The Throwbacks Read Online Jordan Silver

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Dark, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 94
Estimated words: 86160 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 431(@200wpm)___ 345(@250wpm)___ 287(@300wpm)

I stared at her for a good while from behind my shades before the professor came in and called the class to order. I had a story ready in case anyone asked me what the green hell I was doing here, but I just needed enough time to catch her name.

This wasn’t like when I was in school as a young boy where they took attendance, so it looked like I’ll have to find another way. I was sitting there staring a hole in the back of her head when she turned her blue-blue eyes back on me.

Time stood still. She was the most beautiful thing I’d ever seen in my life, and though I knew this wasn’t the way things were done anymore, in that moment I made up my mind I was going to have her no matter what.

I felt the clutch in my heart right then and there and when she gave me a sweet little smile she just about sealed her fate. Some might say I have what you may call a one-track mind. I don’t much think like modern folks and again this is where the ‘don’t give a fuck’ factor comes in.

I know I’m different. I know I’d rather do things the way the men and women who settled this land preferred. And it wasn’t because I was raised away from folk neither.

Well maybe that had a little something to do with it. But I know sure as spit that what I am, is what’s inside of me. It’s not something a man can learn, it’s just who he is. I’ve read enough over the years to know that I maybe just a tad bit different but so what.

I think my way is better than all the foolishness men and women put themselves through these days. Time was there was no such thing as divorce. That’s back when men were men and not dainty little fuckers like the one I’d had to shoot in my old bed, or the other thieving asshole I’d ran off with a shot in his ass.

I sat there as the class came to order figuring in my mind just how I was gonna get her back on the farm with me. It was gonna take some work I’m sure, but nothing I couldn’t handle. My cock was already stiffening in my jeans at the thought, but I had to caution myself not to give myself away.

Thankfully, no one was paying me much mind. Everyone was too busy talking to their friend next to them or looking through their books in preparation for class. I didn’t want to be here too long, not now that I had a plan in my head. It wouldn’t do for too many folks to see me hanging around.

When the teacher passed out some test papers I got my chance. Peeping over her shoulder I got what I needed. Macy Denton. The name didn’t sound familiar I’d never heard the name in town before. I’m thinking that maybe for the best.

I knew how to find her now. I’ve been playing around on my computer enough to know you could find just about anything you wanted to right from the safety of your own home.

I got up and left the room without a word and instead of the registrar’s office headed for home and my computer. I made sure to keep my head down as I walked to my truck.

No one knew what I looked like for sure, and the place was far enough away from home that if anyone did remember seeing me they might not put two and two together but still, I wasn’t taking any chances.

By the time I made it back to my truck I already had a plan formed in my head. I had to get home and get things ready, but by hook or by crook Carter Payne is gonna make that little beauty the mother of his children yes sir.



It wasn’t hard at all finding what I needed. I just pulled up the school online, looked through some pictures of the student body, and became disappointed when she wasn’t there.

I wasn’t discouraged for long though. After grabbing some lunch, which could be better, I put her name in one of them social media things and there she was. My heart felt the same as it did in that classroom.

I stared at her picture for a good long while and let that warm feeling envelop me again. Yep, I was sure I was on the right track. That feeling never set me wrong. Every time I’ve had this feeling something good had come of it. As far as I’m concerned, that’s all the proof I need that I am doing the right thing.

I settled down and prepared to learn all there was to know about the woman I had chosen to be the mother of my children. I didn’t let a little thing like conscience play any part in what I was planning. When a thing was right it was right no matter how you brought it about.


