The Tease (The Virgin Society #3) Read Online Lauren Blakely

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, BDSM, Billionaire, Contemporary, Erotic, Forbidden, Virgin Tags Authors: Series: The Virgin Society Series by Lauren Blakely

Total pages in book: 96
Estimated words: 92368 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 462(@200wpm)___ 369(@250wpm)___ 308(@300wpm)

Bridger turns to Finn, the man I didn’t think I’d see again so soon. “You must be Finn Adams. Congrats on the investment. I’m excited to see what you’re going to do at Streamer.”

Finn doesn’t even need a moment to clear his throat. He shakes Bridger’s hand and answers with, “Pleasure to meet you, too, Bridger, and I’m glad we could do this before we announce the deal tomorrow morning.” He quickly explains to me, since I’m the one in the dark, that Strong Ventures just finalized an investment in Streamer for a majority stake in the upstart streaming service. “And with the buzz the show is getting, I wanted to meet the producers so my team at Strong can talk up The Rendezvous in the press coverage tomorrow.”

“Music to my ears,” Bridger says, rightfully proud of the show that hasn’t even launched yet. He turns to me. “And Jules is going to be part of that team. I’m sure you know Jules.”

He says it because my dad is Finn’s lawyer. So naturally, Bridger assumes my dad has mentioned me to his friend and client.

Little does he know Finn knows me in plenty of other ways.

“Nice to see you,” I say, taking his hand and shaking it as quickly as I can, refusing to think about how he likes to wrap those big hands around mine and pin me to the wall.

I swallow uncomfortably as we let go.

“I’ve been looking for an opportunity to move her over to The Rendezvous, and there was an opening recently,” Bridger adds. “Serendipitous, isn’t it?”

Finn gives a warm isn’t that a coincidence type of grin. But inside, I bet he’s thinking seren-fucking-dipitous indeed.

Because I am too.

I’m tempted to tug my father aside and ask why the hell he never mentioned that Finn was working on acquiring half of Streamer. He knows we pitch shows to Streamer on the reg. Alright, sure, my father’s business deals are private, bound by NDAs. But I bet that’s why he acted weird on Sunday night. Even though I hadn’t been brought onto the show yet, he must have been aware that his deal tangoed close to my work life. He’s big on ethics, as any lawyer should be, and on making sure his deals are buttoned up and done right.

This is going to be the most awkward lunch ever. As I sit, I smooth a hand over my pencil skirt, keeping my fingers busy like that, then move them to my glasses, adjusting them.

The server swings by with menus. I stare at the offerings for longer than I need to. There are only a few things I’d order anyway. But I study every item like I’m solving calculus equations.

Where do I look if not at my menu? What if I look at Finn the wrong way? What if I accidentally brush my Mary Jane pumps against his suit pants? What if I’m talking to my father and suddenly remember the way Finn spread me out on his bed and devoured me?

My cheeks will go red.

And…great. Just great. They already are.

I keep my face lowered, hoping the color drains quickly. This is so embarrassing, the way I blush so easily.

It’ll pass. It’ll pass. It will pass.

I stare forever at the lunchtime fare because Caesar versus chef’s salad is such a fascinating dilemma.

I keep reading as the men set down their menus and make idle chitchat about the New York Comets to fill the time. It’s funny because I know Bridger isn’t as into sports as my dad is. Bridger’s more of a theater guy. But he has mastered the art of small talk so he’s able to contribute a smart comment about the team’s shortstop or the winning streak they’re on.

I can BS my way through sports talk, too, but I don’t want to open my mouth at all.

Mercifully, the waiter arrives and tells us about the specials. Perhaps, he’ll stay here the whole meal. I wish.

But no, he leaves and I’m left at the table with my boss, my father, and the man who sent me pink lace panties to replace the ones he ripped off me.

Kill me now.

Bridger tees up the next round of chitchat, asking Finn what attracted him to Streamer. My Friday night lover leans back in his chair, cool and confident, speaking in that deep, sexy voice that turns me on. “I’ve been wanting Strong Ventures to make deeper inroads in the content business, and frankly, the whole media industry has been looking for an upstart streaming network to give Webflix some serious competition. I’d like to spearhead that and make Webflix squirm. Scare them a little.” His careless, cocky shrug is hotter than I’d have expected.

But then, Finn’s confidence attracted me the night I met him as a phantom.

His determination drew me closer the night he played Gatsby.


