The Rookie (The San Antonio Hyenas #4) Read Online Olivia T. Turner

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Novella, Sports, Virgin Tags Authors: Series: The San Antonio Hyenas Series by Olivia T. Turner

Total pages in book: 27
Estimated words: 26365 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 132(@200wpm)___ 105(@250wpm)___ 88(@300wpm)

I sigh as I head behind the bar and take off my coat. I put my apron on and wash my hands. It’s not very busy tonight, which means I’ll be obsessing about my meeting with Austin tomorrow. I already miss him. I’m so pathetic.

Lauren returns with a couple of empty mugs.

“I hear what you’re saying,” I say before she can get started again. “But if I meet the man of my dreams, isn’t that more important than selling one measly house?”

“A four million dollar house? Your first house in a budding new career? For a professional athlete who probably has two phones filled with girls on speed dial?”

My stomach drops. My heart feels like it’s ripping in two.

“I’m sorry,” she says, taking a deep breath. “That was harsh. I’m just looking out for you. I want this to work out. I know you’re going to make an amazing real estate agent.”

I’m having my doubts about that. I showed two houses so far in my illustrious career. One, I almost let a rare parrot escape and the second, I was practically chugging beers at a keg party for teenagers.

What’s going to happen tomorrow? Sex in the master bedroom?

“What are you smiling about?” Lauren suddenly asks accusingly. “You’re grinning from ear to ear! What are you thinking?”

“Nothing,” I say as I get to work. I hurry along the bar to a guy sitting with an almost empty beer. “Can I get ya a refill?”

Lauren stays and hangs out while I continue my shift. At midnight, it gets really quiet. There’s only a handful of people hanging out.

She’s nursing a martini and we’re talking about what kind of plants she should get for her new office when the door opens and Austin walks in.

I almost don’t recognize him. He’s wearing dark jeans, a white T-shirt, and an old black leather bomber jacket. His hair is all messy in a stylish kind of way.

He looks gorgeous.

“Hellooo,” Norah whispers under her breath when she sees him. “Wait, is that?”


I have a big grin on my face as he comes over, smiling that sexy smile. “Hey, Austin! Great game!”

“Thanks,” he says as I walk around the bar to greet him.

I step on my toes and his hand slides onto my hip as I kiss his cheek. I can still feel his fingertips burning my flesh as I head back around the bar.

“Sit. Please.”

He pulls out a stool, leaving one empty one between him and Lauren. I laugh when I see Lauren’s face.

I grab a rag and wipe the bar, leaning in close to Lauren as I wipe. “Still think selling a house is more important?” I whisper.

She just shakes her head, her eyes practically popping out of her face as she stares at him. “No, I don’t.”

“What can I get you, superstar?” I ask as I throw down a coaster in front of him.

“A beer would be great. Something red if you got it.”

“Coming right up.”

I open the mug fridge and lean all the way down even though it’s full. I want to treat this sexy man to a nice long look at my cleavage.

“Austin, this is Lauren,” I say, introducing her as I fill up the mug. “Lauren, Austin.”

“You’re the one who took Norah’s shift,” he says. She’s nodding like a woodpecker. “Thank you.”

“Well,” she says, knowing when to leave. “I should get going. I got an early morning. It was nice meeting you, Austin. Norah, text me tomorrow.”

“Thanks again, hon,” I say as I lean over the bar and kiss her cheeks.

“Be good,” she whispers before waving to Austin and then to the bus boy and other bartender, Samuel.

I lean on the bar and meet Austin’s eyes. We both smile.

“You’re pretty good at handling a stick,” I say, immediately realizing how dirty it sounds. “A hockey stick.”

“I saw you jumping up and down,” he says with a grin. “You make it very hard to concentrate on the game.”

I smile shyly, feeling my cheeks blushing. He was in a game and he was distracted by me? Wow.

“Stick with me and you’ll be unemployed in no time,” I tell him with a flirty bat of my eyes.

He laughs. “If I get to spend more time with you, it will be worth it.”

“Oh, you’re too much,” I say as I stand up. “Do you think that keg party is still raging?”

“Do you think that poor realtor is still there trying to get them to turn the stereo down?”

We both laugh. “That’s a battle she’s not going to win.”

More people leave until there are only about five college students in the back nursing a pitcher of beer. They have textbooks and laptops laid out all over their table.

I’m glad it’s a quiet night. I get this man all to myself.

We talk and flirt for two hours. The time just flies by.


