of us working the room, chitchatting with everyone.

I didn’t meet up with him again until the place was packed and Kyle and I were in line for food with the rest of the gang, paper plates in hand. I nearly ran into him as he stopped me at his Brussels sprouts, glaring between me and the dish as though I had better make sure to get some. I didn’t hesitate, but he must have caught something in my expression as I stuffed some on my plate because he said, “You don’t like Brussels sprouts, do you?”

“Not a huge fan.”

“Damn. And here I was gonna impress you with the things I could do to a vegetable. Well, you didn’t have to get so many, if you don’t like them.”

I was getting quite a few for someone who wasn’t a fan, but it had more to do with who had made them than the sprouts themselves.

“No, no. I’m curious to try them,” I insisted.

He eyed me peculiarly, but went on before grabbing some lemon squares. “Please tell me you don’t have some anti-lemon-square thing I don’t know about.”

“Definitely a fan of lemon squares.” And there was that smile again…

Fuck me.

We sat beside one another on the living-room sectional, and I kept noticing him eyeing me. “You’re gonna keep watching me until I try your—or your and Tex’s—Brussels sprouts, aren’t you?”

“Fuck yeah.”

“Okay, I’ll give it a go, but keep in mind, I haven’t had these since I was eight.”

“Then maybe it’ll surprise you.”

I forked one into my mouth, anticipating the worst… And I could tell by Kyle’s expression he’d already detected my reaction, so I allowed myself the full cringe as the potent flavor intensified on my tongue.

“That bad?” He slapped his hand against his face. “And here I figured I would impress you with my cooking.”

“Maybe it’s an acquired taste.” I definitely meant that as innuendo.

“I’m not gonna sit here and let you acquire it when I could be having these.” He stabbed his fork into one and took a bite.


He closed his eyes, savoring the sprout in a way I could never imagine myself doing.

“You’re not gonna eat ’em,” he said with his mouth full.

“Yes, I am.”

“I’m not going to let you miserably eat my amazing Brussels sprouts. Be a good Big Man and share.”

I moved my plate closer to him, inviting him to continue, not just because I didn’t care to eat them myself, but to enjoy the satisfied expression on his face as he dug in.

“You guys mind if I join you?” Maya asked.

“Of course not.” As much as I was greedy about my time with Kyle, I knew I couldn’t hoard him all to myself. If not Maya, it would have been DJ or Bentley soon enough, so I treasured the moment we shared as she pulled up an ottoman near us. It wasn’t long before DJ and Bentley joined us, as I’d anticipated, along with a few other guys, and between our conversation and the wine, it was easy to relax into the experience.

I didn’t see much of an issue being near Kyle as we ate our main course, but when we started on dessert, I couldn’t help noticing him with a slice of my pecan pie, vanilla ice cream packed on the side, a glop of whipped cream covering both, and circles of chocolate syrup spiraled around the whole mess. I waited impatiently for his reaction, hoping for something better than mine to his Brussels sprouts.


