Tossed Into Love Read Online Aurora Rose Reynolds (Fluke My Life #3)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Fluke My Life Series by Aurora Rose Reynolds

Total pages in book: 71
Estimated words: 68413 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 342(@200wpm)___ 274(@250wpm)___ 228(@300wpm)

“This is a nice building,” Libby says as we get on the elevator.

I hit the button for my floor, then wrap my hand around her hip and bring her closer to me.

Petting the top of the kitten’s head that’s tucked between us, I agree. “It is. It’s also a lot cheaper living here than the city.”

“Is it?”

“Yeah. I had a one-bedroom shithole on the West Side before moving here, and my rent was triple what it is now.”

“Living in the city is expensive.”

“It is.” I slide my hand down to rest on her lower back and lead her off the elevator.

My apartment is at the end of a long hall. Pulling out my key, I unlock the door and let us both inside. I set down the bag with the cat food and groceries on the kitchen counter.

“I didn’t even ask if you have stuff we can use to give him a bath,” she says as I empty the shopping bags and finish putting things away.

“I have some shampoo we can use tonight. Anything else he’ll need we can get tomorrow.” I gather an old towel from the linen closet and a bottle of shampoo from my shower, then go back to the kitchen. Libby is still standing with Pool in her arms—now without her coat on.

“I don’t think he’s going to like this very much,” Libby says as I turn on the water to fill the sink.

“Probably not,” I agree. “But he needs a bath all the same.”

“Okay, Pool. You’ve been a very good kitty, so please don’t bite us now,” Libby says, handing him over to me once I have the sink half-full.

I carefully take Pool from her and place him in the sink. He starts to freak out. He doesn’t bite, hiss, or scratch, but he does everything in his power to escape the sink—and us.

“This is fun,” Libby says.

I look at her and laugh when I see how wet she is. Her shirt is soaked through, and even some of her hair is wet.

“This isn’t exactly what I would call fun, baby,” I tell her as I haul Pool back under the water to rinse the second round of shampoo from his fur.

“Well, at least he didn’t bite us,” she murmurs, grabbing the towel from the counter and holding it out so I can hand her Pool.

He has a “pissed kitty” pout on his face.

“See? You’re all done. I bet you feel better, don’t you?” she asks Pool.

He untucks one of his paws from the towel and bats at her chin.

“Leave him to roam, baby. Let’s get you something dry to wear,” I tell her.

Her eyes meet mine, and she looks around the room.

“What if he gets lost?”

“This place is less than a thousand square feet. We’ll find him.”

I take Pool from her and set him on the ground, then take her hand. I lead her into my bedroom and flip on the light, then go to the dresser and grab T-shirts for both of us. When I turn around, I find her bent over and taking off her boots.

My eyes automatically zero in on her heart-shaped ass. Silently telling my cock to calm the fuck down, I hand her one of the T-shirts.

“My jeans are soaked, too,” she tells me with a smile.

I go back to my dresser and grab a pair of sweats that will be way too big for her and hand them to her as well. I expect her to ask to use the bathroom, so when she takes off her top right there and drops it to the floor, my mouth goes dry and my feet lead me right to her. The bra she has on is black lace, sexy as hell. I pull her toward me, meeting her gaze.

“Do you know how perfect you are?” I ask.

Her face gets soft while her hands move to rest against my chest.

“You’re pretty perfect, too, you know,” she says.

I lower my mouth to hers and kiss her softly. Her hands slide up under my shirt, and she pushes it up until it’s over my head. She presses her bra-covered chest into me as she gets up on tiptoe to deepen the kiss.

“We need to slow down,” I tell her as her nails scrape down over my pecs and abs.

“I know,” she agrees, shoving me backward.

I fall onto my bed, and she comes down on top of me.

Her mouth hits mine as soon as we land.

“Fuck, but I want you.” I flip her to her back, then lick and nip her neck, and then the edge of her breast. I enjoy listening to the sounds she’s making.

“Antonio, please touch me,” she begs, raising her hips.

My jaw clenches, and I fight an internal battle with myself as I stare into her beautiful need-filled eyes.


“Fuck it.”

I deftly unhook her bra and slide it from her shoulders, then unsnap her jeans and pull down the zipper. She raises her hips off the bed and helps me pull her jeans down, then kicks them off. I waste no time positioning myself between her legs when she spreads them open for me. I slide my hands under her ass and lift her into my mouth. The first taste of her on my tongue is enough to send me into a frenzy. Licking, nipping, sucking, biting—I eat her like a man famished. Her nails dig into my scalp, and her fingers pull my hair as she grinds herself against me. Carefully, I slide one finger inside her. Her hips buck up off the bed, sending her deeper into my mouth. Feeling her start to convulse around my finger, I pull her clit into my mouth and suck. Her body stills and her back arches as she comes hard. Fuck, but hearing her and seeing her come is enough to push me close to the edge. Resting my forehead against her pelvic bone, I pull in a few much-needed deep breaths to try and get myself under control.


