The Raven King Read Online Nora Sakavic (All for Game #2)

Categories Genre: College, Contemporary, Gay, GLBT, M-M Romance, New Adult, Romance, Young Adult Tags Authors: Series: All for the Game Series by Nora Sakavic

Total pages in book: 99
Estimated words: 109903 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 550(@200wpm)___ 440(@250wpm)___ 366(@300wpm)

The two groups stared each other down in silence for a minute, neither faction quite sure how to proceed, and then Matt stepped to one side. Neil hadn't realized Katelyn was standing with them, as she'd been neatly hidden behind Matt's much-taller body. She looked as uncertain as she did agonized, as if she wasn't sure of her reception. She needn't have worried, because Aaron nearly pushed Nicky out of his way when he saw her.

As soon as he started for her, Katelyn ran down the hall to meet him. She threw her arms around him and pulled him close. Aaron held onto her like she was the only thing keeping him upright and let her pull his face into her shoulder. Neil heard her voice, but not what she was saying. It was muffled where she'd pressed her face to Aaron's neck and shirt. Aaron didn't answer, but Katelyn didn't let go.

Renee came down the hall next and gave Nicky a short, tight hug. "How are you?"

Nicky shook his head wordlessly. Renee wound an arm around his waist and propped herself against his side for support. She looked to Kevin next, but Kevin was looking at Aaron and Katelyn. She left him alone and looked at Neil. Her gaze was quick to drop from his face to the racquet he'd carried up from the car. From the way her stare lingered, Neil knew Wymack had told the upperclassmen what Aaron used to bash Drake's skull in.

"We should get out of the hall before people start heading to dinner," Neil said so she wouldn't say anything to him. "Nicky and Aaron don't need to deal with a crowd tonight."

Renee nodded and guided Nicky down the hall. She touched Katelyn's shoulder on her way by in a silent beckon to follow but didn't stop to wait on them. Dan and Matt went into the girls' room at their approach, but Allison waited in the hall with her hands on her hips. She studied her younger teammates' faces as they passed but said nothing to them. Neil paused in the doorway to check on Aaron. Katelyn was pulling him after her, so Neil went inside.

Allison was the last one in and she locked the door behind them. Neil stood off to one side in the living room so she could get past and watched everyone get settled. The coffee table was covered with liquor bottles and clean glasses. Dan poured drinks and Matt passed them out. When Matt held one out to Nicky, Nicky caught hold of Matt's wrist instead.

"Thank you," Nicky said, quiet but fervent. "I don't know why you did it, but—thanks."

"Mom said she still owed you guys," Matt said. "Coach wouldn't take her money when she offered it last year, so she figured this was just as good."

If Matt's mother thought posting Aaron's bail was an appropriate response to the cousins drugging Matt with speedballs, she had to be as dysfunctional as the Foxes themselves. Neil was grateful for her financial support, but he idly hoped he would never have to meet her.

Neil was the only one left standing. Dan glanced at him, seemed to realize he wasn't going to budge from the doorway anytime soon, and got on with it. "Look, I know we have our differences, and I know we haven't exactly had the easiest ride. But we're all Foxes. We're a team. What happens to one of us happens to all of us, and we're going to get each other through this. If there's anything you guys need, just let us know. Whether it's space, a drink, an ear—whatever. We're with you a hundred percent."

If it wasn't so terrible, it'd be brilliant. This was what Dan and Matt had been waiting for all semester: a catalyst to finally unite the team. Neil wanted to be proud of her for seizing the moment like this, except she sounded so sincere he doubted she realized what she was doing.

"I don't know if Coach told you, but it's all over the news." Matt looked from Nicky to Aaron. "People have been asking us about it."

"Looking for gossip," Aaron said, thick with derision.

"It's human nature," Allison said. "Might as well give them what they want."

"Fuck you."

"Enough," Dan said, with a warning look at Allison.

It was too late, because Aaron was already getting up again. Dan looked ready to protest, except Aaron still held fast to Katelyn's hand. Aaron might not want their help, but he was smart enough to know he needed someone right now. The two left without a second glance back, and Katelyn tugged the door firmly closed behind them. Neil locked it in their wake and went back to the living room doorway. Nicky looked almost sick to his stomach as he stared at the drink in his hands. Kevin was staring at the far wall like it had all the answers.

Renee invited herself to the space Aaron had just abandoned and propped her shoulder against Nicky's. "Do you want to talk about it?"

"I spent last night talking to Betsy and this morning talking to Erik," Nicky said. "I don't think I can talk about it anymore right now. But—later, maybe. Yes."

"Kevin?" Dan asked.

"She shouldn't have taken Andrew away," Kevin said in a low voice.

Nicky shot him appalled look. "You don't really think that."

"You've always been the biggest critic of his drugs," Dan said. "What changed?"

"The timing," Neil said. "There are two games left this season and we're pretty much a shoo-in for spring championships. If the ERC decides Andrew isn't part of our line-up anymore, we're beneath size regulations. They'll strike us from the roster and our year is over. You can bet Riko will be the first one we hear from if that happens. Kevin's afraid."

"Screw the season," Nicky said heatedly. "I'm sorry, but Andrew's my cousin, and I'll take him over championships any day. If Betsy actually left him on his medicine after what just happened I'd—" He couldn't make himself finish, but he gave an emphatic jerk of his hand.


