Their Snowy Night Read Online Lucy Darling

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Insta-Love, Novella, Romance, Virgin Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 23
Estimated words: 21225 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 106(@200wpm)___ 85(@250wpm)___ 71(@300wpm)

“I’ve got donuts.” Clyde points over to the pastry bin that sits next to the coffee.

“Now you’re just being rude.”

“You saying you don’t like donuts, Deputy Hudson?”

I roll my eyes. For six months, I’ve been correcting Clyde every time he calls me Marley. My name is now Deputy Hudson. This is the first time he’s actually called me that. I know it's only to go along with his lame donut joke.

“Fine. I’ll take a donut,” I grumble. I don’t have anything against donuts. They’re good in their own right, but my favorite sweet to have this time of year is my Reese's Christmas trees.

I only get them for a certain period of time. They make the pumpkin shaped in early fall, and after Christmas, they do the bunnies for Easter, but there is something about the ones shaped like trees. Everyone says I’m nuts, but I swear they have a bit of Christmas magic in them.

“Who even bought all the Reese’s cups?” I ask when I get back to the counter with my hot chocolate and lame donut. At least it has sprinkles on it.


“What! He’s a diabetic.” This is a bunch of baloney.

“Not my problem.” Clyde shrugs as he rings up my donut. He always gives me my hot chocolate for free. My radio goes off at the same time.

“Are you closing up early?” I ask Clyde as I check to see if the call is urgent or if I can take it when I get back to my SUV.

“Yeah, I’m locking up now. Be careful out there, Marley. “

“I will.” I snag my stuff off the counter, heading out to my SUV. “What’s cooking, Sally?” I chirp over my radio.

“Saint called again.” I don’t even hide my smile at hearing Saint’s name. He’s a pain in my booty, but man is he handsome.

“Seriously? I was about to head home.”

“He’s not far from you. Head home after. Everyone in Winter Falls is supposed to be off the streets by nightfall.”

“He’s lucky he’s got a handsome dog.” I pretend to be annoyed, not wanting anyone to catch on to the small crush I’ve got on Saint. I’d never hear the end of that one.

I put my seatbelt on and blast the heat before I pull out of the parking lot. Saint Brooks moved to Winter Falls about six months ago. It was my understanding he’d bought the place as a vacation home. The house is extra fancy. Some high-end real estate guy bought up a few chunks of land out here and built some houses on them. I heard he made a killing.

If this place is only supposed to be a vacation home to Saint, that means he has to be well off. Not that I have any idea what he does. He might call us out all the freaking time about stupid crap, but I never could learn much about him.

The first time I met the man he’d shouted at me through a speaker. I’d been driving by his place and thought I’d stop and welcome him to Winter Falls. I’d pushed the button on his giant monstrosity of a gate, and it sounded like a bear came over the speaker.

The first words out of his mouth were asking me if I had a warrant. I didn’t, but I had cookies I was trying to bring over. I should have tossed them against the gate, but then I got curious. When he’d suddenly opened the gate after growling at me like a bear, I went on in. I wanted to see the man behind that deep voice.

Grams would have tanned my hide if she knew that. She always said my curiosity was gonna get the best of me one of these days. Still doesn't stop her from calling me to find out what gossip I’ve heard. I was sure Saint was a drug dealer after the whole warrant comment, but no dice.

From that point on, he was always calling about something. But every time I went out to his place, there was not much going on. It just so happens I was the one that always got sent to check things out.

It takes me a bit longer to get to Saint’s with how fast the snow is already coming down. The roads have a pretty decent covering on them already. The gate opens the second I turn into the driveway. I pull through and watch in my mirror as it closes behind me. Saint is already standing on his porch when I pull up. He motions for me to park in front of his detached garage.

He jogs over toward my SUV, making it to me as I open my door. The wind catches it, jerking it out of my hand. Holy crap, I hadn’t realized how windy it had gotten.


