Towering Contract Read Online Alexa Riley

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Insta-Love Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 25
Estimated words: 23292 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 116(@200wpm)___ 93(@250wpm)___ 78(@300wpm)

As soon as Zelly is out of earshot, Janet moves closer and speaks to me under her breath. Her lips are barely moving, so she really must not want anyone else to overhear her.

“I don’t know what you think you’re doing by inviting my daughter to your house, but I’ve got my eyes on you, Flynn Evermore.”

“My middle name is Ryan if you want to use the whole thing.” I use my fakest smile to greet an asshole passing by who happens to be friends with my dad.

“Do you think you’re being clever?” This has me turning to face her. “I won’t risk my daughter’s reputation and position in society so that you can get your kicks.”

“Kicks?” I raise an eyebrow, and I swear I see flames in her eyes.

In the distance, I see Leo introducing Zelly to Thomas Newsom, and my smile drops. His family is well off and well connected, but I heard his father paid off a bunch of people at his old school to cover up some bad shit he did.

“I won’t start a war in my family by putting a stop to this but know that your days are numbered.” Her words are the only thing that make me look away from Thomas and Zelly. “She will be matched with someone befitting her status, and that certainly won’t be an Evermore.”

Chapter Seven


The alarm sounds, letting me know someone has come into my home. I live on the family estate, but I stay in the casita behind the main house since it’s close to the garden. I wiggled my way into moving out here, and I love it because there aren’t people constantly coming and going. When I’m here, I know I’m all alone and this is my space.

I hear Ella’s feet moving around the house, and I call out to her. “I’m in my room,” I shout before zipping up my suitcase and starting on the next one. I’m overpacking, but I don’t know how long this will take.

“I’m stealing one of these cookies.” Ella appears a few seconds later with not one but two cookies. “Did you stay up all night baking?”

“I love baking.” I know I sound defensive.

Really I was trying to calm myself down because I hadn’t been able to sleep. When I bake or work in the garden, it gives me a sense of calm. It reminds me I have a purpose, and it keeps my mind busy.

“I know,” she laughs. “It was a long night. Thought you’d be worn out.”

I should’ve been worn out both mentally and physically. I’d been on my feet most of the night while my mom paraded me around the room introducing me to everyone. It didn’t help that the whole time I could see Flynn watching me. He was pissed off, and it reminded me of the times I could sense a darkness in him.

“I wanted to take some with me. Flynn’s kitchen is probably bare. I bet he doesn’t even own a blender.” Unless he has a staff.

“What was that about?” Ella takes residence on the chaise at the end of my bed.

“I guess he needs help.” I shrug. “Might be nice to get out of here for a few days.” I live in the casita, but it’s a short walk from the main house. One my mom has no problem taking, and I know she has two men in mind for me already.

“That is so not what I meant.”

“He’s been Leo’s friend forever. It’s not crazy for me to do it.”

Actually it is. I hate Flynn. Don't I? He has me questioning everything after last night. I have no clue how long we danced, but we slid back to a time when I adored him. Our conversations started to come easier with each word we spoke to one another.

“That’s still not what I meant,” Ella says as she polishes off her first cookie.

“Then what do you mean?” She doesn’t know about my past with Flynn. That I loved him and then he broke my heart. Although I’m not a hundred percent sure that he knows about breaking my heart. He pretended last night that there was no hostility between us.

I’m typically short and direct when I have to speak to him, and there’s no way he could miss that. When he was around, that is. He had to know he did something to turn me against him because I was never that way before. Even when I was younger and he did something to annoy me, I’d only try to annoy him back or argue with him. I never wanted to run from him like I do now.

“Your mom for starters. Leo speaks highly of Flynn, but your mom doesn’t care for him.”

“I don’t know actually.” I found that strange too because I thought she was close to Flynn’s mom.


