The Throwbacks Read Online Jordan Silver

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Dark, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 94
Estimated words: 86160 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 431(@200wpm)___ 345(@250wpm)___ 287(@300wpm)

“Stop that before you hurt yourself. Now tell me darling, what’s wrong?”

“Why are you making me leave?” I hiccupped and bawled like an infant.

“What are you talking about? You’re not going anywhere.” I took his hand and dragged him down the hall to our bedroom and pointed to the clothes.

“Then what’s that?”

“Well, it’s a bit chilly in the house and you like the fire more than the gas heat and I don’t want you catching your death of cold so I figured you should have something on other than socks. See, I’m wearing my sweats too.”

I finally calmed down when I saw the truth of his words. He didn’t laugh or make fun of the fact that I was crying to stay when only a few weeks ago I’d been begging to leave. He just took my hand and led me back to the kitchen.

“Sit, breakfast will be ready soon. I think Samson that old reprobate bred five heifers. Only two didn’t catch but that’s okay, he’ll get them next time.”

“That’s great. T how many babies does a cow have?”

“Well now that depends. Most only have one calf at a time, but every once in a while you might find one who’d have two or maybe three.”

“Oh okay. And how long is a cow pregnant for?”

“About the same amount of time as a woman give or take, forty weeks or so. I was just thinking if you caught our day in the barn then our baby should be coming just about the same time as that last one we saw bred.”

My face went up in flames. He says stuff like that so casually, like it was the most natural thing in the world. “I don’t think I’m pregnant.” And why did that make me feel sad instead of overjoyed? I hadn’t given my old life a second thought in days, weeks even and for some reason the thought of going back scared me.

“I was going to take care of that after breakfast.” He dropped a box in front of me on the table and I saw that it was a pregnancy test. My heart felt sick and I realized it was the thought of disappointing him that was making me feel this way.

“What if I’m not?” My voice was low and sad. “Well then we’ll just have to try until you are.” I smiled and drank the warm milk he put in front of me.

Carter Nine Months Later

“I’m not going.”

“Yes, you are and that’s final Macy.”

“We’ll see about that. I’m not going to no hospital for no doctor to paw at me. Old Mrs. Samuels says she knows how to do it. She already gave me her number and we’re supposed to call when the time comes.

“You are going to the hospital where they have all them machines and such in case something goes wrong.”

“It’s my body and I say I’m not going.” She’s a feisty little pain in the ass. “If you didn’t rival my cow for size I’d tan your ass for sassing me.” That hand went to her hip and that finger got to wagging in my face. “Try it. Remember what happened the last time you found yourself spanking me?”

“Yeah, you almost fucked my dick raw.” Her face went red as a cherry. “Not that, I brained you with the skillet remember?”

“And if I recall that got you another ass whupping.” She’s so cute when she gets all fired up I just wanna grab her up and kiss her until she’s my soft little Angel again.

We’d been having this same argument for the past week and I aim to win it. First of all I made the biggest mistake of my life when I took her into town with me a few months ago.

Miss Friendly had to smile and talk to everybody we met. Now every time I turn around one of their meddling asses is sniffing around my place. No matter how I grumble and complain she just pats me on the head and does as she please anyhow.

I put a stop to that right quick though. I let her see just how those people really are and I ain’t ashamed of it either. One day while we were picking up some butter pecan ice cream which she’s taken to eating by the gallon, I saw that little fast miss who almost undressed me in the can food aisle.

I knew damn good and well Macy was heading back my way but when that girl got to telling me what all she wanted to do with me, I didn’t stop her.

If Macy wasn’t already breeding I would’ve let her scalp her the way she wanted when she walked up and heard the colorful things she had planned for my dick. But all I did was grab her up and drag her back home.


