Trigger (Satan Worshippers MC #4) Read Online T.O. Smith

Categories Genre: Biker, MC Tags Authors: Series: Satan Worshippers MC Series by T.O. Smith

Total pages in book: 43
Estimated words: 39123 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 196(@200wpm)___ 156(@250wpm)___ 130(@300wpm)

I nodded once. “I appreciate that.” At least he was leaving that in my hands. Standing, I scrubbed my hand through my hair. “We done here?”

Scorpion blew out a harsh breath and nodded. “Yes, you fucking fool. We’re done here. Don’t ever let some dumb shit like that get in your head again, you got me?”

I smirked, suddenly feeling like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders. “You got it, Prez.”



Irolled my shoulders, my back pressed to the building as I waited for Geek or Scorpion to give us the go-ahead. It was after midnight now. The Russians had taken fucking forever to get to sleep, but finally, they’d gone down in their respective little cots, ready for us to come in and start slaughtering.

Only three heat signatures could be seen awake, but three was better than the eleven that had been awake. I really just wanted the Pakhan taken down. He was the one calling all the shots, and while his men might have tortured Chase, that mother fucker had given the orders.

They were all fucking dogs, just waiting for their master to tell them to roll over and bark.

“On one, go,” Scorpion said.

“Is that on one or after one?” Elias asked.

I sighed. Someone snorted in amusement. “I said on one, Elias,” Scorpion snapped. “On. Meaning when I fucking say one.”

“Jeez,” Elias muttered. “Jessica needs to dislodge that stick that’s up your ass. I was just asking a question.”

At that, my lips did quirk in amusement. Geek huffed. “Can we all stop bickering like children? We need to move and get this over with. Three, two, one.”

We slipped through the doors, remaining silent as we trudged through the room. With quick efficiency, we slit throats and stabbed through necks, working our way through the eight men who’d been sleeping. Blayke and I moved toward the room where the three awake men had been, one of which was definitely the Pakhan because he hadn’t been in the room with his soldiers. When Blayke nodded at me, I lifted my booted foot and kicked the door in.


It was fucking empty. And the goddamn window was open.

“Fuck!” I roared, gripping the desk in there and flipping it. “God fucking dammit!” I shouted.

“Easy, brother,” Blayke said, gripping my shoulder. My chest was heaving with rage, and it took me a good moment to clear the red haze from my vision. I’d come here wanting fucking revenge, and I hadn’t gotten it. “We’ll find him. I swear, we’ll fucking find him. But for now, we need to get the fuck out of here so Johnston can get the clean-up crew in.” He gently tugged me toward the door. “Come on. Let’s get back to the clubhouse.”

“No one was left alive?” I asked, my voice still growly with anger.

Blayke shook his head at me. Snarling, I stormed out of the basement, too agitated to think straight. He’d been right fucking there. We’d been careful. We’d been quiet. He shouldn’t have seen us coming.


I lifted my gaze, searching the room. Blayke frowned at me. “What are you looking for?” he asked when I started to spin in a slow circle.

“There.” I pointed at the camera in a far corner, which was aimed right at the exit to the basement. They would’ve been able to see anyone coming and going. “I’m guessing it ran remotely. Could’ve only needed close proximity to whatever device they were tracking it from. They knew the moment we fucking entered.”

“Goddammit,” Scorpion muttered, his voice echoing through my earpiece.

My thoughts exactly.

I scrubbed at my brow before climbing the stairs out of the basement. When I got to my bike, I straddled it, then pulled my phone out to type a quick text to Chase and Sophia in our group message.

Trigger: I’m on my way home, and one of you better be fucking ready for me.

Chase frowned at me when I walked through the clubhouse doors. I was covered in blood. I knew I looked a mess. But I also knew that wasn’t what was bothering him. My muscles were too tense. I was still livid.


I shook my head. “Where’s Sophia?” I needed him because I could be rough with him, even when he was injured and recovering. But he was busy helping Halo put up a camera that I guessed would give us a better view of the front doors. So Chase was out of the question for me. The safety of the club came first.

He pointed above him. “Upstairs in bed. Probably reading. What⁠—”

“Not now,” I growled. Halo tapped his shoulder, getting his attention. Chase sighed and handed him the screwdriver he needed.

Turning on my heel, I rushed up the stairs. When I pushed open the door to our room, Sophia was doing exactly as Chase said she was. She set her book down, a frown tugging at her lips as she ran over my blood-stained skin and clothes. “Trigger?”


