The Soccer Mom’s Bad Boy Read Online Jordan Silver

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Bad Boy, Contemporary, Drama, Erotic, Funny Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 52
Estimated words: 47819 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 239(@200wpm)___ 191(@250wpm)___ 159(@300wpm)

I think I’d scared the shit out of her with my one word whisper. It was probably pushing it, but fuck, two and a half weeks was a long time to wait when pussy was on the menu.

I’ll never forget for as long as I live, the first time I’d ever seen her. I’d been in town on a job for the past three days and was bored out of my fucking mind.

The hump I was after was already sewn up tight as far as I was concerned, but with a job this sensitive, it paid to be thorough. The government liked to cross all their t’s and dot all their I’s in this day of advanced technology, just in case something came back to bite them in the ass later.

I’d been in the supermarket of all places trying to mix in with the locals, when I got the weirdest sensation down my spine. I didn’t react right away, just processed the feeling and tried to pinpoint where the danger was coming from.

I knew it wasn’t the type of danger that leads to death, but one just as final. I felt that shit down to my toes. I tested the tomato in my hand as if I were really interested, before turning in the direction my zap had come from.

My dick, my heart, and my pulse all went off at the same fucking time. I think my vision had blurred for a second before it cleared, and I remember thinking, ‘and I didn’t want to do this job.’

I’d clocked her every move throughout the store without her or anyone knowing it. It’s what I do. I’m one of the world’s best two footed predators. I stalk bring down and capture my prey in ways that cannot be taught.

She was dressed in sweats and a tee shirt that showcased her lovely tits to perfection. I pegged her at early to mid thirties though she looked younger.

She wore her hair up in one of those untidy ponytails that women did so effortlessly but always looked like they’d just rolled out of a good fuck.

She was the most beautiful thing I’d ever seen and I wasn’t just seeing with my eyes, my heart was all fucking in. If I were a weaker man I would’ve panicked, called one of my men to take over from me since the hard part was over, and hightailed it out of there as fast as I could, but I believe in facing your destiny head on. Besides I’d run the good race, it was time somebody hooked my ass.

I’d followed her out to the parking lot and watched from the privacy of my Mercedes jeep as she put the few bags she had into the trunk, before hopping into her little beat up truck.

The license plate had vetted me her name then and there, but I’d had to wait until I got back to my rental place to dig deeper.

I followed her all the way home to the little bungalow in the quiet cookie cutter neighborhood. She didn’t belong here, that was my first thought as I watched her unload and walk into the house. It was only then that I realized I didn’t even know if she was taken.

The thought gave me a nasty jolt as I tried to remember if there was a ring on her finger, but who was I kidding? My eyes had been on her ass or that ponytail that my hands itched to undo and run my fingers through.

I’d sped away and headed back to the place where I was staying. In less than an hour I knew everything about her. I studied the picture of her from her last DMV visit a couple years ago, fucking gorgeous.

There was something about her mouth that made my dick automatically hard and I spent a good portion of the next half an hour staring at it and willing my cock to go down.

I learned about her divorce and her twelve year old kid. I did an in depth search on the ex and came up with asshole. His fucking loss though, so I couldn’t blame him for being a dick.

For the next few days I staked her out. I became fucking obsessed to the point that I had to pound the punching bag in the home gym until my knuckles bled.

I’d taken to going to the local school to watch her watch her kid play. The more I saw, the more I wanted her, and the harder it was becoming to walk away each night.

There was no doubt that I would have her, it was just a matter of when. And from my experience, women wanted to take their time, and one who’d been burned as badly as she seems to have been was bound to be overly cautious.


