The Russian Billionaire’s Accidentally Pregnant Bride Read Online Marian Tee

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Erotic Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 59
Estimated words: 56280 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 281(@200wpm)___ 225(@250wpm)___ 188(@300wpm)

The sudden question threw her off. “I—-”

“Answer me,” he snapped.

“Yes—-” The billionaire swore at her answer, and she winced, protesting, “I don’t see why it matters—-”

“It damn well matters,” Sergei gritted out, “because I don’t fucking see why Julian Alexeyev can have a fucking free pass to your body—-”


“When he’s as much of a bastard I am—-”

She jumped to her feet. “You’re insane—-”

He got to his feet as well, snarling down at her, “You’re the one who’s insane.” He gripped her shoulders, gritting out, “We both know I can seduce you—-”

“So what if you can?” she cried out. It was pointless to deny the billionaire’s words, with the way her body was straining and screaming at his proximity, wanting to be back under his command.

His nearness made her forget how to breathe, his beautiful face making her heart race like it had no intention of ever slowing down.

But even so—-

“I’m terrified of being hurt, okay?”


In her large gray eyes, he saw her innocent need of him.

But in those same eyes, he also saw her every fear, and his hands fell from her shoulders. “Dammit.” Frustration underlined the billionaire’s voice. “Can’t you just choose not to be hurt?”

A tremulous laugh escaped her. “I wish that’s possible—-” Fredericka hadn’t even finished speaking when he started walking away, and her voice trailed off.

So this was it, she thought numbly.

She watched him walk farther and farther away from her.

This was better, this was better, this was better—-

But when he reached for the door, she couldn’t help it.

“Will I s-see you again?”

Sergei stopped, his hand still on the doorknob.

Shame engulfed Fredericka.


After making such a big fuss of how nothing could happen between them, why did she have to ask him that?

Sergei knew it would have been smarter, even kinder, to simply walk away without saying a word.

The less said, the better, wasn’t that how it always was?

And yet, when he heard the catch in her voice as she called out to him-—



He had planned to leave so he wouldn’t hurt her, but he was already hurting her.

Spinning around to face her, he said harshly, “One night.”

Fredericka’s eyes widened.

He heard himself say, “Give me this one night. Let me just have a taste of you – and I don’t mean I’ll fuck you, but I just want...” He breathed hard. “I just want to feel you come, to taste your cum, and then we can think of each other as—-” His lips twisted. “A fantasy. One night is enough to live the fantasy, pchelka, but one night won’t be enough to hurt you.”



He was asking her if she would say yes to the fantasy.

She whispered, “Da.”

And then everything was a blur.

They met halfway in the living room, their mouths fusing—-

Her first kiss.

His hands rushed over her body—-

Her first caress.

His arms locked around her—-

Her first embrace.

So many firsts in so little time, it just made the blood rush to her head.

The kiss between them deepened, the billionaire’s tongue pushing past her parted lips—-


She wrapped her arms around his neck, and he kissed her harder, pulled her closer, did everything that just made it more and more difficult for her to think—-

Until there was nothing left to do but to just let go.

Fredericka ceased to think.

She simply surrendered herself to him, and the billionaire took it as his due, like he had always known he was meant to command her. Sweeping her up in his arms, he carried her back to her bed and laid her down gently. His fingers moved expertly again on her body, this time undressing her in record speed.

One blink, and she was naked.

Another blink, and he was naked, too.

Their bodies met as his weight pressed down on her, and she gasped, never realizing until that moment how good it felt to have someone so much larger and stronger over her softness. He dominated her in every way, and oh, how she loved that it was so.

Her eyes swept closed as she felt his mouth move down her body.

It was so hard to think that this man was half a decade younger—-

He was so, so good at knowing where to kiss, to touch—-

He palmed her breasts, and she moaned.

His tongue licked around her puckering nipples, and she clutched his head when he took one into his mouth and began to suck. Such sweet agony, it had her delirious, and she could only whimper in anticipation when his mouth moved to her other nipple.

When he moved farther down, reaching for her pussy with his mouth and not his fingers, Fredericka raised herself up on one elbow and reached for him. “W-wait.”

Sergei lifted his head up.

“W-what do you intend to do?”

“Eat your pussy.”


The said pussy was trembling hard now, its excitement rippling out to spread to the rest of her body. She forgot what she had to say as her insides clenched in need. But when the billionaire lowered his head again, she remembered just in time, and once again cried out, “W-wait.” This time, as soon as their gazes met, she spoke in a rush.


