The Top Dog – Part 2 Lust (The Seven Deadly Kins #2) Read Online Tiana Laveen

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Dark, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: The Seven Deadly Kins Series by Tiana Laveen

Total pages in book: 106
Estimated words: 97951 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 490(@200wpm)___ 392(@250wpm)___ 327(@300wpm)

“I can’t because… right… Yeah… yeah… Since he and Silva aren’t talkin’, that’s not an option to try and get her involved to help, so I did think of trying to get someone else to assist instead. I’ll continue to try. Eventually he’ll open up… I didn’t bring it up because he seemed in a bad mood on the phone, ya know?… Mmm hmmm…No, there’s no point in pressin’ him when he gets like that. He just shuts down… Yeah, it could be… Probably that deal for the fitness center he’s trying to open up fell through, like everything else he tries to do, right?”

Dad’s fake laughter was almost convincing, but he didn’t miss the pain in it. “The bottom line is that he didn’t mention anything about anyone confronting her or saying anything, and that’s not like him… Right. You and I both know that if he knew, he would have been already there to see you by now…Yes, I agree… He’s a hot head when he blows his top… Right!” Dad chuckled.

“Yeah. No self-control! So, maybe he doesn’t know after all. Maybe whoever she is, she’s thinkin’ over the offer and didn’t tell him because of that. It’s possible. Well, I’ll talk with you soon. Bye for now.” His father ended the call. A few more clicks on the keyboard, and then the sound of the computer shutting down. Footsteps. Slow and steady. The opening of the office door and then, the closing.

Lennox stayed in place a few moments longer, trying to make sense of what he’d overheard. After a short while, he got to his feet, exited the closet and the office. He returned to the kitchen, where his father sat on the same chair at the table as if he’d never left, his hands clasped on his lap. He noticed his plate and glass were gone. After a minute or two, his old man broke the silence.

“You said you had to make a phone call. Everything okay?”

“Yeah. Fine. I need to get going.”

Dad nodded as he stared down at the table. “Well, let me walk ya out.”

Both stood at the same time and journeyed quietly to the front door. Dad turned off the alarm system, then unlocked the door. Before Lennox could walk past, he took him in his arms and squeezed him tight, his love pouring through in his grip. Dad stood back, but kept holding his arms.

“Lennox, some things you said today I don’t agree with. Some of them I have to agree with because they’re true. It hurt me when you said I wasn’t a good father.” Lennox swallowed and looked away, feeling suddenly warm all over. “Naw, it’s okay… you’re right. We all have our crosses to bear. It sucks to have your boy not look up to you. Not respect you. I want to work on our relationship, if you’ll let me.”

Lennox stood there thinking about how his father had finally fallen on the sword—lied to his own father to save him from something, or someone. He knew it was difficult for Dad to do, but he did it anyway. For him.

“We can see what happens,” he mumbled.

Dad nodded, hugged him one more time, and they said their goodbyes. Once in his truck, Lennox slid his hand briefly in his pocket, feeling for the USB. He headed out to the main road, on his way home. He figured Nadia would come by soon, ready to give him an earful. He had an earful for her now, too. After overhearing his father and grandfather talking on the phone, the puzzle pieces were beginning to come together. Whatever Nadia hadn’t spoken of probably had something to do with Grandpa, some offer or even a conversation. Why else would she brought up? It was not Dice, after all. It didn’t matter though. Dice still had that coming. He destroyed Nadia’s car, so his car got destroyed too. Big fucking deal. He had bigger fish to fry now. He replayed what his father had said on the phone, over and over in his mind.

Offer? Relationship? I knew he was having me followed, but I haven’t seen anyone lately, and I figured he’d follow her too, but… something’s not right. Nadia was holding back… SHIT. THAT’S IT! GRANDPA MUST’VE CONFRONTED HER IN PERSON! HE OFFERED HER SOMETHIN’, PROBABLY SOME MONEY, TO LEAVE ME ALONE. THAT’S IT!!! THAT SON OF A BITCH!!!

He found himself suddenly speeding as his dander rose, then slowed down as he cooled his jets. When he pulled into his driveway, Nadia was already parked there. The sounds of ‘My Love,’ by Justin Timberlake, flowed from her car stereo system. He shook his head, parked right behind her, killed the engine, and got out of his truck. Before he’d even reached her, her driver’s side door swung open.


