The Throwbacks Read Online Jordan Silver

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Dark, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 94
Estimated words: 86160 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 431(@200wpm)___ 345(@250wpm)___ 287(@300wpm)

Getting water and electricity and your basic everyday necessities also cost an arm and a leg but I liked having the best, for all that I lived in isolation.

I was in the kitchen when the alarm went off that day; checking the monitor I saw her sitting on the ground trying in vain to remove the trap from her ankle. I felt the usual anger that always boiled in me when one of these townies blatantly ignored my signs and came on to my property.

I was going to teach this one a lesson, maybe she could go back down the mountain and tell the other assholes about the experience and that would keep them away from here.

At least that had been my thoughts until I got a closer look at her. You ever hear people talking shit about being hit by lightning or falling for someone with just one look? Well I always laughed that shit off but I'm here to tell you that shit is real.

She was a tiny bit of a thing, five and a half feet at a guess, no more than maybe a hundred pounds soaking wet.

I noticed her perky tits first, I guess at some point she got hot on her hike and took her over shirt off, right now she’s just wearing a skintight tank that revealed the fact she wasn't wearing a bra.

Her hair was a mass of burnish copper curls and her beautiful sea foam colored orbs with their sloe-eyed slant sent shock waves to my dick, hey I'm a hermit not a monk.

She saw me coming and started to smile, I don't look like what I am, it fools a lot of people especially females. They see the chiseled cheekbones, the wild as fuck jet-black hair that had a mind of its own and my pale green eyes and they thought ' city slicker', if they only knew.

She lost the smile when she got a good look at my face, no smile, I was sure my frown of disapproval would put fear in grown men much less a little slip of a girl.

"Could you help me please? I seem to be stuck."

"This is private property, you shouldn't be here."

"I know, I'm sorry, I was following the stream and got caught up in the beauty of the mountains so I missed the signs until it was too late, can you help me?"

"Where's the rest of your


"What, oh, I'm alone..." She stopped short as if just realizing it wasn't the safest thing to tell a stranger that she was all alone and at his mercy.

The traps I'd set weren't meant to hurt or do permanent damage, but still there was no getting out of them easily.

As I watched her, I don't know what came over me, maybe I'd been in these mountains too long and had somehow regressed? I don't know, but the thoughts that were going through my head were not the thoughts of a rational human being.

I had retreated to the mountains to get away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life, I had enough money that I didn't need to do anything else for the rest of my days but laze around if I so desired, which is pretty much what I've been doing for the past three years except when I was building something.

I had a workshop full of finished furniture that I'd built to keep myself busy. I had a television, no telephone but my SAT phone and a fully stocked library.

What I didn't have and didn't think I wanted or needed was human companionship. When I got the urge to fuck I would visit one of the nearby towns and pick up some pussy in a bar, but even that had grown old fast. It must be five months since I'd broken one off, but looking at this little slip of a girl, my mind went in a strange direction.

Before I could second-guess myself I found myself putting my half formed plan in motion.

"Wait here I'll be right back, I need to get something from the house to cut that off." That wasn't exactly true but she didn't know that.

I ran back to the cabin and got what I needed, returning to her side. Kneeling with my back turned, under the guise of releasing her from the trap, I injected her with a sedative, something I kept handy in case of large predators coming onto the property, but I used a lesser dosage.

She was out in less than two minutes. I checked to make sure she was still breathing and that I hadn't given her too much before releasing her and heading back to the house with her clutched in my arms.

Going through her belongings I found her ID, Simone Clarissa Tatum, she’d just turned eighteen. Good enough.


