The Throwbacks Read Online Jordan Silver

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Dark, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 94
Estimated words: 86160 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 431(@200wpm)___ 345(@250wpm)___ 287(@300wpm)

But this way people might think I’d just ran off or something and who knows how long it would be before they came looking. The tears started as soon as he turned the ignition off and opened his door.



I heard the soft whimpers as I turned the key and hardened myself against them. I’d already resolved myself to the fact that it was gonna take work to get the little filly to see things my way.

I’d read daddy’s old periodicals from the eighteen hundreds enough to know how this works. First she’d put up a fuss and so on, but as time went on she’d come to accept her lot.

There was no other outcome as far as I’m concerned, since there was no turning back. I couldn’t very well take her back now could I? Not that I’d even consider it.

I’m not a complete ass. I knew damn well the world didn’t work that way, that what I was doing might be considered…illegal. I just don’t give a fuck.

I climbed out of the truck and walked around to her side. For the first time since my youth I felt real excitement at taking a woman. My cock was already making a tent in my jeans and I ran my hand over it to keep it calm.

I knew I was well proportioned because the women down at the playhouse had cooed over my dick every time, and even that Jezebel I’d dispatched to hell had had a fine time riding it when I’d let her.

I didn’t want to think about her now however, or the others, because it felt like a betrayal of my Angel, so I put those thoughts aside.

I opened the door and reached in for her and her feet came up. My reflexes were good enough that I turned and caught the blow to my side instead of my balls, which seemed to be what she was aiming for.

A hard smack to her ass quieted her down some, but only for a second or two. She screamed bloody murder and struggled something fierce and I was glad of the fact that I’d bought out all the land around or she would’ve for sure alerted my nosy ass neighbors.

“Shh, little Angel, no need to make a fuss.” I was as gentle as I could be as I bundled her into my arms. That scent of hers, like honeysuckle, was playing hell with my senses.

The moon and stars were the only light this far out. No street lights, no porch lights from neighboring houses. It was just the two of us and the nocturnal critters.

I didn’t have a plan worked out other than getting her bred, so I was playing it by ear. Right now the excitement of the situation had my blood up and I wanted to fuck.

I took her inside and laid her across the bed I’d prepared for her homecoming.

“Are you going to kill me?” Her words stopped me in my tracks and almost knocked me off my feet. “No.” The thought never entered my head. Why would she even think such a thing?

Her eyes followed me around the room as I moved about. When I turned back to her with the knife in my hand she started kicking her legs as she screamed to be let go.

I figured there was no use trying to convince her that I wasn’t gonna hurt her with the thing so I just went about cutting away her clothes. I then took her bound hands and cut the rope I’d used to tie her up before pulling her arms above her head.

I secured them to each post making sure they were tight but not cutting into her skin. With that done, I moved onto her legs and did the same. I was very patient with her as she struggled against me, only spanking her legs once or twice with a gruff ‘quit it Angel’.

When I was finished, I looked down at my handy work. She was a pretty sight that’s for sure. Her young nubile body spread out for my pleasure. She had a nice patch of black curls covering her pussy and her tits were nice and firm with pretty little pink tips.

Pretty soon they’d be filled with the milk needed to feed my babies. The thought made my ten-inch cock grow a little harder.

I have a very clear picture in my head of how I wanted things to go, and again not having much experience with the outside world, I’d read up on what a man in my position would have to do to get there.

You’d be surprised at what you can learn on the internet, and I’d learned plenty. I’d left no stone unturned.

I’d made up a batch of special lemonade and ground up some pain pills I use for the horses that was sure to knock her out for a spell. I left the room and came back with a thermos full.


