These Broken Hours – Vandello – Dark Mafia Read Online B.B. Hamel

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Dark, Mafia, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 77
Estimated words: 74589 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 373(@200wpm)___ 298(@250wpm)___ 249(@300wpm)

I consider that for a moment. I know what Lance is talking about—I’ve heard rumors of the cartels looking to expand around Atlanta, and Marietta would be a very nice prize if they could take it. The second our war ends, I suspect the cartels will push right in and wipe up whoever’s left standing. If we keep fighting, the winner will be severely weakened, and the loser will be gone.

“Here’s what I’ll offer.” I take a step closer. “Two weeks. I’ll give you two weeks to come up with a good plan to end our war. We’re both going to have to save face in front of our people if we want to get out of this, because I can tell you, my boys want blood. You come to me with a good offer and we’ll work something out. You’ve got two weeks and no more.”

Lance nods slowly. “All right then. We’ll work something out.”

“But hear me. If you try to fuck me, if you hit me during these next two weeks, if you come back with some weak bullshit, I will make sure I kill every single one of you motherfuckers and I’ll do it with a smile. I don’t care if I end up dead in the process. Understand?”

“I wouldn’t expect anything else from a man like you.” Lance turns away and starts his bike. “Nice chatting. I’ll be in touch.” His cronies kick their bikes to life and the three of them ride off.

I watch them go, my hand clutching the gun in my waistband. I could draw it, aim on the fucker, and maybe end the war right here and now—

But it’s not worth the price I’d pay if I missed.

Instead, I walk back to the car and get into the passenger side.

“What was that about?”

“A truce,” I say with a smile as Cora pulls into the driveway and parks.

“Seriously?” Kady asks, leaning forward. “You’re gonna have a truce?”

“Two weeks from now. I told him to come back with a real plan to get us out of this war.”

Cora shimmies in her seat. “You’re really gonna end it?”

“I’m really gonna give him a shot. I hate that fucker and want to see the ORB ground into dust, but I’m not stupid. Everything’s about the long game, Cora, my love.”

“Oh, god,” Kady groans as I lean over and kiss Cora on the neck. “I’m already sick of you two.” She hops out and runs inside as I kiss Cora deeper on the lips.

“I really love you, you know that?” she whispers.

“I really love you too. Come on, let’s go home.”

I get out and she follows.

We walk inside, my arm draped over her shoulders.

Chapter 26


Four Months Later

“I’m serious, Cora! I’m ready to be done! Get this baby out of me.” Kady stretches out on the couch and groans as she holds onto her belly.

“You’ve got two more months, honey,” I say with a laugh. “I’m sorry, I know this sucks, but you’re almost there.”

“God, that’s so easy for you to say.” She sighs and smiles slightly as she closes her eyes. “He’s moving.”

I go over and can feel the little baby swimming around in there. A small bump, a little knock, and that’s it—but it’s such a miracle. “How do you know it’s a boy?”

“Just a guess. I’ve got a fifty-fifty shot of being right.”

“And if it’s a girl?”

“I’ll pick a gender-neutral name. Like Drew.”

“Ugh, Drew, what a bad name. Don’t curse you kid with a nickname name.”

“Fair enough. How about Alex? Andy? Charlie!”

“I kind of like Charlie, but let’s keep workshopping this, okay?”

She grins at me and slowly sits up. “I don’t know how you’re not freaking out right now.” Her smile fades away. “He’s running late.”

I glance back at the door. I didn’t need her to remind me—I’ve been obsessively thinking about Nolan since he left this morning and I know he’s already an hour past schedule. I want him to come back home so badly it hurts, but there’s nothing I can do right now.

“Honestly? I’m barely keeping it together.”

“He’ll be okay. You know that.”

“It just scares me, is all. You ever fall in love with a man with a dangerous job?”

“Define love.” She gives me a wicked grin. “I’ve done a lot of things with dangerous men, but I don’t know about love.”

“Good point, also gross. Hey, did you ever consider naming the baby after Jaxson? You could call the boy Jason and the girl Jessie or something like that.”

“I’ve been thinking about that. He wanted to be in this baby’s life so bad but now he’ll never get a chance, you know? It’s all so fucked up.”

“You’ll be okay too, you know. You’ve got us.”

“Yeah, I know, I’m sure you’ll be happy about your mooching little sister when there’s a baby crying at three in the morning.”


