Trapping Sophia (Disciples #6) Read Online Izzy Sweet, Sean Moriarty

Categories Genre: Dark, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors: , Series: Disciples Series by Izzy Sweet

Total pages in book: 134
Estimated words: 133182 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 666(@200wpm)___ 533(@250wpm)___ 444(@300wpm)

I hug them back, trying my best not to burst into tears.

So much crazy shit has happened… it’s good to finally have my friends with me. It’s only been a couple of days, but I’ve missed them.

Beth is the first one to speak. Pulling away from me, she grabs my face and looks in my eyes. “Oh my god, Sophia, I’ve been so worried about you. Are you okay?”

Amanda pulls back as well, the same question in her eyes. But she shifts on her feet and fidgets with the strap of the backpack she has slung over her shoulder.

It takes me a second to realize she’s not fidgeting out of nervousness. She’s fidgeting as a sign to me.

With everything that’s happened, I totally forgot about that…

I glance from the backpack to Amanda’s face.

Did you bring it?

Reading the question in my eyes, she gives a quick nod of her head.

My heart skips a beat then races with a mixture of dread and excitement.

I glance at James, hoping he didn’t catch our little exchange, and see him frowning at Beth’s back.

Unsure how to answer Beth in front of James, I mumble out, “Yeah… as okay as I can be, I guess.”

Beth casts a quick glance over her shoulder at James, not even bothering to hide her disdain for him.

Then she looks back to me. “Are you sure? Blink once if you’re okay. Twice if you’re being held against your will.”

“What the fuck is that supposed to mean?” James asks angrily, clearly offended.

“Maybe we should give the girls some time alone, yeah?” Johnathan snickers as I gape at Beth.

James looks sharply at me and I make a point of blinking only once at Beth.

Seemingly satisfied with that, James huffs. “Fine. I guess I’ll get breakfast started. It’s going to take me all day to cook enough food to feed your chubby ass.”

“Chubby?” Johnathan grumbles. “I ain’t fucking chubby, bitch.”

“Oh, that’s right. They’re calling it a dad bod these days,” James says and throws his head back, laughing.

“Fuck you,” Johnathan sputters and glances down at himself. “I don’t have a dad bod either.”

“Uh-huh, sure,” James snickers as he walks toward the kitchen.

Johnathan follows after him with Charlie close to his side. “Yeah, well… Laugh it up, chuckles. Remember what I said back at Lucifer’s office?”

Narrowing his eyes, James glares back at Johnathan. “No. I don’t keep a fucking record of all the shit you’ve said to me.”

Johnathan grins his own big shit-eating grin. “You’re next, motherfucker. You’re going to get a dad bod next.”

James stops and reaches behind himself like he’s going to pull the pistol from his pants.

“James,” I say sharply to stop him and get his attention.

James glances at me, still reaching for his gun.

I jerk my chin toward Charlie.

James takes one look at Charlie’s confused little face then sighs with dejection. Dropping his head for a moment, he pulls his hand back.

Then he straightens and points at Johnathan. “Take it back.”

Johnathan looks at James and purses his lips like he’s considering it before he grins and says, “No.”

“Take it back,” James repeats but this time with a deep growl.

Laughing, Johnathan shakes his head. “No means no, motherfucker.”

James looks at me. “I gave him a chance.”

I have no clue what he’s talking about. Absolutely none.

Lifting his fingers to his mouth, James blows a shrill whistle. “Oh, Mitzy, baby! Uncle Johnathan is here to play with you!”

“Fuck you, motherfucker!” Johnathan roars as Mitzy comes racing toward him from the living room.

“Uh… maybe we should head upstairs…” I say to Beth and Amanda as I turn away from the ridiculous scene.

I have no clue what that is all about, and I have a feeling that if we don’t leave now, we’ll be stuck watching the guys all day.

Snapping their jaws shut, both Beth and Amanda nod their heads.

“Don’t worry, Charlie, she doesn’t like the taste of little boys. She prefers big boys with dad bods that taste like french fries,” I hear James say behind us as we head up.

“Ah shit!” Johnathan curses as Mitzy starts to growl. “Call your fucking rat off, James.”

“No. Not until you take it back,” James says firmly.

“Um, they’re not going to kill each other, are they?” Amanda asks when we reach the upper landing and hear Johnathan let out another angry roar.

Beth and I both pause for a moment, looking at each other.

We both know it’s definitely a possibility…

I mean, I wouldn’t put it past either of them after what I just saw.

But we shake our heads for Amanda.

Smiling at Amanda, Beth makes a dismissive motion with her hand. “They should be fine.”

“Yeah, I made James agree that he wouldn’t kill Johnathan in front of Charlie,” I add.

“Did you?” Beth asks me with an amused smirk.

I nod my head, my own smirk curving my lips.

“That was smart.” Beth giggles at me then looks to Amanda. “We’re good.”


