Tied to Roman – Silver Spoon After Dark Read Online Loni Ree

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, BDSM, Billionaire, Contemporary, Erotic, Insta-Love Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 16
Estimated words: 14352 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 72(@200wpm)___ 57(@250wpm)___ 48(@300wpm)

I hand the phone back to my spitfire before the asshole can respond.

“Yes.” She sighs, but I have no idea what her brother is saying. “I had to meet the band at this club. They insisted,” she insists. After a few moments of listening to her brother, she adds, “Sp*nked is going to sign our contract.”

I sit at my desk and wait while she finishes her discussion with her brother.

After hanging up the phone, she turns to me and growls adorably, “I can’t believe you. You freaking told my older brother that we’re together.”

“We are together.”

“He wanted me to give you a message. He said he’s going to cut off your…” She pauses and glances down at my hard cock. “Private parts if you lay one hand on me.”

“I’m not worried.” I can see I’m going to have to work my ass off winning over her brother, but I’ll do whatever it takes. There’s no way I can let her go at this point; therefore, I’m going to pull my head out of my ass and fix this situation. “I’m sorry I acted that way, but hearing a man ordering you around was intolerable to me.” Standing up, I walk around the desk and pull her into my arms. “I know this is happening fast, but one look at you and I instantly knew you are the one for me.”

“And how many women have you used that exact line on?” Hurt flashes through her blue eyes, and my heart squeezes in my chest. Fuck. I’d cut my own dick off before I ever hurt her.

“You’re the first and the last.” I take her soft hand in mine and lead her over to the black sofa in the corner. “We have a lot to talk about.” After sitting next to her, I lay my cards on the table. “I know I’ve made of mess this, but I’m asking you to give me the chance to fix things.”

Raven stares at me for several minutes, and I start to fucking sweat. I’m frantically trying to come up with another plan when she sighs. “I know you’re used to dealing with women who are looking for a fling, but I’m not one of them. I’m not going to jump into bed with you without getting to know you.”

Relief and the determination not to fuck this up flow through me. “I can work with that. Why don’t we have dinner tomorrow evening, then we can come to the club and finish your tour?”

“Okay. But I really need to ask you for a big favor.”

She can ask me for anything. I’ll give her whatever she wants. “Ask away.”

“I need to stay in town for a few more days while the band members go over the contract with their lawyer. Is your jet available later in the week?”

Hell fucking yes! This turn of events will give me a few extra days to convince my spitfire to give me a chance. “It’s available whenever you need it.” I’ll make sure of it.

I lead Raven to my private entrance and out into the warm Texas night. “You didn’t have to walk me to the hotel.” I hold her hand tight as she tries to pull it from my grasp. “This has got to be the safest town in the country.”

“It is, but I’m still making sure you get there safely.” The Silver Spoon Falls Inn is a five-minute walk from the club.

I accompany Raven to her hotel room door. She unlocks the door and turns to smile up at me. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.” I wrap my arms around her curvy body and pull her close for my kiss, and then I get the fuck out of there before I’m tempted to forget all about waiting.

When I get back to my office, I discover I left my cellphone lying on my desk. Picking it up, I find a message from my brother, Jordan. Fuck. He called twice yesterday and I missed both calls. I was so distracted waiting to meet Raven, I forgot to call him back.


I need you to call me.

I look at the time stamp and notice it’s only been five minutes since he messaged. I dial his number and wait for him to answer.

“What took you so long?” the impatient asshole answers.

“It’s been five minutes since you messaged me.” I sit behind my desk and wait for him to explain why he’s been blowing my phone up. “Yes, but I called you two fucking times yesterday. I don’t have time to chase your ass around.” He has an insanely busy schedule, and I normally only talk to him every few weeks or when there are problems.

“Have you heard from Gabbi?” That perks my ears up. Our baby sister tends to find trouble everywhere she goes. I’m pretty sure keeping up with her has caused all the gray hairs at my temple.


