The Surgeon (Silver Spoon MC #2) Read Online Loni Ree, Nichole Rose

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, Insta-Love, MC, Romance, Virgin Tags Authors: , Series: Silver Spoon MC Series by Loni Ree
Series: Silver Spoon MC Series by Nichole Rose

Total pages in book: 43
Estimated words: 38632 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 193(@200wpm)___ 155(@250wpm)___ 129(@300wpm)

"You think so?"

"I know so," he says, pressing his lips to the top of my head. "She's going to love you as fiercely as you love her."

"I'm terrified I'm going to lose her, Tate."

"Hey." He tips my head back, forcing me to look at him. "Do you trust me, Samara?"

"I…" I look into his dark emerald eyes. Do I trust him? "I think… I think I trust you more than I've ever trusted anyone before," I admit, swallowing hard. Isn't that what really scares me? I trust him when I've never trusted anyone, not like this.

"Then trust that I'm not going to let you lose her. Trust that I'm going to fight just as hard for her in that operating room tomorrow as you've been fighting all week. You're not alone in this anymore. I'm right here, Samara. I'm right here."

I press my lips to his, kissing him hard.

"You're hogging her," I complain, pouting at Tate.

"You told me I could hold her."

"I changed my mind. Give her back."

He chuckles, shaking his head. "No can do," he says, patting her gently on the back. "I think I'll keep her for a little while. She seems to like me."

I narrow my eyes on him, wondering if I'm allowed to have Daisy kick him out. Visiting hours ended a while ago. Since he's not technically here on business, surely that means he shouldn't be allowed in here, right? I'm not sure. I decide not to risk it. Just in case Daisy decides to make me leave too.

"Fine," I mutter instead, scowling. "But she still likes me more than you."

Tate chuckles again. "Angel, not a man alive would blame her for that," he drawls, shaking his head. "You're soft and sweet and perfect. I'm just a man with steady hands and a big c–"

"Don't you dare," I hiss, whipping my head around to make sure Daisy isn't in earshot.

"–erebellum." He cocks a brow. "What did you think I was going to say?"

I blush.

"In the hospital, Samara? Really?"

"You say dirty things wherever you want," I mutter defensively.

"I don't curse around the kids, Samara," he says, his voice soft. "My mom would throw a holy fit if she found out."

"You're scared of your mom?" I smile at him, my voice soft. Why is it so cute that this giant man is afraid of his mom?

"Uh, yeah. Are you kidding me? My dad would kick my A-S-S if I wasn't afraid of my mom," he says, looking at me like I'm crazy. "No one stresses her out without answering to him, especially me and my twin."

My mouth pops open. "You have a twin?"

"I do. His name is Xavier. He and Sariah, my older sister, live in Los Angeles near our parents."

"Wow," I whisper. "Are they doctors too?"

"They work in the fashion industry. My dad is a photographer. My mom owns a modeling agency. Xavier and Sariah help her run it."

"I didn't know that."

He smiles at me. "You'll love them."

"You…want me to meet them?" My stomach flips.

"They'll be out here in September. They come every year."

"Oh," I whisper, not sure what to say. But I think…I think I'm looking forward to it. I want to know where Tate came from. I want to meet the people who raised and shaped him. It doesn't take a genius to know they have to be pretty amazing. "I'd like that."


His cocky grin has me rolling my eyes.

"Give me back my niece before I change my mind," I demand, ready to hold her again. It's purely selfish, but I know Tate doesn't mind. He's only holding onto her to annoy me. He seems to like doing that. I'll never admit it, but I kind of like it too. It's hard to stress and worry and panic when I'm with him. He refuses to let me.

It's as if he just instinctively knows how to calm me down. He doesn't even have to try. As soon as I start feeling anxious, he reaches for me or says something ridiculous. Immediately, my nerves settle and a sense of calm washes over me. I have no idea how I'm going to make it through tomorrow without him at my side, but I'll find a way. Even if I crack apart at the seams.

Tate's phone vibrates in his pocket.

He gently shifts Scout around and then reaches for it.

"You're in luck," he says, giving it a cursory glance. "I have something to take care of, so I'll let you hold her while I do it."

"Let me hold her?" I splutter. "She's my niece."

He smirks at me, shaking his head. He doesn't say anything as he rises to his feet with Scout tucked carefully in his arms. Because she's sedated, she doesn't even twitch. The nurses assure me that she knows we're here with her and that she can hear us, but she doesn't really respond to much. I can't wait until her little eyes open. I hope they're hazel like Siobhan's.


