The Wrath – Rise of the Warlords Read Online Gena Showalter

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 118
Estimated words: 111898 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 559(@200wpm)___ 448(@250wpm)___ 373(@300wpm)

“Oh, I’ll make you remember,” he told her, his expression fierce. “Then you and I will come to an agreement about things.”

Things. Aka their relationship. She gave her bottom lip a nervous swipe with her tongue and nodded. Then, she forced herself to focus and soared into the Hall.

To his credit, Rathbone remained at her side. Just as before, too many voices vied for her attention. Whisper piled upon whisper, quickly becoming a roar. Sharp pain sliced through her temples, and she cried out.

Keeping her mind fixed on the mother-of-pearl temple proved difficult, but she did it, motoring forward with Rathbone and absorbing as much information as possible. Maybe too much. Dizziness invaded, and she wobbled on her feet.

Her breathing quickened. So did his. Never had she been so grateful for his presence. His strength fed her own, keeping her upright.

Just as requested, he flashed them to safety at the five-minute mark. He dropped the backpack as Neeka collapsed, sagging against him. Though he dripped with sweat and wheezed his breaths, he caught her.

“What was that?” he demanded between panting breaths. “Other than something we will never do again.”

“The Hall of Secrets. Mysteries spoken of throughout the ages collect there,” she muttered, nuzzling her cheek against his pec. The rapid-fire pounding of his heartbeat helped ground her in the moment. “A way to download a lot of information fast. The problem is sorting through it afterward. Something I need to do but can’t until I calm.” Where were they, anyway?

Unwilling to disrupt her current position, she scanned her new surroundings while enfolded in his embrace. Ohhh. His bedroom. He’d brought her back to the Realm of Agonies, then. Home. Well, his home, not hers. Except it kind of might be hers now?

I’ll never let you go.

Flutters teased her belly. She didn’t mean to, but she curled her sharpening claws into his shoulders. A clear command for him to stay put. Had she truly decided to give him another chance?

“I think I know a way to calm you,” he said, tilting her face toward his. “Can you predict what it is?”

Her pulse leaped. When his heated gaze dipped to her mouth, she shivered. Oh, yes. She could guess.

Pretending to misunderstand, she asked, “Are you referring to that chat of agreement you promised me?”

“I’m referring to sex.”

His frankness ended her charade. Very well. “I didn’t tell you this, but my instinct insists sex with you will forever change my life. Out with the old, and in with the new.”

“Your instinct is both right and wrong,” he responded without hesitation. “I’ve already changed your life. Today we start fresh.”

Oh. Ooh. She went from terrified by the change to intrigued. “I’m conserving my energy for my next vision, so if I even considered saying yes, which I’m not, you’d have to agree to do all the work.”

“When you enjoy your job, carrot, it isn’t work.” He traced the pads of his thumbs over her cheeks, leaving a trail of fire. “Never again will I allow harm to come to you. I give you my word.”

Goose bumps broke out, and her heart raced faster. She was more tempted to say yes by the second. Beyond tempted. Until she’d rendered a final decision about their relationship, however, she should say no. So that was what she’d say.

She opened her mouth to do it. To put a stop to the conversation. “I’m a maybe,” she said, surprising herself. “Give me the hard sell.”

His pupils expanded. Bending his head, he brushed the tip of his nose against hers. “For the time being, we’re stuck, yes?”

Breath hitched in her lungs. Her favorite spots tingled. “Not stuck per se. But yes, also stuck.”

Another brush of their noses. So gentle. Pure seduction. “And you remember me? No memory loss?”

“No loss,” she admitted as tremors spread to her legs. She leaned her weight into him, letting him keep her upright.

“Then you remember how you react to my touch.” A husky statement accompanied by a soft caress of her jawline.

Her blood heated. “A little? I mean, it’s been so long. Days!” Actively participating in her downfall now? What was this male doing to her?

“A reminder probably wouldn’t be amiss.” He raked a glittering gaze over her body, and she nearly caved then and there. “But where should I start?”

Oh, sweet goodness. He was good at this. Very good. The snake in the garden, offering her an apple.

Common sense attempted a final stand. “You’re my consort, but not my consort. And I’m definitely not your queen.”

He arched a dark brow. “Would you like to be?”

What! He hadn’ way he’d just...he...they...she... what?

“As my queen,” he added, “you’ll be rich beyond your wildest imagination.”

Reeling... “You’re resorting to bribery, Wrath Boned?”

“Whatever it takes, carrot” he told her, unabashed.

She nibbled on her bottom lip. “How rich?”


Weakening her resistance at every turn! “The fact that you have sunk to such depths...”


