The Top Dog – Part 1 Lust (The Seven Deadly Kins #1) Read Online Tiana Laveen

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Dark, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: The Seven Deadly Kins Series by Tiana Laveen

Total pages in book: 118
Estimated words: 109178 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 546(@200wpm)___ 437(@250wpm)___ 364(@300wpm)

Don’t come to me harping about the evils of women and how they’re Satan’s spawn, when I know even regardless of the incident that happened in my own life, which was criminal, iniquitous, humiliating, and disturbing for myself and my wife, it pales in comparison to what we as a gender have done to our female counterparts. Most of us men are the ones doing the most heinous, diabolic shit out in this world. Most of us who have no issues getting women, can count only a few incidents, or less, of a woman doing us wrong. But the times we’ve done women wrong are probably in the hundreds!

And worst of all, we are doing it because we can! If the woman says no, we can physically make her. We weren’t created stronger than them so that we could assault them! We were made stronger so we can protect them! Shame on you. We set this bullshit in motion! And even in my own personal situation, the one I’ve been discussing in a roundabout way, a terrible thing happened to me because of shit I had done to HER. I wasn’t innocent. I had fucked her over, a woman that loved me while we were together, and instead of appreciating that, I mentally abused her, and she never forgot it.

She lost her mind and vowed to get revenge on me, and boy, did she ever. No, I didn’t deserve what happened to me in the least, and I did receive justice, but I understand cause and effect. We as men will dog women out a thousand times. The one time a woman wrongs us, we forget about our own pasts, and focus on the one time we were done greasy. Then every woman after her has to pay for our broken heart. That’s bullshit. Shift how you treat people, and people will treat you better. You’ll attract better vibes and energy. Now, let’s continue…

The statistics prove what I am saying to you is true. I don’t have to make up any of this. The facts are already proven, and I have my sources at the end of this book, should you be inclined to do the research yourself so you can reach your own conclusions as I did.

Nadia quickly flipped to the back of the book and began skimming the eight pages of sources listed. Wow. She then landed on his photo again and smiled. I know his wife has fun with him. Whew! It should be a crime to be this fine.

…Whether something is fact or just my opinion, I will state that. Women who come from caring homes with two loving parents where both are devoted, and the father is active in his children’s lives, are far less likely to be volatile as adults. Period. Don’t argue with me. Argue with your daddy. Some of you motherfuckers are quick to say, ‘Single mothers are the worst.’ Or, ‘I bet she came from a single parent home. That’s why she’s screwed up!’ If she did, and we believe your theory, then wouldn’t that make the father partially responsible due to his absence?

I don’t want to hear about all of these unfounded historical theories about the man being kept out of the home due to governmental interference, either. Those are half-truths that were used to emotionally manipulate people. The full story, with sources, as to what happened are cited in the back of this book, but to play Devil’s advocate, let’s pretend that these tall tales were true – I still say unto you: Where there is a will, there is a way. We as men manage to do so many things, and if there is something not getting done, then that means we don’t want to put in the effort to get it done! Period.

If it takes two people to create a baby, then why in the king kong fuck are you just blaming the women? I can tell you why: because you want to be a victim. You want to wear the skirt. You want to be coddled. You want it both ways. You want to go 50/50, but be treated like you brought 100. You want to be treated like an alpha and a baby at the same damn time, when really you’re an incel with a God complex because your own father wasn’t shit, either. I swear some of y’all are out of your fucking minds, and you’re too dumb to know it. I said it. Don’t like it? Close the book. I don’t give a fuck.

I can’t even see you right now. I’m probably watching movies in my man-cave as you read this, on vacation enjoying myself under the warm sun while drinking Pina Coladas on a beach, in my office helping someone who actually gives a damn about improving their life, on a golf course or basketball court showing off my athletic moves, or better yet, fucking the shit out of my beautiful queen on our brand-new silk sheets. I ate this discussion and left no crumbs, and the only thing left up in the air is my woman’s legs. You think I care about you getting mad because I told you that YOU are the fucking problem, and that you’re an idiot? I see you’re still reading. Maybe you’re not so dumb after all.


