The Sacrifice Read Online Shantel Tessier

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, BDSM, Dark, Erotic, New Adult, Suspense, Virgin Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 180
Estimated words: 168587 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 843(@200wpm)___ 674(@250wpm)___ 562(@300wpm)

Removing my fingers, I watch her body relax as if it’s over and pour the lube over the butt plug. I begin running it over her ass and push the tip in, and her crying gets louder. “Almost done, Lake,” I tell her, bending over in my chair and pushing a little more in each time. “You’re doing so good, little darling.” My free hand rubs her ass cheek, then slaps it, making her yelp.

I push it halfway in and hold it in place. “Rock back and forth,” I order.

She pulls forward and slowly pushes back against it. “That’s it, Lake. Fuck it. Show me that you want it.”

Whimpering, she repeats the action and this time, I push against it, forcing more into her. She arches her back, her legs trying to close against my shoes, and I slap her outer thigh with my free hand as I push it in farther.

Watching the tapered tip disappear into her ass has my dick hard. I’m not normally an anal guy, but this needs to be done. If I’m being honest, I prefer a mouth over a cunt. There’s just something about a woman on her knees, drool running out of the corners of her mouth while she gags on your dick that turns me on.

But what I’ve got going on with my wife isn’t like any other woman I’ve fucked in my past. I will use every part of her. Over and over. To the point I don’t have to tell her to spread her legs, open her mouth, or put her ass up in the air. She will just know which hole I want to use, and she will beg me for it.

Sitting back, I look over the black silicone butt plug in place. It’s not big by any means. It’s not meant to stretch her wide enough to take me just yet. That’ll come later.

“You may stand,” I tell her.

She lowers her ass, closing her legs, and stands. Turning to face me, she has her head down, her hair covering her face. I rise from my chair, pushing the long bleach-blond strands back and cupping her cheeks to force her to look up at me. “Go shower and get cleaned up.”

Her bloodshot eyes meet mine. “How long do I have to keep it in?” she asks softly.

“Until I take it out.”

She sniffs and nods once in understanding.

“You’ve got two hours to get ready,” I inform her. I’m not really sure how long it’ll take her. I know some women take more time than others. But now she’s got everything she’ll need to do her hair and makeup since her stuff was delivered today.

Her brows pull together. “The club doesn’t open for another four.”

“We’re going to dinner.”

“Tyson?” she gasps, realizing what that means. “You can’t expect me—”

“I do, and you will.” I interrupt whatever she was about to say, knowing exactly where she was going with that argument. “Now, go get ready. I’m going to finish up here and then I’ll be up there.” Letting go of her, I sit down, dismissing her.


I make my way out of his office on shaky legs. Is this what they call the walk of shame? I’m having trouble catching my breath, I’m so embarrassed about what he just did to me.

I can feel the plug inside me. It’s not uncomfortable, just awkward. My body wants to push it out. My thighs and legs are slippery from all the lube he used to make it fit.

Making my way into the apartment, I close the door and go straight to the bathroom to start a shower. He said I had two hours to get ready for dinner. He has something planned, but I don’t think Tyson Crawford does anything that isn’t intentional.

I get undressed and turn to face away from the mirror and bend over because I can’t not know what’s inside me. I run my finger over the black rubbery base and jump when it’s pushed inside of me.

The urge to remove it is strong. My hands are shaking and sweaty. But I know if I do, I’ll get in trouble. Punished. I could always take it out and put it back in myself before he gets up here, but I’m not sure I have the strength to place it back in myself. It doesn’t hurt right now, but it did when he pushed it inside me. Plus, I don’t have any lube.

Shuffling from foot to foot, I know I have no other option. This is where he wants me. Uncomfortable and humiliated. Letting out a deep breath, I open up the glass door and start getting ready.

I’m in and out of the shower in less than fifteen minutes. The longest part was scrubbing all the lube off my skin. It felt oily and didn’t want to come off, even with the amount of soap I used.


