The Stud (Dalvegan Dragons #3) Read Online Xavier Neal

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Forbidden, Sports Tags Authors: Series: Dalvegan Dragons Series by Xavier Neal

Total pages in book: 88
Estimated words: 88895 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 444(@200wpm)___ 356(@250wpm)___ 296(@300wpm)

Sweater – Jersey

Tarp – Top/Shirt/Sweater/Jersey

Tendy – Goalie/Goaltender

The Great One – Wayne Gretzky

Top Cheddar/Top Cheese/Top Shelf/Top Cookies/Where Grandma Hides the Cookies – The top section of the net/top shelf/area of the goal between the crossbar and tendy’s shoulders often used in reference of something being “top notch”

Wheel (on the ice) – Skate/Fast skate/Best skating

Wheel (off the ice) – Picking up/having sex with women

Warmies – Warm ups

Zam or Zamboni – Ice Surface Cleaner

Zebra or Zeb – Another name for a referee

Playlist Selects

Here are five songs from The Stud (Dalvegan Dragons #3) playlist!

Feel free to follow the playlist on Spotify to find more songs I felt related to the book.

When I’m Alone – Lissie (Rock)

2. Mine In My Mind – Don Louis (Country)

3. Not A Bad Thing – Justin Timberlake (Pop/R&B)

4. Girl Like Me – Black Eyed Peas, Shakira (Rap/Hip-hop)

5. Accidentally In Love – Counting Crows (Rock)

More songs:

Chapter 1


It turns out if you drunkenly bang one identical twin thinking she’s the other, the other – who you actually wanted to bang because you might secretly be in love with her – is way less likely to ever bang you.

Arden Hoss defiantly folds her honey, brown sugar skinned arms across her Dalvegan Dragons business polo at the same time she viciously bites, “I’d rather shave my cooch with a dull skate blade than pose for a pic with you, Snowman.”

Or in my case…ever even bloody like you.

You know.

As a living, breathing, being of the human race.

I do my best to laugh off the hurt and lean back in my signing table chair. “That’s a bit harsh, aye?”

“But real unlike your fake Theo James accent.”

“It’s not fake. And I’m not English. We’ve been over this at least a hundred times.”

“And you’re about to make it a hundred and one.”

“I’m Doctenn.”

“Clapper, slap-shot shit.”

There’s no stopping the bright beam that overwhelms my tan face practically every time I talk to her. “No, gorgeous-”


“-they are not one in the same.”

“Yet having to talk to you and thinking about having to talk to you manage to conjure the same throw up in your practice bucket sensation.”

“My practice bucket that you drew a dick on?”

She poorly pushes away her smirk before redirecting her attention to Nate Khurana, the footage expert who’s her second in command whenever she’s got our crest on her chest. “Let’s move on. I think I wanna do a live streaming of the season ticket holders coming through the west entrance doors for autograph night – that’ll handle our main soc’ feed while simultaneously reminding fans of why they should purchase their own season ticket packages, which I overheard Callie complaining about how they saw a small dip in renewals after the Becks scandal and Zhilkin having to be placed on LITR.”

Lemieuxhavemercyonmysoul…I love to watch her work.

Everything is so fucking flawless.

Bloody effortless.

It’s how I imagine people felt watching the GOAT in his prime, except he worked the rink.

She works in public relations.

“We’ll make sure we drop a link for them,” Hoss continues, unaware of my admiring, “people don’t like having to work too hard for what they want-”

“Some of us quite enjoy that.”

A gagging motion is made at me with her middle finger prior to her preceding, “After that, we’ll grab a few candid shots to use for collage style season opener graphics to counter their roster photos – fans feel a more personal connection to the boys when they can view both.”

I casually lean my forearms forward to rest on top of the black tablecloth. “Why is that?”

“It has something to do with what we call the dating profile method,” Hoss sweetly informs as she removes the lid to her sharpie. “I went to a semi on cross creative techniques,” the tip is placed against the side of my reusable 3P water bottle, “which highlighted the mindset similarities of going from being a potential fan to a die-hard,” one curve flows into another, “and going from a casual dating site snipe,” she begins a long, more cylindrical like path, “to engaged,” her drawing connects, “married,” a straight line is drawn coming out of the tip, “and starting a three league franchise,” two more marks are made near that one, “she never knew she wanted.”

Hoss proudly admires her handiwork, an action that leads to me shaking my head. “Is there a reason this dick is blowing its load?”

“To fill your mouth with something, so you stop interrupting me with questions.” She sassily slams the cap back on and yet again resumes directing Khurana. “The last thing we’re gonna do is focus on grabbing player-by-player footage. The signing spans for about three hours, so that should be plenty of time to capture snap shots of personalities like Groffee playing with his suspenders or Lagunas wearing his Taz hat-”

“Or me appreciating your…abstract style of art,” my hand motions to the juvenile drawing.


