The Rancher’s Second Choice Wife Read Online Marian Tee

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Virgin Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 34
Estimated words: 32348 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 162(@200wpm)___ 129(@250wpm)___ 108(@300wpm)

"You're younger than what we're used to, and we usually don't allow on-the-spot replacements like this."

"I'm so sorry."

"It's not your fault, so no need to apologize. Also, Mr. Rossfield is exceptionally busy today, and that's the only reason we're letting this slide."

Poppy did her best to focus on Heather's words, but her surroundings were proving to be quite a distraction. One side of the high-ceilinged corridors was entirely made of glass, and the city views outside it were magnificent.

"I trust you'll let your superior know this can't happen again."

Poppy nearly bumped into the other woman's back when Heather suddenly stopped walking.

"Are we clear on that?"

Heather opened the door at the end of the hallway as she spoke, and Poppy, instead of nodding as she planned, ended up gaping instead.

Why in the world had Heather taken her to a helipad?

"Just in time,” the woman said in a voice underscored by satisfaction.

Poppy followed Heather out in a daze, and her heart was practically pounding in rhythm with the thudding beat of giant rotor blades whirring furiously overhead.

"You have thirty minutes to give Mr. Rossfield a trim," Heather yelled over the noise as a larger-than-life chopper began its descent.

What? Seriously? Where? How?

"He'll be flying to Austin from here. You'll join him aboard, of course."

Of course? What did Heather mean by 'of course'? Or was that 'of course...I'm joking?'

"That will give you approximately forty-five minutes to work with."

Poppy pinched herself, and when this wasn't enough to wake her up, she gave her cheek a little...hard...slap.

But she still didn't wake up.

"Don't worry, Ms. Cortez."

Poppy glanced up in time to see the other woman's lips curve with the smallest of smiles.

"I have a good feeling about you. I'm sure you'll handle yourself just fine...but only for as long as you keep one thing in mind."

Poppy's mind started working on overdrive. Was Heather going to give her tips about not being airsick aboard a helicopter? She had only flown once in her life, but maybe riding economy on a commercial plane was entirely different. Or maybe gravity could affect her trimming skills when airborne and—-

"Valerian Rossfield has a girlfriend. So please act accordingly."

Chapter Two

Valerian Rossfield, this year's recipient of Quintessential Life's Most Fascinating Person of America award, likely needs no further introduction.

And as for yours truly?

I'm not going to pretend I know much about the stock market. I've just started to dip my toes in it, but even I can tell why people find Rossfield fascinating.

Most billionaires we know are conservative in every sense of the word. But Rossfield is the opposite. What's the fun of taking the limo from Point A to Point B when you can jump off your summer mansion's balcony in a parachute instead? Why swim with dolphins when you can swim with sharks? Why climb mountains when volcano boarding is now possible?

Even the way he does business is no different. His every investment decision challenges the status quo, but his net worth is proof he has the Midas touch for turning a profit.

I know Confucius doesn't like it if we place all our eggs in a single basket, but Rossfield's brilliant success tempts me to go against his advice. Only one thing keeps me from going all-in with Rossfield, and it's a question I hope he'll answer one day.

What is it with this billionaire's seeming addiction to taking risks?

VALERIAN'S LIPS PRESSED together in a grim line as he finished reading the article Heather had emailed him. Everyone and everyone's mothers seemed to want to know why he did things the way he did, and frankly...

He wished like hell he had the answer to their question.

But he didn't.

All he knew was that nothing and no one in this world could quell the restlessness inside of him. He always had this fucking urge to do something. Or someone. And the more dangerous things were, the better and safer he felt.

It was only when he put things on the line that he felt alive...and free.


Valerian bit back a curse when he realized he had been so damn focused on the past that his consciousness had failed to register the deafening noise around him.

He followed his pilot to the chopper, and no time was wasted as they flew directly to their next scheduled stopover.

Heather's words came back to him as his pilot maneuvered the chopper's controlled decline towards the helipad, and Valerian decided to take a quick break from reviewing contracts on his phone.

I have a good feeling about the new girl, Heather had told him. 'She's the perfect choice for this job.'

But when Valerian had pressed her to explain, she had simply smiled without saying a word...and he realized why that was as soon as he saw the girl walking next to Heather.

Her long dark hair was plaited in a single braid, and not only did she look like she was barely out of high school, but she acted like it, too. She didn't even bother hiding her awe while taking in the plush interior of his chopper, and she was just as helpless to hide her shock when her wide-eyed gaze finally found its way to him.


