The Wrath – Rise of the Warlords Read Online Gena Showalter

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 118
Estimated words: 111898 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 559(@200wpm)___ 448(@250wpm)___ 373(@300wpm)

“I meant your head,” he corrected.

Another demon hurried over to decapitate the one holding the severed skull.

“My bad, I meant your head,” he repeated, and the third demon died, too. The same process played out again and again, each demon dying before reaching him. “How long do you think this can go on?” he asked Hades between slayings.

“Not long enough. Looks like the fun is already slowing.”

Sure enough, the fools finally caught on. At least fifty sets of narrowed red gazes settled on him.

“You’re going to die for this,” someone hissed.

Let them come. He could stand to blow a little steam before sneaking through the palace to spy on Styx. Rathbone wished to know if other rumors were true. Could the king recover from decapitation? If so, killing him wouldn’t be easy. If Rathbone decided to do it, however, it would be done, regardless.

Of course, the male’s death wouldn’t end Rathbone’s association with him. When an Underworld royal died, his body liquefied, soaking into the ground, bubbling up and growing into a river. A constant reminder of what used to be.

A commotion drew Rathbone’s attention to the right. Soldiers and citizens jumped out of the path as a fury-crazed male wearing leather pants and a bejeweled crown dragged a bedraggled female at the end of a rope. Well, well. The infamous Styx in the flesh.

“Make way, make way,” a demon shouted, marching ahead of the pair.

Hades and Rathbone were forgotten as everyone focused on the sovereign. Rathbone used the opportunity to study a potential foe. Not as big as expected but impressive all the same. Assured of his power, he mowed down anyone foolish enough to be in his path.

“Come one, come all,” the announcer continued. “Watch our lord flog his once-favored concubine. Afterward, her organs will be served à la carte. Come one, come all.”

Cheers resounded through the masses, salivating demons giving chase.

Rathbone turned his attention to the female, noting her features. Tangled sable hair, pale skin, and crystal blue eyes filled with tears. His chest clenched. A cut on her forehead dripped blood over one dainty cheek. Dirt streaked the rest of her. The imperfections did little to detract from her fragile beauty.

Her gaze darted, as if she searched for a rescuer. When she met Rathbone’s stare for a mere heartbeat, desire struck him like a blow, snatching the air from his lungs. He stiffened as fierce yearning coursed through every nook and cranny of his body. In an instant, raw hunger threatened to whip him into a frenzy. A reaction he hadn’t experienced since...ever. Yet it was the emotions that caught him off guard. Wonder. Hope. Desperation. Without a taste of this female, could he honestly claim to have lived at all?

Other males seemed to experience the same phenomenon. Aggression thickened the air. Growls blended with panting breaths. Many demons stroked themselves, uncaring who watched.

“I should speak with her,” Rathbone said, all but foaming at the mouth for such an opportunity. “I have questions, and she could have answers.”

“Yes, I’m sure that’s the reason you must speak with her.” Hades’s tone dripped with wry humor. “Do us both a favor and walk away from this female.”

The mere thought twisted his insides into knots. The strongest reaction he’d ever experienced in his lifetime. “Leave her in her tormentor’s care? Your cruelty is showing, Uncle.”

“I know. So why isn’t yours? You don’t have time for this.”

True. Rathbone had one obsession and it was acquiring the perfect kingdom. But. He also didn’t like seeing a female harmed.

His brow furrowed with confusion. He didn’t? Since when?

“I can take a few minutes to save this poor creature,” he stated.

“That so called poor creature doesn’t need your help,” Hades replied. “She’s a Greek goddess of desire.”

A goddess? Of desire? Rathbone peered at the prisoner with new eyes, riveted. A prize among prizes. The male who won a beauty such as her would be envied beyond measure.

She tripped over her own feet and fell, crashing into the cobblestone road. As merciless as the rumors suggested, Styx continued on, dragging her behind him. Though she fought to rise, she proved too weakened. Pained moans escaped her.

Hades shook his head, radiating pity. “Greek deities never leave something better than they found it. This female will wreck you.”

Wreck him? Hardly. “We are Greek deities.”

“Exactly. But fine. Go this route. I’ll let you figure out the truth on your own.”

Hands curling into fists, Rathbone struggled not to spring into action. Hold. Such unplanned impulsiveness could only lead to his downfall as well as hers. “Go to the palace. Learn what you can. I’ll stay here with the king.”

“The king. Right. I suppose these aren’t needed anymore then.” Hades yanked his arms apart, the chains breaking in two. With little effort, he tore through the metal wrist cuffs, one then the other. Rather than continuing to display his identity to the masses, he pulled his cloak’s hood over his head, bathing his familiar face in shadows. “Just know you owe me extra for this. I expected a fun uncle-nephew day, a real bonding experience.” He vanished.


