Trick or Treat – Silver Spoon Connections Read Online Loni Ree

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Insta-Love Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 23
Estimated words: 20818 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 104(@200wpm)___ 83(@250wpm)___ 69(@300wpm)

“You can lead a horse to water,” Cass grumbles teasingly. “I guess as your self-appointed dating coach, I’ll have to work with what I’ve got,” she continues, undeterred. “I wanted to remind you to take care of some essentials. You know, like buffing, brushing, and shaving all the necessary parts?”

I laugh, adjusting my position, which earns me a mildly irritated glance from Walter. “Yes, Coach Cass, I remember. Anything else on this checklist of yours?”

“Just remember to have fun, be yourself, and stay cool. I’ll be lurking in spirit, taking notes for your post-date debrief.”

“Oh, goody, can’t wait for my grade.” I smirk, then glance at Walter, who’s starting to look a bit peeved at our lengthy conversation. “I’m sure I’ll ace it.”

After hanging up, I set the phone aside and get back to work, moving at a pace that’s less frantic now and more purposeful. Walter periodically meows his disapproval, mainly when I block his view of the squirrels fighting on the back patio.

Eventually, I manage to wrestle the house into a state of presentability, a zenith of cleanliness Walter can only disdainfully ignore from his napping perch.

With the crisis averted, I take a shower and do a series of thorough inspections to ensure my body is buffed, shaved, and ready for action so I don’t let Cassidy down on my first outing as her official romantic “pupil.”

The bathroom steams up nicely, making me feel more relaxed and ready to tackle whatever the night might throw my way. Determined, I practice a few winning smiles in the mirror, touching up my makeup with a degree of precision that would make a surgeon proud.

It’s not long before I’m pulling on my favorite pair of jeans and a top that’s casual yet enticing. I add a swipe of my signature lip gloss, just a hint of shimmer to keep things interesting.

“You could be just a little more supportive,” I say to Walter, who yawns as if to say my transformation efforts haven’t been worth losing sleep over.

I’m just finishing the final touches on my eyeliner when I hear a knock at the door. My heart skips a beat. I don’t just have butterflies in my tummy; I have a whole butterfly aviary fluttering around in there.

I walk to the door, taking one last deep breath before pulling it open to find Tony standing there with that irresistible grin on his handsome face, holding a pizza box in one hand and a brightly colored cat toy in the other. “Hello, kitty.” He gives me a kiss on the lips before I step back for him to follow me into the small house.

“Hi,” I say as the smell of the pepperoni pizza wafts toward me, causing my tummy to growl.

“I hope this is an appropriate peace offering for King Walter.” He lifts the little mouse toy attached to a wand, and Walter emerges from his usual lair with surprising interest, ears perked and eyes locked on his new quarry.

“That’s perfect,” I say, feeling a warm bubble of happiness growing deep inside me.

“I aim to please,” Tony responds, setting the pizza box down on the table while expertly managing the cat toy, making it dance for Walter, who I swear is considering defecting loyalties.

I grab plates and napkins for us while Tony coaxes Walter into a play session emblazoned with leaps and pounces that remind me just how graceful cats can pretend not to be.

“Well, tonight’s off to a great start,” I note, leaning against the counter, enjoying the scene. “Pizza and cat approval. You managed to pull off another terrific date.”

Tony laughs, waving the cat wand as Walter paws and stalks with gleeful determination. “I’m glad you approve.”

We settle into my small living room, which is just intimate enough to make me feel cozy and connected. Tony sits next to me on the sofa, and Walter, slightly out of breath from his toy pursuit, sprawls beside Tony, purring in what I could almost describe as contentment.

The pizza is piping hot when I crack open the box, steam rising gently and prompting instant, ravenous hunger.

“Oh wow, it’s my favorite!” I exclaim, surprised to find that he’s brought my favorite pizza—half pepperoni, half Margherita.

“A little birdy gave me some helpful insight,” Tony admits, his grin wide and charming. “Now, I owe her an invitation to Scared Shotless.”

“Cass will be so excited. She’s been dying to try it out.”

We dig in, enjoying the combination of flavors and falling into this effortless rhythm of conversation and munching. Our chatter ranges from lighthearted to teasing to hilariously offbeat. Tony has this way of throwing out witty little zingers at the end of his sentences that make me laugh and add momentum to our banter.

“So, what else do you like to do on a typical night?” Tony asks, passing me a napkin.


