Toxic Game Read online Christine Feehan (GhostWalkers #15)

Categories Genre: Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: GhostWalkers Series by Christine Feehan

Total pages in book: 153
Estimated words: 140965 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 705(@200wpm)___ 564(@250wpm)___ 470(@300wpm)

“How did you know?” The government was supposed to have kept the deaths of those people secret, but Draden and Shylah were both aware that was a difficult thing to do.

“I have friends everywhere,” Faisal admitted. He waved his hand toward a chair and collapsed into one himself.

Shylah took the chair opposite him. Draden made certain Diego would have a kill shot through the window straight to Faisal’s head. He remained in the shadows, but just to one side of the forger so he could see if the man made a move toward a weapon.

“This virus, was it really as bad as they said?”

“One hundred percent kill rate, and those three men created it.” Shylah leaned forward in her chair. “I’m not looking to hurt your business. I know it depends on your silence, but this is too big. Those men are dangerous to everyone, the entire world. Give them to me. No one will know you even talked to me.”

Faisal sat for a long time, and then he reached up and rubbed his eyes. “I can’t believe I helped them.” He nodded abruptly. “Hidden behind the first drawer in this desk is another drawer. I have copies of their IDs still there. You can take them out and examine them. I was going to destroy them but hadn’t yet. I keep them for a couple of weeks to make certain they are clear.”

“Thank you, Faisal. We’ll leave you with enough money—”

Faisal shook his head. “I don’t want money for this. It is a betrayal, and yet at the same time, it is what any man should do for his people. Take the IDs and go.”

In his eyes, they could see he expected to die right there. Draden moved behind him to cover Shylah while she went to the drawer, putting herself in danger. The moment she recovered the information and altered photographs needed, she backed toward the door. Draden waited until she was clear.

“Thank you.” He didn’t insult the man by throwing the money on the desk. “The authorities will never know about you from us,” he reassured and softly closed the door.

Even knowing Diego had a clear shot if the man made a threat toward them, Draden had to glance back through the window. Faisal had his head down on the desk.


Much to the annoyance of the GhostWalker crew, Trap lent his private luxury jet to Draden and Shylah for what he called their honeymoon flight. Draden didn’t feel too sorry for the rest of his unit because Trap turned around and rented another luxury jet to fly the team back to the States. They would meet at the Mississippi airport where Whitney’s three scientists had flown. They were also getting a U.S. military escort until they were out of Indonesian airspace.

Great identity forgeries took time, and the Williams brothers and Agus Orucov had used that time to try to come up with answers as to why Shylah’s immune system fought off viruses so efficiently. By waiting for their new identities, the three virologists had been slowed down and couldn’t leave the country, giving Draden and Shylah time to fight off the virus, leaving them only a step or two behind their quarry.

As Draden and Shylah approached the jet, she nudged his shoulder. We’re surrounded by men with guns. Are they protecting us? Or making certain we board the plane?

They’re making certain we get out of here without incident, sweetheart.

Both were armed. No one had searched them for weapons. Draden had the feeling the Indonesian soldiers wanted them gone as much as the American soldiers wanted them out of Sumatra. It was a little nerve-wracking to walk up the steps, feeling as if dozens of eyes—and maybe guns—were pointed right between their shoulder blades.

Once inside, Draden forgot all about the security measures outside of the jet. He even felt a little sorry for the rest of his team. He tugged on Shylah’s hand, drawing her into the cavernous and very opulent interior. “This is the way my good friend Trap travels.”

A male flight attendant who looked as if he could handle himself in a fight greeted them with a smile. “I’m Greg,” he introduced himself. “Let me show you around. There are five cabin zones,” he announced, indicating the interior of the spacious jet.

“As you can see each zone is very large and comes equipped with leather couches and very comfortable chairs. Dining is easy on the cherrywood table.” He indicated a small intimate table set between two luxurious-looking chairs. “There is a larger table as well, of course. There is a bathroom right here.” He opened the doors to a spacious modern bathroom.

Shylah and Draden exchanged silly grins. His fingers tightened around hers.

“I understand you’re on your honeymoon. The master suite is ready for you.” He threw open the door to a large cabin. The room looked like something out of a magazine. The bed dominated the room, a large queen-size with gleaming gold on the headboard. Gold trimmed the walls. Drawers lined the room leading to the master bathroom.


