The Torment of Two – Shameful Secrets Read Online K. Webster

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, College, Contemporary, New Adult, Suspense Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 79
Estimated words: 76693 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 383(@200wpm)___ 307(@250wpm)___ 256(@300wpm)

The door to the workshop reopens and Two steps back inside.

“That was too close. I got Dad off my back, but we need to leave.” Two starts gathering his backpack, frantically throwing stuff into it. “Come on, Golden, we don’t have all day.”

I bristle at his grumpiness but know he’s just stressing out. My presence won’t be received well by his parents. Just thinking about bringing them pain too has my stomach knotting.

Two is so focused on practically dragging me to his car that he doesn’t notice the note taped to my window. As soon as he leaves me to go to his side, I snatch it off and shove it into my pocket. It’s cold in his car and I shiver while he tries to get it started. After the fourth attempt, it fires to life. Two rummages around in his console, eventually retrieving a couple of butterscotch candies. He offers me one and I accept.

As soon as the candy hits my tongue, I’m reminded again of our kiss. He tasted buttery and rich, just like the candy. He loudly clacks his candy around in his mouth as he drives. I think it must be a nervous habit or something. Neither of us speaks while he drives in the dark back to my house.

When we arrive, Two is stiff and won’t look at me. I’d hoped for another kiss, but it’s clear he’s on edge. I reach over and give his arm a squeeze.

“I had fun today with you.”

He grunts. “Same.”

“Can I call you later?”

“Not sure I’ll answer. I’m behind on Cedarwood Mansion.”

“Oh.” Deflated, I grab my things and fling open the door. “I’ll see you in class on Monday then.”

He reaches across and takes hold of my hand before I can escape. “I’ll answer.”

“Okay.” I give him a quick smile before tugging from his hold.

I’ve barely made it to the door before he takes off down the road. Being alone outside creeps me out, so I rush into the house. My parents are curled up on the couch, watching a movie together.

“Hey,” I say, waving at them as I pass.

“Where are you off to in a hurry?” Dad asks. “We’ve barely seen you in days.”

“Busy with school stuff,” I mutter. “I’m tired.”

He starts to say something else, but Mom tugs on his shoulder. “Good night, Gem.”


I flee the living room before they can interrogate me more. Once I’m safe in my room, I strip out of my clothes and start my shower. It’s not until I’m about to get under the hot spray that I remember the note. Without a stitch of clothing on, I tiptoe back into my room and dig around in my hoodie until I find the paper.

He likes you, but no one will ever cherish you as much as I do. He’s a boy. I’m a man. There’s a difference you’ll one day understand, my sweet, innocent angel. Don’t have sex with him. You’ll be disappointed. I’ll be disappointed too. When the time is right, I’ll make you mine.

A shudder ripples through me, making my teeth chatter. This guy is insane. Two’s right. I do need to tell someone. Tomorrow, I’ll talk to Sloane about it. Maybe even Jude. This is getting way too creepy.

After a long, hot shower where I attempt to chase the chill of my stalker away, I get into my coziest pajamas. I make a couple of posts using content I’d pre-recorded and saved in my drafts. I’ll do a live another day. Once work is done, I crawl into bed, mind still racing.

Mom considered adoption. I know she was a young mother and was dealing with the stress of secretly being with Dad even though her boyfriend was Callum at the time. Did she feel overwhelmed like I do half the time? Like she wanted to give up and quit?

I want to talk to her about it, but I’m afraid it’ll open a can of worms I’m not ready to deal with. Plus, she and Dad may forbid me from seeing Two or going to his house. The thought of suddenly being denied his presence is gutting.

I like him.

He’s annoying and weird and sloppy and the total opposite of me, but I like him.

It’s crazy, but I already miss him.

I dial his number and wait for him to answer. He said he would even after he said he wouldn’t. On the second ring, his deep voice fills the line.


“Hey,” I parrot back. “You answered.”

“I told you I would.”

“No Cedarwood?”

“Figured you needed me more.”

A thrill shoots through me and I’m unable to suppress a grin. “I did.”

He covers the phone for a second, his voice muffled, and then I hear a door close. “Dad’s being nosy tonight.”

“Mine too.”

We both chuckle quietly.

“Our little secret, huh?” I murmur, letting my eyes fall closed as I listen to his breathing.


