Their Snowy Night Read Online Lucy Darling

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Insta-Love, Novella, Romance, Virgin Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 23
Estimated words: 21225 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 106(@200wpm)___ 85(@250wpm)___ 71(@300wpm)



1 year later

My curvy little pregnant wife can’t sit still. She’s been running around for the past week wanting everything to be perfect. Her sister Charlee and her husband Rowan are coming by with their little one today.

“What is wrong with this thing?” She picks up one of the houses in her snow village and starts to shake it. “Work,” she orders it. I can’t stop the chuckle that leaves me. Her head pops up, and she shoots me a glare. “What are you laughing at?”

“You’re going to get your ass spanked here in a minute.” I walk over and take the tiny glass house from her hand.

“You wouldn’t dare.” She shuffles back a step, very well knowing that I will give her ass a nice little pop if it calms her down. I tinker with the light that’s inserted inside before I put the house back down in its place. It does the trick; the house lights up. “Thank goodness. Christmas was almost ruined.” I reach out to grab her, but she dodges me, taking off down the hall.

I suck in a deep breath, trying to get control of myself. What I want to do is tie her ass to the bed. I tried to get the doc to put her on bedrest but she wouldn’t. Claimed Marley is more than fine to do normal activities.

I guess I should be thankful that she’s not working right now. She does a few small things every now and then in town, but not much. Thankfully, Winter Falls is a pretty tame town. Not much really happens when it comes to crime, at least.

When I think I’ve finally gotten my need to fuck her into submission under control, I follow after her. She’s seven months pregnant and has more energy than she’s ever had. I’ll never forget the day we found out she was pregnant.

Marley took a test almost every month. I could see the disappointment every time she got a negative result. I knew it would happen when it was time. Truth be told, I was happy it took us a few months. It gave us time to settle in. I wanted her moved in and comfortable before we started on readying a nursery.

When those two little lines finally popped up on the test, Marley had burst into tears. That was hard to handle. I’m not used to this happy tears shit. Messes with my fucking head. Whenever I see her crying, I panic, wanting to fix whatever it is that’s wrong.

I find her in the kitchen icing a cake. “That for me or Charlee?” We both love her cake.

“It’s for everyone.” She lifts her thumb to her mouth, licking the icing off it. A moan comes from her that shoots right to my cock.

“When are they getting here?” Marley glances over her shoulder to the oven to check the time. She may be acting as if she’s innocent, but I know better. She knows exactly what she’s doing to me.

“She said they’d get in around two. They were only dropping their bags off at the house and heading right over, so they’ll be here anytime now.” The clock reads ten to two. I know them saying they’re only going to drop their bags off is total bullshit.

Rowan and I have gotten closer over the last year. Charlee has been spending a lot more time out here in Winter Falls. Where Charlee is, Rowan is. They were both in our wedding, serving as the best man and maid of honor. I mean, Charlee had basically planned the entire event for us.

I had money to do whatever it was Marley wanted for a wedding, but Charlee has connections to make things happen quickly. I made it known I would pay top dollar to whoever could give Marley her dream wedding in the quickest way possible.

“You need to change.” Marley pulls her thumb out from her mouth to look down at what she's wearing. I think it’s supposed to be a sweater dress, but it’s a fucking sweater in my opinion.

My wife often forgets to account for her ever-growing stomach when she buys clothes. The dress comes to about mid-thigh. Might be normal length to some people, but I’m not some people. I’m a jealous possessive bastard. One that doesn’t care that it’s only going to be my brother-in-law and her sister seeing her. I know Rowan is madly in love with his wife. I still don’t give a fuck. I want to be the only one that sees her in this way.

“Why? You haven't seen the best part.” She reaches up underneath the tiny thing she’s calling a dress. A few seconds later I hear a click before her sweater lights up. Great. There’s going to be even more attention drawn to her now. “Isn’t it awesome?” she says with the biggest smile on her face.


