The Sacrifice Read Online Shantel Tessier

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, BDSM, Dark, Erotic, New Adult, Suspense, Virgin Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 180
Estimated words: 168587 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 843(@200wpm)___ 674(@250wpm)___ 562(@300wpm)

Leaving my dress up around my waist, he steps into me, his hands on either side of my face. “You will not shower before your shift.”

I lick my dry lips, already knowing this was coming. He wants me to feel him running out of me all night. “I understand.”

“Good girl.”

I don’t know why those two words make me feel butterflies in my stomach all of a sudden. I shouldn’t like pleasing him. I don’t need praise or validation for something that I didn’t even have a choice on. But he’s shown me that when I’m good, he rewards me. And I’d love to get to come again tonight.

“Get changed. Your shift started an hour ago.” With that, he lets go of me and walks out of the bathroom.

I take a second to collect my thoughts before entering the bedroom to find him already gone, and I take in a calming breath. My leotard, boy shorts, and fishnets are on the end of the bed. I pick them up to notice this isn’t the leotard I wore last night. It looks identical except it snaps between the legs. It only takes me a second to understand why the change.

Trying to ignore those butterflies that flutter again, I quickly get changed before he comes back to punish me for taking my sweet time.

I’m dressed and down at the bar in less than fifteen minutes. The club isn’t packed just yet since it’s not quite ten, but it is busy. I wonder just how busy it’ll get since it’s a Sunday night.

“Hey, Laikyn,” Bethany yells at me over the music. “Tyson wants to see you.”

I frown but set down my tray and start to walk toward the back hallway I know leads to the elevator for his office.

“He wants you in his back office,” she calls out, taking a turn down a hallway that I’ve never been down before. There’s a door at the end. She pushes it open, and I step inside.

I turn around when she chooses not to enter with me and instead shuts the door. “Hey!” I try to open it, but it’s locked. What the fuck? “Bethany?” I shout, knowing she can’t hear me over the music. I yank on it, but nothing. “Open the damn door.”

“You know…”

I spin around at the sound of a familiar voice. “Fuck.” I place my hand on my chest, leaning back against the door and letting out a long breath. My heart now hammering in my chest. “You scared the shit out of me.”

His brown eyes narrow on me. “Watch your language, young lady.”

I stand, straightening my shoulders.

“Married for forty-eight hours and already he’s got you talking like him,” my father growls.

What just happened hits me, and I gasp. “Dad, you can’t be here. I can’t be here.” I turn back to the door and try again, but we’re locked in here. “She’ll go tell Tyson.” I don’t trust Bethany as far as I can throw her. I haven’t gotten close enough to her to find out if her and my husband have a past or not, but the comment she made about my sister tells me she’s known him for quite some time. Her loyalty will lie with Tyson, not me.

“She will not.”

“Dad, she—”

“Works for me,” he interrupts me, making me frown.

“What does she do for you?” I wonder but he doesn’t answer. Instead, he just stands there staring at my neck to the point it makes me nervous. I reach up and rub the shock collar. It’s irritating to say the least.

“God, you’re a disgrace,” he growls.

My stomach sinks at his words. I’ve never been one of his favorites. I was actually the only one he didn’t care for. My sister was his baby girl. And my brother was going to run the world like my father does. I was the leftover who didn’t matter.

“I don’t have a choice.” I try and justify what I’ve done. I try to think of what he’s seen. Blood all over the bed in his hotel. Me almost coming at the table while at dinner. The way I’m dressed right now to go and work at a nightclub. “Dad—”

He backhands me across the face, making me cry out. It wasn’t as hard as the day of my wedding, but it still stings.

“At least your sister was willing to do what needed to be done,” he snaps.

Cupping my throbbing cheek, I look up at him through my lashes. “What do you mean?”

“It doesn’t matter.” He fixes his tie and has the audacity to look annoyed. He steps closer, and I cower against the door as he towers over me. “You will do whatever needs to be done for this family, do you understand me?”

I nod and whisper, “Yes, sir.”

Adjusting his shoulders, he sighs as if momentarily satisfied with my answer. “That means if he wants to pass you around like the whore you’ve become, then you spread your fucking legs and let whoever he chooses fuck you.”


