The Vanished Specialist Read online K. Webster (Lost Planet #2)

Categories Genre: Alien, Erotic, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal, Romance Tags Authors: Series: The Lost Planet Series by K. Webster

Total pages in book: 47
Estimated words: 43589 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 218(@200wpm)___ 174(@250wpm)___ 145(@300wpm)

“Why did my father go back here?” I blurt out. “He never made it. I want to know why.”

Lox blinks at me several times before answering. “Once Belin was healthy, he wanted to look through some of the other tools and machinery here. See what he could take back with him to the facility. Of course, being his assistant, I went along with him.” He lowers his nog. “He never made it.”

It is on the tip of my tongue to ask how. How did my father die? But do I really want to know the details? Do I want Lox—already fragile in mind—to relive something so horrific? After my father’s death, and Lox’s assumed death, he was left to rot in Sector 1779 all alone. Perhaps later I will discuss this with him. Much later. When my mate is healed and we are in the company of the other morts. And where I can have Avrell assist me in weaning him off his beloved lembulla.

“I’m going to fetch Emery,” I tell him, clasping his shoulder in an affectionate way. “And the Haxinth.”

Luckily, Haxinth was something that Galen, Avrell, and myself were able to concoct. I kept the vials with our rations. With the Sector being old and what we thought was abandoned, finding Haxinth that hadn’t rotted was a risk I didn’t want to take. Because of Father’s notes, we were able to recreate the “living corpse” medicine. The technology is far more advanced at the facility and our microbots usually take care of most of our ailments, but considering the microbots have been a failure on my alien, I could not risk it.

Lox’s brows lift. “You have Haxinth?” The greedy glint in his black eyes sends a shiver of unease skittering down my spine. It takes everything in me not to let my sub-bones crack and pop in warning.

“Only enough for the procedure. But back at the facility, more can be concocted,” I assure him. I am not sure what his interest is in it. Unless he has some need for that as well. Much like his lumbella. Much like Breccan’s sun addiction. I suppose some morts have something they crave, even if it harms them. “What purpose do you have for it?”

He gives me a sheepish smile. “Sometimes I can’t sleep. Haxinth helps me sleep.”

Like a corpse.

I shudder at that thought.

“I see.” I give him a forced smile. “We will make sure Avrell gets you what you need when you arrive. In due time, friend.”

I leave him alone and hurry down the corridor to the room Emery was resting in. I find her sitting on the cot pale and dazed. The raspy wheezing in her chest sends alarm blaring through every nerve ending in my body.

“Lilapetal,” I murmur, striding over to her and taking a knee in front of her. “Look at me.”

She lifts her nog and her dulled blue eyes meet mine. “Hi, my mate.”

My heart warms at her words. I want nothing more than to take her right now. Right here on this cot. But with Lox looming nearby, I do not want to chance it. Besides, she needs this procedure immediately.

“It is time,” I tell her. “But I need to warn you.”

She presses a cold finger to my lips. “I know there are risks.”

“It is not that,” I rumble, darting a quick look over my shoulder. “It is Lox. He is unwell.” I tap my nog. “Here.”

Her lips purse and she nods. “Should we leave?”

“No,” I growl. “This surgery is the difference between life and death for you. I need his assistance to perform it. Just be careful. Be wary.”

I pull her to her feet and kiss her nose. Her blue eyes flicker with unspoken words. She bites on her bottom lip with her blunt, useless teeth, as though she can keep her thoughts hidden away from me. I see them brewing, but I do not have time to coax them from her. Time is of the essence.

“Calix,” Emery hisses.

“What is it, my mate?”

Her eyes become watery. “I…I…” A single tear leaks out and streaks down her pink cheek.

“Shhh,” I murmur. “Do not fear this operation. I will not let anything happen to you.”

She swallows, giving me a pitiful look, but simply nods. Quickly, I rifle through my pack for the Haxinth and pocket the vials. Then, I pull her behind me and down the corridor. Inside the room, I find Lox preparing the table. The lights are bright and as we near the table, I discover it is warm.

“Lox,” I say upon entering. “Can you leave us for a moment while Emery dresses in a gown?”

He gives me a mock salute and hobbles out of the room, closing the door behind him. I pull an old gown from a drawer. It has been protected from dust but still smells a little peculiar. Since she is so weak, I help her undress and then we get the gown on her.


