Tied to the Wulven – Kindred Tales Read Online Evangeline Anderson

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Angst, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 51
Estimated words: 47749 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 239(@200wpm)___ 191(@250wpm)___ 159(@300wpm)

“You didn’t really hurt me the first time,” Breenah murmured in a low voice. “It was just…really intense.”

“It won’t be like that again,” Rax promised her.

“Then yes.” Reaching up, Breenah cupped his cheek with one small hand. “Yes, Rax—I want to be with you again. I want to try to bond and stay here aboard the Mother Ship with you forever.”

“Oh, sweetheart…” Rax felt like his heart might explode. “Thank you,” he murmured, leaning down to kiss her again. “Thank you for giving me a second chance.”

“Can we try it soon then?” Breenah’s breathing was quicker and her eyes had dilated. Rax could smell her desire as she snuggled against him. “I can feel your Beast wanting me,” she whispered to Rax. “I know he probably won’t come out, but he’ll feel what we’re doing, won’t he?”

“Yes, he will.” Rax nodded. “But this time it’s going to be different—a lot different. In fact, I think I have an idea.” He looked up at Commander Sylvan. “Do you know if there are any Breeding Chairs on the Mother Ship?”

“Oh, I think we can find one,” Sylvan said, a slight smile touching the corners of his mouth. “Should I make some calls and have it delivered to your suite?”

“Please do.” Rax rose with Breenah still cradled in his arms. “I don’t know if it’s possible, but by the grace of the Goddess, Breenah and I are going to try and complete this bonding.”



Breenah snuggled happily in her giant’s arms as he carried her back to his living quarters. The Mother Ship was absolutely enormous—many times bigger than the Compound she’d been raised in. There were all kinds of women—some with tan skin and some with brown skin like her own and all shades in between—but most of them were shaped like her, with full curves and prominent breasts, Breenah noted.

She would have liked to explore but there would be time for that later. Right now, she sensed that Rax didn’t want to let her down—he wanted to keep her close to his heart until they could complete their bond.

She was so glad that their night together during the Equinox had resulted in a permanent connection to his Beast, though she hadn’t even realized it had happened until she saw her giant again and felt the internal tug coming from the being inside him. And then, it had been like coming home—feeling the Beast’s love for her, mixed with a strong apologetic feeling.

He’s trying to tell me he’s sorry if he hurt or scared me, Breenah realized. She tried to send the Beast feelings of love and forgiveness. He hadn’t understood what he was doing before she’d tamed him, she realized. He had been mindless—a true animal. Now, however, he was beginning to have an understanding of his actions and their consequences. Though he still couldn’t talk and probably never would be able to, it was easy enough to communicate with him by sharing emotions.

I hope I can get a connection like that to Rax, she thought. He seemed to think it was possible and she certainly wasn’t opposed to trying—especially since he’d promised to be gentle with her.

Indeed, the way he was carrying her already made her feel like a cherished treasure. He cradled her in his strong arms as though he never wanted to let her go.

They reached his suite soon enough and Breenah was amazed when he took her around from room to room, showing her the food prep area, the living area, the sleep chamber with its huge bed—so different from the small cot she was used to—and the bathing room or “fresher” as the Kindred called it. It had a vast, steaming pool of water that Rax called a “bathing pool” right in the middle of the floor. All of the furniture was oversized of course—built for someone her giant’s size—but Breenah didn’t mind that.

“All this space!” she marveled as Rax carried her from room to room and at last ended their tour back in the living area in front of the fireplace filled with blue and gold flames. She looked up at him. “Where are the other people?”

“Other people?” His forehead creased into a frown of confusion. “This is my suite, sweetheart—I’m the only one who lives here.” He smiled. “Though you can live here with me, if you like.”

“All these rooms just for us?” Breenah asked in disbelief. “We don’t have to share with anyone?”

“Just the two of us,” Rax promised her. “Is that okay with you?”

“Okay? It’s wonderful!” Breenah exclaimed.

All her life she’d lived communally—eating and sleeping and working in a crowd—she had never had a space away from the other women of the Compound, though she had often wished for one. Now, to her delight, she realized the spacious, beautifully decorated rooms were just for her and Rax—it really was amazing.


