The Soccer Mom’s Bad Boy Read Online Jordan Silver

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Bad Boy, Contemporary, Drama, Erotic, Funny Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 52
Estimated words: 47819 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 239(@200wpm)___ 191(@250wpm)___ 159(@300wpm)

My mind tried going back to where I had just come from but I pulled it back. Now was not the time, each time with her was to be cherished for what it was. That was something I had always promised myself.

If and when I ever found my ‘one’ I would do everything in my power never to take her for granted. I’d seen too much shit not to understand the value of the human heart. Since she was mine now, completely and utterly one hundred percent Dane Nightingale’s woman, I’ll be fucked if I’m not gonna treat her right.

My balls tightened up and my seed rushed through my dick looking for her potent spot. “Every time I cum inside you, I’m hoping for a boy.” I don’t know what it was about those words but they sure set her off.

We were both growling like wild things by the time my cock was spewing inside her. I felt each volley as it left my body and slipped into her womb, that I had once again found my way into.


“What time do we have to get Alana?” We had taken a nice shower together and were now relaxing in bed as we cuddled. I’d had to put some cream on her pussy because I guess I went harder than I expected and she was red and puffy. No more pussy for at least a couple hours.

I couldn’t resist nuzzling her though and letting my hands play with her breasts. I was glad that she wasn’t one of those females obsessed with being rail thin. Though she was by no means a big girl she had a woman’s body instead of that of a twelve-year old boy like so many seem to be after these days.

I loved feeling those soft curves next to my hardness, love rubbing my hard dick against her soft ass before lifting her leg and slipping into her softness. Fuck Dane enough.

I nudged her because she hadn’t answered my question and I realized that she’d been drifting off in my arms. “Sleep; we’ll get our daughter when you wake up.”

I turned us onto our sides and held her in my arms as she fell into sleep.

Chapter 15


This fucker is really putting his ass in jeopardy. I’m not sure what he expects me to do while he plays his kindergarten games, but he’s getting pretty close to getting his head blown the fuck off.

“Dane I don’t understand why you’re so upset, we’ve already had this discussion…”

“You don’t understand why I’m pissed?” I barely restrained myself from yelling at her, but the look I gave her had her taking a quick step back. I moved into her so that the preteen in the next room wouldn’t overhear what was being said.

“I just left your fucking body not two hours ago, only to come here and find him waiting when I know damn good and well that he’s never given a damn about either of you in the past. This is your last fucking warning Ilene, I swear to fuck you will not like what happens if this shit continues.”

“He just wanted to see her that’s all, he’s not here to see me.”

“What are you not understanding about the way this shit works? Had he been any kind of a dad to her when I came along this shit would be acceptable, but I know he’s only here because he thinks he can put a stop to us which is never gonna fucking happen.

That little girl in there is the most important thing in your life, you have now become the most important thing in mine, and so has she by the mere fact of who she is to you. When he’s through playing his fucked up head games where’s that gonna leave her huh?”

I could see that I wasn’t telling her anything that she hadn’t thought of herself, I also respected the fact that she was in a tough place, especially since there was no give in me.

I’m not a complete asshole; I did the research on this guy and know him for exactly what the fuck he is. He doesn’t want this kid plain and simple, and I’m not about to let him hurt either of them any more than he already has.

“I think she wants him to come to the recital next week. Please let’s just see how that goes and we’ll go from there. I promise that if he disappoints her again that I will cut him off, but please don’t ask me to...”

“Don’t fucking say it.” This time I really did put fear in her heart, because if she was about to tell me not to make her choose she was in for a world of hurt.

“There’s no fucking choice are you crazy, what the fuck? Were you really about to say that shit to me?”


